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در ادامه این مراسم، این هواپیما با دستور حسن روحانی رئیس جمهور پرواز کرد.:lol:
Kowsar pictures







Article indicate the Kowsar with single-seat and two-seater cabin but show the F-5 :undecided:;
this leads me to think that the author of the article did not have pictures of Kowsar and used those of the F-5 or does not have the knowledge to distinguish the two aircraft or has not yet allowed to show photos of Kowsar in two configurations.
If it is not one of these hypotheses, it would be ridiculous to simply show the F-5 / Saeghe with the different name of "Kowsar"
بزار برات قضیه رو روشن کنم ، بعد از رونمایی از سوخو 22 ها ، سپاه می خواد نیروی هوایی خودش رو بسازه و ارتش هم که می خواست عقب نمونه ، این افتضاح رو به بار آورد ....
این اقدامات که باعث مسخره شدن و به سخره گرفتن شدن ما می شه ، به خاطر رقابت های درونی جمهوری اسلامی هست .....
سوخو 22 سپاه در برابر اف 5 ارتش ....

کلا نام ایران و آبروی ایران برای آقایون پشیزی نمی ارزه ....
Mr president wanted a new project that can fly .. then army gave him something that can fly + middle finger :lol:
Article indicate the Kowsar with single-seat and two-seater cabin but show the F-5 :undecided:;
this leads me to think that the author of the article did not have pictures of Kowsar and used those of the F-5 or does not have the knowledge to distinguish the two aircraft or has not yet allowed to show photos of Kowsar in two configurations.
If it is not one of these hypotheses, it would be ridiculous to simply show the F-5 / Saeghe with the different name of "Kowsar"

The author just repeat what he was told .... the fault is on IR which is don't see herself responsible to the people and shamefully is crushing Iran prestige in every damn field ....
Ok, now all the disappointment aside, let's analyse it:

1: The IRIAF SSJ has concentrated on modern avionics subsystems in this phase after the copying of the J-85 was mastered.

2: Modern avionics is important. Next steps would be to build upon the J-85 and go for RD-33. Develop a PESA/AESA radar and then of course a new aerodynamic air frame design that can use the new engine and larger radar. Having mastered the avionics can be used almost without modifications on any higher performance aircraft such as the Qaher-313.

New avionics include:
Glass cockpit
TACAN navigation
Laser gyro INS navigation
A SVP-24 Gefest like ballistic computer/sensor suite (very important)
Plus all the other items, the black boxes such as air data computer, RWR etc.

All that in its near-state-of-the art form is one of the foundations for any advanced aircraft project and needs to be mastered first. Of course a new radar would make the avionics package complete, but the F-5 is so small that it lacks the nose antenna space for any serious radar.

Several year long testing of the Owj J-85 and the new avionics will prepare the industry for the next steps.

I'm not a friend of conventional airpower for Iran, it's not cost effective. In hence I'm fine with their budget being put into mastering avionics for now and not wasting it on a expensive 3rd-4th gen fighter design. Either something completely asymmetrical like the Qaher-313 or just sitting and learning until a RD-33 equivalent or better is mastered.

Avionics --> engines and the radar can be mastered easily with Irans radar capabilities.

PGMs, AAMs and targeting pods have also been mastered.

If this Kowsar is 90% made in Iran and production line can be set up, it is quite an achievement or which other countries can produce aircraft fully by themselves?
Mr president wanted a new project that can fly .. then army gave him something that can fly + middle finger :lol:

due to employing only loyal people , our Army doesn't have bright and brave people any more .... my fear is that IRAF personnel believe this kind of bullshit they are saying ( advance fighter !!! )
Ok, now all the disappointment aside, let's analyse it:

1: The IRIAF SSJ has concentrated on modern avionics subsystems in this phase after the copying of the J-85 was mastered.

2: Modern avionics is important. Next steps would be to build upon the J-85 and go for RD-33. Develop a PESA/AESA radar and then of course a new aerodynamic air frame design that can use the new engine and larger radar. Having mastered the avionics can be used almost without modifications on any higher performance aircraft such as the Qaher-313.

New avionics include:
Glass cockpit
TACAN navigation
Laser gyro INS navigation
A SVP-24 Gefest like ballistic computer/sensor suite (very important)
Plus all the other items, the black boxes such as air data computer, RWR etc.

All that in its near-state-of-the art form is one of the foundations for any advanced aircraft project and needs to be mastered first. Of course a new radar would make the avionics package complete, but the F-5 is so small that it lacks the nose antenna space for any serious radar.

Several year long testing of the Owj J-85 and the new avionics will prepare the industry for the next steps.

I'm not a friend of conventional airpower for Iran, it's not cost effective. In hence I'm fine with their budget being put into mastering avionics for now and not wasting it on a expensive 3rd-4th gen fighter design. Either something completely asymmetrical like the Qaher-313 or just sitting and learning until a RD-33 equivalent or better is mastered.

Avionics --> engines and the radar can be mastered easily with Irans radar capabilities.

PGMs, AAMs and targeting pods have also been mastered.

If this Kowsar is 90% made in Iran and production line can be set up, it is quite an achievement or which other countries can produce aircraft fully by themselves?

show me picture or all your claims are lies by default .... or maybe you want claim that showing a picture from this cockpit is revealing all of its super secret super advanced technology !?
Article indicate the Kowsar with single-seat and two-seater cabin but show the F-5 :undecided:;
this leads me to think that the author of the article did not have pictures of Kowsar and used those of the F-5 or does not have the knowledge to distinguish the two aircraft or has not yet allowed to show photos of Kowsar in two configurations.
If it is not one of these hypotheses, it would be ridiculous to simply show the F-5 / Saeghe with the different name of "Kowsar"

The first news I saw was published by tasnimnews with an old F-4 picture ! :angel:

It was a little bit weird for me then they changed pics ....
We should initiate a face-saving operation immediately, Our options are:

1- Pointing out that this new fighter jet just looks like a F-5, It's totally a different thing on the inside.
2- Maneuvering on our 5th gen. fighter jet, Qaher-313.
3- Blaming things on Rouhani.

If any of you guys can come up with better options, You're free to point them out.
We should initiate a face-saving operation immediately, Our options are:

1- Pointing out that this new fighter jet just looks like a F-5, It's totally a different thing on the inside.
2- Maneuvering on our 5th gen. fighter jet, Qaher-313.
3- Blaming things on Rouhani.

If any of you guys can come up with better options, You're free to point them out.

How many times we should repeat this process !?

As far as I remember , one of our job is to make excuse to cover the bitterness of commanders , politicians actions ,words and claims ....
look like Kowsar project is canceled , that why they name this F-5 as KOWSAR ....
The defense ministry and the DM is to blame.
Technically it is a important step, yes, but selling it as a new aircraft to the public as new aircraft is false and simply a lie.
Normally presenting an aircraft that has a selfmade engine, a selfmade ejection seat, a selfmade glass cockpit and a modernized airframe design would be something of great importance, but calling it a new aircraft and making a secret of it for several days is just silly.

If he would have said we will unveil a aircaft that is now fully indigenized and vastly improved. Yes that would be true but unprofessional PR and selling it as a new aircraft is wrong.
Article indicate the Kowsar with single-seat and two-seater cabin but show the F-5 :undecided:;
this leads me to think that the author of the article did not have pictures of Kowsar and used those of the F-5 or does not have the knowledge to distinguish the two aircraft or has not yet allowed to show photos of Kowsar in two configurations.
If it is not one of these hypotheses, it would be ridiculous to simply show the F-5 / Saeghe with the different name of "Kowsar"
There is no mistake, they put a new name on an upgraded F5.
kowsar is just an avionics upgrade, which sadly morons in this government decided to advertise as a new fighter jet to cover up their misdeeds and budget cuts in military section.
The defense ministry and the DM is to blame.
Technically it is a important step, yes, but selling it as a new aircraft to the public as new aircraft is false and simply a lie.
Normally presenting an aircraft that has a selfmade engine, a selfmade ejection seat, a selfmade glass cockpit and a modernized airframe design would be something of great importance, but calling it a new aircraft and making a secret of it for several days is just silly.

If he would have said we will unveil a aircaft that is now fully indigenized and vastly improved. Yes that would be true but unprofessional PR and selling it as a new aircraft is wrong.
You have to have certain characteristics to be chosen by Rouhani as defense minister and that includes playing in his shows.
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