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IRGC signs military cooperation with the Syrian army

Americans are in Afghanistan and Iraq, where you both are allies.

In both Iraq and Afghanistan, as everywhere else, Iran and the US are enemies, which is more than evidenced by their respective policies.

As evidenced by the systematic support which both the mass-murdering US empire as well as infamous oligarchic elements linked to said empire (such as Soros's foundation) extend to any and all anti-Iran element in Iraq - be it social movements, political parties, corrupt local strongmen, saboteurs, armed forces detachments, you name it. As evidenced by US regime claims that Iran was backing resistance groups inside Iraq, including through the provision of sophisticated IEDs, resulting in the deaths of many hundreds of US pistoleros under the regime of Bush junior.

Pretty much the same goes for Afghanistan.

Iraq was invaded with the direct backing of Gulf monarchies, that's where US occupation troops who marched into Iraq in 2003 were based in. Iran played absolutely zero role in it, and was actually the only country in the region to decisively and openly condemn that illegal occupation.
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In both Iraq and Afghanistan, as everywhere else, Iran and the US are enemies, which is more than evidenced by their respective policies.

As evidenced by the systematic support which both the mass-murdering US empire as well as infamous oligarchic elements linked to said empire (such as Soros's foundation) extend to any and all anti-Iran element in Iraq - be it social movements, political parties, corrupt local strongmen, saboteurs, armed forces detachments, you name it. As evidenced by US regime claims that Iran was backing resistance groups inside Iraq, including through the provision of sophisticated IEDs, resulting in the deaths of many hundreds of US pistoleros under the regime of Bush junior.

Pretty much the same goes for Afghanistan.

Iraq was invaded with the direct backing of Gulf monarchies, that's where US occupation troops who marched into Iraq in 2003 were based in. Iran played absolutely zero role in it, and was actually the only country in the region to decisively and openly condemn that illegal occupation.

What monarchs? What they have in gulf are modern states.
Those states are open to all world, unlike Iran where IRGC acts as thugs not only in Iran, but as well in Pakistan.
All target killing rackets in Pakistan were operated by Iranian puppies in Pakistan, beside sabotaging every positive development.

Similarly behind Iraq death brigades were Iranian puppies that used religion to kill, rape, plunder etc. while US had same objective objective.
IED was Indian design and may be they used puppies like Zanibions and Fatimions to produce them in Iraq or Iran, that doesn't matter.
In Afghanistan objective again objective was same to kill as many pashtoon villagers but to reach them out was easier with US helicopters, demographic shift confirms the quite genocide. Otherwise US is the biggest consumer of Iranian oil in Afghanistan.

Iraq was invaded by US, on charges of making nuclear bomb, Geroge Bush and Obama were best Iranian friends, helped Iran to spread terrorism in entire region, by all means.
Now the current US president is sitting on heavy evidences being collected of Iranian terrorism in region, while Pakistan is not willing to share evidence of Iran's terrorist history against Pakistan's sovreignity.
What monarchs? What they have in gulf are modern states.

Not my problem if you lack grasp of basic English. Go look up the definition of "monarchy" (rather than "monarchs", by the way, which I did not use). It follows that according to you, the UK or Belgium are no "modern states". That is good to know.

All GCC states are monarchies. Just stating an obvious fact, get over it.

Those states are open to all world, unlike Iran where IRGC acts as thugs not only in Iran, but as well in Pakistan.

Much like the zionists whom you seem to draw inspiration from, you are resorting to projection here.

I have news for you: the world is dominated by a ruling oligarchy of genocidal, murderous zionist / bankster / corporate / masonist thugs. Being "open to all the world" is thus not something to particularly pride oneself in.

Resisting this anti-human global order, as the IRGC does, is everything but thuggish. It is highly honorable indeed.

All target killing rackets in Pakistan were operated by Iranian puppies in Pakistan, beside sabotaging every positive development.

1) No, they weren't.
2) Do not try to deflect from the topic at hand when proven wrong.

Similarly behind Iraq death brigades were Iranian puppies that used religion to kill, rape, plunder etc. while US had same objective objective.

The zio-American designed ISIS were involved and responsible for all those events. Nothing to do with Iran.

Any and all civil strife in Iraq was triggered by the bombing in February 2006 of the Al-Askari shrine, holy to Shia Muslims. Prior to that, no such mutual killings of civilians had taken place.

A Tunisian member of Al-Qaida in Iraq confessed to being responsible for the terrorist shrine bombing, along with four Saudi nationals.

Al-Qaida in Iraq's founder, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a tattooed former street thug from Jordan and a veteran of the Afghanistan war against the Soviets, had made public his goal of attacking Shia civilian and religious targets in order to ignite a "Shia-Sunni" civil war. In other words, the perfect candidate for handling by the CIA and Mossad. Much lke the so-called al-Baghdadi, who was released from a US prison camp before taking the lead of IS / ISIS.

IED was Indian design

Now you are outright fantasizing, and quite ridiculously so.

According to official American statements, the IEDs were Iranian-made.

Outside of that, there is literally not a single source of information anywhere in the world attributing these devices to "India", nevermind the absurdity of pretending that India would have engaged in targetting US forces in Iraq.

If I were you, I would at least try not to be that ridiculous. With such utter trash talk, you are only hurting the standing and credibility of your own anti-Iran camp.

and may be they used puppies like Zanibions and Fatimions to produce them in Iraq or Iran, that doesn't matter.

What exactly are you trying to gabble here?

Let's repeat it once more: according to official US regime statements, Iran extended military support to Iraqi resistance groups, resulting in the suppression of many hundreds of Yankee occupation troops.

Consequently, Iran and the US are not and were never "allies" in the Iraqi theater, they are enemies.

By the way, Zeynabioun and Faatemioun brigades did not exist at the time. Both these units were created years after the events under discussion.

In Afghanistan objective again objective was same to kill as many pashtoon villagers but to reach them out was easier with US helicopters, demographic shift confirms the quite genocide.

Iran does not and did not pursue the objective of "killing Pashtun vilagers", nor is it interested in any genocide anywhere. Iran is after securing its interests as a state, but also after resisting the zio-American-dominated regional and global order, which in turn is quintessentially genocidal.

When former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, a bona fide zionist openly states on CNN that, I quote, "it was worth it" to mass-slaughter 500,000 Iraqi children, you know who the genocidal one is.

Iran has no bearing whatsoever on US actions on Afghanistan. As good as any Afghan grouping hostile or opposed to Iran enjoys assistance from Washington.

Otherwise US is the biggest consumer of Iranian oil in Afghanistan.

Iran does not deal with the US military and does not sell them any oil.

US forces did not enter Afghanistan through Iran. Guess from which bases they invaded that land?

Geroge Bush and Obama were best Iranian friends,

George Bush, either senior or junior, was an outspoken and hysterical enemy of Iran and anything Iranian.

Bush senior kept sanctioning Iran under a "twin containment" policy that was explicitly targetting both Iraq and Iran, while Bush junior dared place Iran on his so-called "axis of evil", his rabid neocon cabal is noted for supporting anti-Iranian armed terrorist and separatist groups, Iranian diplomats in Iraqi Kurdistan were abducted and tortured by Bush's G.I., it was under Bush junior that the US began, under zionist guidance, to use the peaceful Iranian nuclear dossier as a pretext to exert all manner of pressures on Iran, etc etc.

Same goes for Obama, who, contrary to his "Republican" counterparts, attempted a more subtle approach based on ruse rather than on brute force, that is, to strengthen the hand of the liberal pro-western fifth-column inside Iran - not the IRGC, not general Soleimani, not Supreme Leader Khamenei, but their reformist and moderate/centrist rivals who negotiated the JCPOA and were willing to give away Iran's missile power, so that Iran would disarm in a similar manner as Libya's Gaddafi did, which would have prepared the ground for ulterior military aggression against Iran, or for a "syrianization" of Iran through western- and zionist-backed armed groups.

Furthermore it was under Obama that the US regime, along with its European puppets, plunged Iran's ally Syria into civil war by arming and commanding the rebellion against the Syrian government (NATO-led command rooms for the Syrian insurgency were located both in Turkey and Jordan).

Leading "Democrat" figures in the US (including above cited zionist Madeleine Albright) published an open letter explicitly reminding that their goal with regards to Iran is identical to that pursued by their "Republican" counterparts. This says it all.

helped Iran to spread terrorism in entire region, by all means.

Nowhere has Iran been involved in "spreading" any sort of "terrorism". The terrorism we witnessed accross the region in the form of AQI / IS / ISIS and other extremist groups was designed and implemented by NATO, the zionist regime and their regional clients.

The zio-US regime has unrelentlessly sought to undermine Iran and its regional allies ever since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, sparing no effort and no criminal means to that end.

Now the current US president is sitting on heavy evidences being collected of Iranian terrorism in region,

The current zionist-controlled US president, who among other things is catering to islamophobic lobbies, is as credible when it comes to Iran as any one of his predecessors, that is not one bit.

I never realized I was conversing with a Muslim Pakistani Trump-apologist..! Some never cease to surprise.

while Pakistan is not willing to share evidence of Iran's terrorist history against Pakistan's sovreignity.

Because there is no such thing. Kudos to Pakistan.
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Worry about your own country. Morrocco under its homosexual wester loving king, and Iran under its anti imperialist rullers can be seen below.



Lol focus on your diaspora rape gang epidemic buddy.

Diaspora rape gangs? As concerns that particular user, the more adequate example to remind him of would be elite rape gangs, read a certain Epstein and similar paedocriminal excuses for "human" beings.
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Not for hungry Iranians.
@Irfan Baloch @Foxtrot Alpha @Horus @Jungibaaz @Slav Defence @Zaki @The Eagle @Pakswords [USER=1344]@LeGenD @Arsalan @Adios Amigo @jaibi

He got permanently banned for several times. His bannd last ID is @GBU-28 Permanently banned guilties aren't allowed to make IDs accourding to PDF rules.

Thank you & Best regards.

Worry about your own country. Morrocco under its homosexual wester loving king, and Iran under its anti imperialist rullers can be seen below.



He is an black african israeli.[/USER]
Worry about your own country. Morrocco under its homosexual wester loving king, and Iran under its anti imperialist rullers can be seen below.

Not to mention the paedocriminal sex slavery going on there, which is mainly catering to degenerate western, in particular French, "tourists". Entire villages in Morocco are reputed for the fact that they literally offer Muslim children for sale.

Also look up the Pierre Bergé affair: France's richest man and homosexual companion of famous fashion designer' Yves Saint-Laurent, this subject was an outspoken homosexualist known for financing not just ex-president Mitterrand's campaign, but also various homosexualist associations lobbying for gay marriage. Bergé publicly stated on television that it would not "shock him" if women in under-developed countries (India, Africa) hired their bellies to produce babies to be bought by homosexual couples in the west, just like a worker is hiring his arms for a salary. "Socialism" in its post-modern iteration... these people really turn the meaning of every thing upside down.

Bergé's former page published a book in which he details his employer's degenerate and sadistic habits, which used to include forcing the poor housemaid to eat Bergé's feces.

Then there are all those credible reports about paedocriminal elite parties organized on a regular basis at Bergé's luxurious villa in Marrakesh. Put this through Google translator, brother:


This is the global elite we are dealing with, and which Iranian liberals (Rohani gang etc) are apologetic towards.

Now that being said, question is how "Moroccan" that subject really is. He might possess a Moroccan passport, who knows, but does that make you Moroccan by heart? It's an issue often encountered with Israel-firsters and other zionists accross the globe. I mean, are we to consider subjects such as Habibollah Elghaaniaan or Hojabr Yazdaani as properly Iranian when their primary loyalty was with an political entity and with a global oligarchy hostile to anything Iranian?
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Not my problem if you lack grasp of basic English. Go look up the definition of "monarchy" (rather than "monarchs", by the way, which I did not use). It follows that according to you, the UK or Belgium are no "modern states". That is good to know.

All GCC states are monarchies. Just stating an obvious fact, get over it.

Much like the zionists whom you seem to draw inspiration from, you are resorting to projection here.

I have news for you: the world is dominated by a ruling oligarchy of genocidal, murdrous zionist / bankster / corporate / zionist / masonist thugs. Being "open to all the world" is thus not something to particularly pride oneself in.

Resisting this anti-human global order, as the IRGC does, is everything but thuggish. It is highly honorable indeed.

1) No, they weren't.
2) Do not try to deflect from the topic at hand when proven wrong.

The zio-American designed ISIS were involved and responsible for all those events. Nothing to do with Iran.

Any and all civil strife in Iraq was triggered by the bombing in February 2006 of the Al-Askari shrine, holy to Shia Muslims. Prior to that, no such mutual killings of civilians had taken place.

A Tunisian member of Al-Qaida in Iraq confessed to being responsible for the terrorist shrine bombing, along with four Saudi nationals.

Al-Qaida in Iraq's founder, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a tattooed former street thug from Jordan and a veteran of the Afghanistan war against the Soviets, had made public his goal of attacking Shia civilian and religious targets in order to ignite a "Shia-Sunni" civil war. In other words, the perfect candidate for handling by the CIA and Mossad. Much lke the so-called al-Baghdadi, who was released from a US prison camp before taking the lead of IS / ISIS.

Now you are outright fantasizing, and quite ridiculously so.

According to official American statements, the IEDs were Iranian-made.

Outside of that, there is literally not a single source of information anywhere in the world attributing thes devices e to "India", nevermind the absurdity of pretending that India would have engaged in targetting US forces in Iraq.

If I were you, I would at least try not to be that ridiculous. With such utter trash talk, you are only hurting the standing and credibility of your own anti-Iran camp.

What exactly are you trying to gabble here?

Let's repeat it once more: according to official US regime statements, Iran extended military support to Iraqi resistance groups, resulting in the suppression of many hundreds of Yankee occupation troops.

Consequently, Iran and the US are not and were never "allies" in the Iraqi theater, they are enemies.

By the way, Zeynabioun and Faatemioun brigades did not exist at the time. Both these units were created years after the events under discussion.

Iran does not and did not pursue the objective of "killing Pashtun vilagers", nor is it interested in any genocide anywhere. Iran is after securing its interests as a state, but also after resisting the zio-American-dominated regional and global order, which in turn is quintessentially genocidal.

When former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, a bona fide zionist openly states on CNN that, I quote, "it was worth it" to mass-slaughter 500,000 Iraqi children, you know who the genocidal one is.

Iran has no bearing whatsoever on US actions on Afghanistan. As good as any Afghan grouping hostile or opposed to Iran enjoys assistance from Washington.

Iran does not deal with the US military and does not sell them any oil.

US forces did not enter Afghanistan through Iran. Guess where from which bases they invaded that land?

George Bush, either senior or junior, was an outspoken and hysterical enemy of Iran and anything Iranian.

Bush senior kept sanctioning Iran under a "twin containment" policy that was explicitly targetting both Iraq and Iran, while Bush junior dared place Iran on his so-called "axis of evil", his rabid neocon cabal is noted for supporting anti-Iranian armed terrorist and separatist groups, Iranian diplomats in Iraqi Kurdistan were abducted and tortured by Bush's G.I., it was under Bush junior that the US began, under zionist guidance, to use the peaceful Iranian nuclear dossier as a pretext to exert all manner of pressures on Iran, etc etc.

Same goes for Obama, who, contrary to his "Republican" counterparts, attempted a more subtle approach based on ruse rather than on brute force, that is, to strengthen the hand of the liberal pro-western fifth-column inside Iran - not the IRGC, not general Soleimani, not Supreme Leader Khamenei, but their reformist and moderate/centrist rivals who negotiated the JCPOA and were willing to give away Iran's missile power, so that Iran would disarm in a similar manner as Libya's Gaddafi did, which would have prepared the ground for ulterior military aggression against Iran, or for a "syrianization" of Iran through western- and zionist-backed armed groups.

Furthermore it was under Obama that the US regime, along with its European puppets, plunged Iran's ally Syria into civil war by arming and commanding the rebellion against the Syrian government (NATO-led command rooms for the Syrian insurgency were located both in Turkey and Jordan).

Leading "Democrat" figures in the US (including above cited zionist Madeleine Albright) published an open letter explicitly reminding that their goal with regards to Iran is identical to that pursued by their "Republican" counterparts. This says it all.

Nowhere has Iran been involved in "spreading" any sort of "terrorism". The terrorism we witnessed accross the region in the form of AQI / IS / ISIS and other extremist groups was designed and implemented by NATO, the zionist regime and their regional clients.

The zio-US regime has unrelentlessly sought to undermine Iran and its regional allies ever since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, sparing no effort and no criminal means to that end.

The current zionist-controlled US president, who among other things is catering to islamophobic lobbies, is as credible when it comes to Iran as any one of his predecessors, that is not one bit.

I never realized I was conversing with a Muslim Pakistani Trump-apologist..! Some never cease to surprise.

Because there is no such thing. Kudos to Pakistan.

I clearly see, i'm talking to a mind set who celebrated Iranian missile attacks on Mecca and deny Iranian role in it!
I consider such celebrators, as a crap that comes out of the bottoms of Zionists.

The racket who assist Zanibons to cross border is out on loose.
Iran recruits Pakistani Shi'ites for combat in Syria
No wonder Iran's best friend aka India, was allowed to walked away from claws of falcons on 27th February, and imported COVID from Iran, all are crimes larger than treason and lead to terrorism of century.

1979 revolution was black day in Islamic history, which was basically a hijack of a country and it's people, but it managed to find support in Pakistan, as a result 2 generations are destroyed and third one is in process of brain washing, as a result now those brain dead hypocrites don't see every Muslims as enemy and every Hindu as a friend, hence making lives of Muslims in Pakistan difficult, even target killing them in Pakistan. Listen to the confessions of Uzair Balocjh.

Iran is a declared terrorist state, which is based on facts and evidences. You can't change this status by pressing keys on your PC. or issuing fatwas on others and slandering. It's better if you use google before wasting my time.
Here try to fill this in voids of your empty skull and do read all above links, sorry, non of it is from hindustan times.
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