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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

Latest news is about Jurf al Sakhr, Amiriyat Fallujah, Anbar ( ISIS massacring Nimr tribe ), Baji city IA advancing etc.

@Hazzy997 your opinion about ISIS massacring 'your' fellow Sunni brothers ( al nimr tribe ) ?
What about ISIS admitting to use of sex slaves on video ?

You used to deny it.

I really don't pay attention that much to events in ME like these ones. I lost hope in the people there.
ISIL fighters make gains in northern Iraq

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has continued to gain ground in northern Iraq despite weeks of US-led air strikes, and are now moving closer to the Iraq-Kurdish city of Erbil.

ISIL fighters are battling Kurdish volunteer troops in the town of al-Kuwayr, about 60km southwest of Erbil.

However, national security expert Douglas Ollivant, of the New America Foundation, told Al Jazeera on Tuesday that for now there was no immediate threat of ISIL closing in on Erbil.

Ollivant said that it is likely that the armed group will concentrate on al-Kuwayr, as they face a stronger resistance from Kurdish fighters and US-led air power should they make their way further into Kurdish areas.

"There are significant defences between these towns and Erbil," he said. "Erbil and Baghdad are still safe at this point."

In the neigbouring province of Nineveh, Provincial Governor Atheel al-Nujaifi told Al Jazeera that he is co-ordinating with the Iraqi defence ministry to set up a force to liberate Mosul from ISIL.

"It is the time to start work on the exact plan to liberate Mosul," Nujaifi said, as he appealed for more weapons and resources to fight the armed group.

"It's a miserable situation now in Mosul," he said. "There's no electricity, no water and no healthcare."

'Systematic executions'

Just south of Mosul in Anbar Province, ISIL continued on Tuesday to lay siege to more than 500 families belonging to the Albu Nimr tribe in the town of Heet.

It has been reported that in recent days, over 200 tribe members have been executed, over old grudges since the tribe had been suspected of siding with US and Iraqi forces in the past.

Government officials told Al Jazeera that a "systematic executions" of the members of the tribe is still under way.

The officials said that they have found a mass grave in an isolated desert area north of Ramadi.

Between 2006 and 2007, the tribe members formed armed groups, called "Awakening councils" to fight al-Qaeda in Heet with the support and backing of the US.

Day of mourning

In the southern province of Karbala, huge crowds of Shias gathered to mark Ashoura, under tight security and in defiance of threats of more attacks from ISIL.

The commemoration passed without any major attacks across the country, but local media reported at least two explosions south of Baghdad.

Al Jazeera, however, cannot independently verify the number of people killed or wounded.

Sunni ISIL fighters long consider Shia as heretics and have targeted them in deadly attacks, killing more than 40 people in Baghdad in the 48 hours preceding Ashoura.

The commemoration marks the killing of Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed, by the army of the Caliph Yazid in 680 AD, which helped solidify the divide between what would become the Sunni and Shia branches of Islam.

ISIL fighters make gains in northern Iraq - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
British troops to ‘train’ Iraqi forces for ISIS war
By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Britain is preparing to send troops to Iraq to train local security forces in their war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group, The Times newspaper reported Wednesday.

The British newspaper reported that officers are set to join an American headquarters in Baghdad that has been established to train Iraqi forces, and that training teams could also be sent to the autonomous Kurdish region.

The defense ministry declined to comment on the report but said an announcement would be forthcoming.

Last month, the Ministry of Defense announced that a team of soldiers was training Kurdish Peshmerga fighters to use heavy machine guns supplied by Britain.

Royal Air Force Tornado jets have also taken part in bombing raids in Iraq against ISIS, which has violently carved out large areas of control in Iraq and Syria and beheaded a series of Western hostages.

However, Prime Minister David Cameron has ruled out sending ground troops into back into Iraq, wary of committing to a new conflict six months from a general election.

The last British forces left Iraq in 2011, eight years after the U.S.-led invasion that overthrew dictator Saddam Hussein.

(with Agence France-Presse)

Last Update: Wednesday, 5 November 2014 KSA 07:39 - GMT 04:39

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Canada's ISIS bomb attack destroyed heavy engineering equipment - Politics - CBC News

Top general says Canadian fighter jets helped destroy equipment used to control part of Euphrates River

Written by : Hamza Mustafa
on : Wednesday, 5 Nov, 2014

ISIS seeking to eradicate Anbar’s Albunimr tribe: Iraqi MP
Extremist group exacting “indiscriminant revenge” against members of the tribe for their involvement in anti-ISIS Awakening movements in Anbar
Tribal fighters carry their weapons as they take part in an intensive security deployment against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants in the town of Amiriyah Fallujah, in Anbar province, on October 31, 2014. (Reuters/Stringer)

Baghdad, Asharq Al-Awsat—The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is practicing a “policy of genocide” against the Anbar province’s Albunimr tribe, taking “indiscriminate revenge” on its members, many of whom have participated in the Awakening movements fighting the extremist group in the western, Sunni-dominated province, an Iraqi MP and son of the leader of the tribe told Asharq Al-Awsat.

“This terrorist group [ISIS] has a hit-list of names of members of the Sahwa [Awakening] movements who also belong to the Albunimr tribe, and it has begun using a policy of genocide against them through the massacres it is carrying out on a daily basis,” Ghazi Al-Kaoud said on Tuesday.

Most of the tribe’s fighters in the movement had now made a “tactical withdrawal” to Haditha, Kaoud said, in order to regroup and begin planning the liberation of city of Hit from ISIS and “to avenge those members of the tribe who have been killed, because the majority of those of the tribe who remain [alive] comprise innocent civilians—men, women, students and children.”

He said the extremist group was now enacting an “policy of indiscriminant revenge” against all members of the Albunimr tribe, “beginning with the acts of mass murder it is carrying out against us on a daily basis, the latest of which came two days ago [Sunday], and we have received information that in this new massacre around 35 people were killed, bringing the total [number of Albunimr members] killed by ISIS to more than 500 people.

“This doesn’t include all the hundreds of families [from the tribe] who have been driven from their homes and pursued and blockaded in the desert, with no security forces reaching them to lift the blockade,” he added.

In a statement regarding the fight against ISIS in Anbar, Speaker of Parliament Jabouri said he had met with Kaoud, and added that it was now “incumbent upon the government and the international community to help . . . our tribes [in Anbar] who have proven their loyalty to Iraq and have given their blood for the country.”

He warned that if this did not happen, areas of Anbar such as Hit would be in danger of seeing “further massacres” by the extremist group and risked becoming a “new Kobani.”

Speaking of government efforts to help the tribe, Al-Kaoud said the leaders of the tribes had conducted “many meetings” with Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi, Defense Minister Khaled Al-Obaidi, and Speaker of Parliament Salim Al-Jabouri.

“We have received promises from them that they will soon begin military operations to liberate Hit and other areas of Anbar [under ISIS control]. But this will not be enough for us; we must take revenge on ISIS for the acts of murder it has committed against the Albunimr tribe,” Kaoud said.

Around 3,000 Shi’ite volunteer fighters, along with two regiments from the Iraqi military, have arrived in Anbar province in the last few days, having been airlifted to Habania Airport, east of Ramadi. They are now being transported to the Ain Al-Assad military base, some 43 miles (70 kilometers) west of the city to liberate western areas of the province such as Hit, which is currently under the control of ISIS.

Speaking of these reinforcements, Kaoud said: “These efforts are incredibly important for us as they embody the spirit of brotherliness between all Iraqis, and this proves that the plan ISIS has for dividing Iraqis has failed, since what we are seeing now is the complete opposite.”

“The arrival of these large numbers of Shi’ite brothers from Sadr City and others, as well as our brothers from southern tribes, came as a result of our calls for assistance that were directed to religious leaders and politicians from among our Shi’ite brothers, whose hearts are with us and whose swords are against our enemies.”

The Sunni-dominated Anbar province has, since the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, been a hotbed for sectarian tensions, with many Sunni extremist groups using this as a springboard to gain support there.

There have been fierce battles between the Iraqi army and ISIS in the city of Fallujah and the provincial capital Ramadi since the start of the year, with the extremist group taking control of parts of both cities for extended periods of time.

The ISIS advance coincided with mass demonstrations staged in the province, protesting against what residents deemed as policies of marginalization by the Shi’ite-dominated government of former prime minister Nuri Al-Maliki. The protests were later cleared forcibly by security forces, and one prominent Sunni MP in the province was killed in the process, sparking further unrest
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Continued Clashes Between Militias & Peshmerga In Iraq’s Tuz Kharmato In Wake Of Sunni Cleansing

In June 2014 the Islamic State (IS) swept into the Tuz Kharmato district of eastern Salahaddin as the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) fell apart. Amerli, a small Shiite Turkmen town was surrounded in the process and held out for weeks against the insurgents. In September Kurdish peshmerga, the ISF, and militias launched an operation that freed the village. This then led to the clearing of the entire district. Many Sunni residents fled in the wake of the fighting or were forced out by the militias who considered them supporters of the insurgency. Now that many villages are either abandoned or being emptied a new conflict has emerged between the Kurds and militias over control of the district.


Tuz Kharmato is a mixed area that is claimed by the Kurds as part of the disputed territories. In urban areas Kurds and Turkmen are the majorities, while in the rural regions Sunnis and Turkmen predominate. There have been long standing tensions between the Kurds and Turkmen who accuse the Kurds of hoarding power in their attempt to annex parts of the district. Disagreements between the two sides increased during the insurgent summer offensive.

When the ISF fled the Tuz district in June it opened up a whole new slew of problems. First, the Kurds moved into the disputed areas when the police and army disintegrated, but refused to protect non-Kurdish areas like Sulaiman Bek and Amerli. They also disbanded a Turkmen police force. In July a deal was cut, probably facilitated by Iran, that the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), the major Kurdish party in Tuz would cooperate with Hadi Ameri’s Badr Organization to free Amerli from its siege by the Islamic State. That started in September with the ISF and militias moving in from one direction and the Kurds in from another, which eventually saved the town. Afterward, those forces would continue to work together to clear the entire district, which was achieved by October 9. During and after these security sweeps the Kurds accused militias of killing civilians they claimed were supporters of the Islamic State, and looting and burning homes all in an effort to force Sunnis out of the district. From September 16-17 for example, three Sunni homes were bombed. That same month a grave was found with six Sunni men who had been shot. Up to 7,000 families were said to have fled in the face of these attacks. The cooperation between the Kurds and militias would soon turn to competition after the district was freed.

Starting in September there have been increasing reports of confrontations and gunfire between the peshmerga and Badr Organization.September 19 Bas News reported that militias were stopping Kurds in the district. Later that month some militiamen refused to stop at a Kurdish checkpoint, which led to a scuffle. Badr came back with 20 pickup trucks full of fighters before tempers were calmed. October 3 a car bomb went off outside a PUK office. The Kurds thought a Turkmen had his car booby trapped by insurgents. The militias wanted to arrest him, but the peshmerga stopped them. That led to shots being fired and four people were wounded. Talks were held later to cool tensions. In another incident a Kurd complained to the PUK that he was assaulted at a Badr checkpoint leading to the peshmerga arresting some militiamen. Afterward, three PUK officials had their homes bombed and a Kurdish neighborhood was hit by mortar fire.October 18, the peshmerga fired on a Badr vehicles that didn’t stop at a checkpoint. That led to a larger gunfight with one Kurd and two militiamen wounded. Again, the two sides met to resolve the situation. Towards the end of October another similar event occurred when a Badr vehicle again didn’t stop at a checkpoint and shots were fired killing two militiamen and wounding four. Badr retaliated by arresting eight peshmerga. Two were later released, but Badr said it was going to take the remaining six to Baghdad for trial. Finally, onOctober 30 Badr fighters fired on a peshmerga checkpoint wounding two. Badr then tried to arrest one of the injured Kurds, only to take away ten Kurds total. Seven were let go, but the militiamen said they were taking the other three back to Baghdad with them. The cause of these increasingly violent confrontations is the fact that Badr is attempting to ally with the Shiite Turkmen in Tuz and lay claim to their towns and cities in the district. This directly challenges the Kurds’ desire to annex many of these same areas, which they say are historically theirs. The fact that there is no real government authority there given the security situation means that Tuz has become a lawless district. That leaves the men with guns to fight it out over who will have ultimate say in the region.

Tuz Kharmato points to the precarious situation of the Iraqi state. When the insurgent offensive started some areas like Tuz Kharmato were left to their own devices and that led to local forces to assert their control. That is now playing out with the increasing rivalry between the Badr Organization and the PUK and its peshmerga. Both sides want to create facts on the ground that will leave them in control of parts of the Tuz district, and that is leading to increasing armed confrontations. Even if the insurgency were turned back in the rest of the country this dispute would not be resolved. Baghdad is completely absent from the situation, and when and if it returns there’s no telling whether it will be able to solve the situation either. June changed more than just security in Iraq; it upset the working and political framework of entire regions of the country.


AIN, “Tuz Khormato district liberated from ISIL terrorists,” 10/9/14

Awara, Omar, “Shiite Militia Groups Attack Kurds in Amerli,” Bas News, 9/18/14
- “Shiite Militia Arrest Number of Peshmerga,” Bas News, 10/27/14

Margon, Sarah, “For Iraq’s Sunnis, sectarian militias pose an extra threat,” Washington Post, 10/24/14

National Iraqi News Agency, “Joint Forces Liberate Five Villages West of Tuz,” 10/1/14

Rudaw, “Shia militiamen arrest Peshmerga near Kirkuk,” 10/30/14

Sadiq, Hoshmand, “Clashes Between Shiite Militia and Peshmerga Near Kirkuk,” Bas News, 10/18/14

van den Toorn, Christine, Lacky, Shwan, “Shootout between ‘allies’ underscores Iraq divisions,” Iraq Oil Report, 10/8/14

Posted by Joel Wing at 7:09 AM
Of course, militias cleaned Toz Khormato from ISIS, then afterwards Kurds come in with their flags claiming it's their land, leeches.

Besides most inhabitants are Turkmen.
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Canada's ISIS bomb attack destroyed heavy engineering equipment - Politics - CBC News

Top general says Canadian fighter jets helped destroy equipment used to control part of Euphrates River
View attachment 145861
Someone should tell these Canadians, if you don't know how to fight, then stay the hell out of it, you make more troubles. No need for all the postures that you are 'striking' IS in Iraq. U.S strikes are more than enough, though even those have beared no serious results either.
Someone should tell these Canadians, if you don't know how to fight, then stay the hell out of it, you make more troubles. No need for all the postures that you are 'striking' IS in Iraq. U.S strikes are more than enough, though even those have beared no serious results either.

I think it's a good intended airstrike, ISIS used the river to overflow the area with water causing obstacles for any ground force to advance.
Of course, militias cleaned Toz Khormato from ISIS, then afterwards Kurds come in with their flags claiming it's their land, leeches.

Besides most inhabitants are Turkmen.

leeches? Who are the ones who have been sucking Kurdish oil from Kirkuk, Xanaqin the last 100 years? Who built their entire country from Kurdish oil while Kurds got no share. And you still want to claim it back. Good luck trying.
leeches? Who are the ones who have been sucking Kurdish oil from Kirkuk, Xanaqin the last 100 years? Who built their entire country from Kurdish oil while Kurds got no share. And you still want to claim it back. Good luck trying.

Those cities were stablished by the Semetic entities, not Indo-Europeans ( you ). Arbil was built with oil from Iraq, it's an Assyrian city ( Arbela ) which you want to name Hewler.

Leeches indeed, what else do you call people living of others ? your choice whether you want to use a less offensive word but I prefer to call it for what it is. The same gypsies all over Europe whom are begging which you complained about, they are leeches.
leeches? Who are the ones who have been sucking Kurdish oil from Kirkuk, Xanaqin the last 100 years? Who built their entire country from Kurdish oil while Kurds got no share. And you still want to claim it back. Good luck trying.
the irony, Turkish govt is increasing its investments in SE of Turkey, yet the pkk/pyd you love so much object and destroy whatever they can to keep the region unsafe, underdeveloped, backward. in Turkey you pkk/pyd kind are the one leeching, yet complaining. perhaps we should reverse the deal with Iran so we can get our Turkmen bros back and you can go back to Iran. less pkk problems.
Those cities were stablished by the Semetic entities, not Indo-Europeans ( you ). Arbil was built with oil from Iraq, it's an Assyrian city ( Arbela ) which you want to name Hewler.

Leeches indeed, what else do you call people living of others ? your choice whether you want to use a less offensive word but I prefer to call it for what it is. The same gypsies all over Europe whom are begging which you complained about, they are leeches.

iraqis perhaps living of Kurdish oil since the last 100 years. 3 of your presidents were gypsies then. since the times of the Medes Kirkuk has been Kurdish, even in this day it is Kurdish even though the average iraqi familiy is having +20 kids just to change the demographics of the city it won't change. Why do you think the brits didn't allow Kurds to have their independance because they found oil in Kirkuk/ Xanaqin region. First oil was drilled on Kurdish land, not iraqi or arab land. All that pride Ba'ath Iraq belived they had over the rest of the Arab world was built on Kurdish oil.
20+ kids ? lol

Kurds are the ones mass breeding, just look at the demographics maps of provinces in Turkey, most kids are born in the South East..

Cretins coming with fake information are unworthy to argue with.
Those cities were stablished by the Semetic entities, not Indo-Europeans ( you ). Arbil was built with oil from Iraq, it's an Assyrian city ( Arbela ) which you want to name Hewler.

Leeches indeed, what else do you call people living of others ? your choice whether you want to use a less offensive word but I prefer to call it for what it is. The same gypsies all over Europe whom are begging which you complained about, they are leeches.

just for you my gutter rat:) jump to 4:10

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