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7.5 million U.S dollar price
45000 ft max attitude
1.2 mach speed
new ejection seat
100% made in Iran ( entire aircraft )
Source : IRNN
therefore this umpteenth version of the F-5, has abandoned the two vertical stabilizers introduced don the Saeghe to go back to the origins ?
doubt that , the engine is two big and too powerful for RQ-170
The general consensus was that the engine was likely either the GE TF34 or the Garrett-TFE731.Unfortunately since neither iran nor the us released any hard data on the max tow of the machine or its performance or powerplant,most of it is guess work sadly.
Once again another huge over hyped disappointment from the airforce,why oh why am I not surprised.:hitwall::suicide::hitwall:
If only they had done these upgrades/improvements to a worthwhile machine like the f14 as part of the long aborted modernisation program,rather than something like the f5 with little further upgrade potential,short of some radical reengineering that is,and even more insultingly trying to palm it off as a "new" machine.What on earth is this seeming ongoing fixation with the f5 ffs?.:crazy::crazy::crazy:
Whats the bet that like all the other programs of this type it will remain just a one off machine.The airforce really needs to get its sh!t together and the government needs to start spending some very serious cash on a full modernisation program for both it and the rest of the conventional forces,not cheap propaganda exercises like this that fool no-one .....well maybe they fool rouhani,hes a big enough fool to believe anything.:help:
7.5 million U.S dollar price
45000 ft max attitude
1.2 mach speed
new ejection seat
100% made in Iran ( entire aircraft )
72 knowledge based companies and 4000 persons worked with MOD for this project
Source : IRNN
7.5 million dollar cost saving, it means if wanted to purchase it's components from outside.
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