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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

I care so much about what some old ancient people say, probably angry cause those gutter Arabs fought the British, let them enjoy their tea and fruit you gave them.
20+ kids ? lol

Kurds are the ones mass breeding, just look at the demographics maps of provinces in Turkey, most kids are born in the South East..

Cretins coming with fake information are unworthy to argue with.

that's because they are poor, anywhere in the world it is the same pattern. but in kirkuk you do it because that is all you know.

I care so much about what some old ancient people say, probably angry cause those gutter Arabs fought the British, let them enjoy their tea and fruit you gave them.

the entire documentary was about the Kurdish rebellion against the British for not allowing the Kurds their own country. Afraid that is would be too linked with Turkey. and of course the oil. Look at the doc, they are the ones perhaps slaughtered thousand of Kurds, doesn't matter women, child or man. All. While they had all fo you under their fingers, Kurds refused.

It's funny because you guys just love to post pictures of old iraq, with your brittish double deckers, girls with dresses and all. lol

But despite all that, they seem to favor Kurds more despite they did not allow themselves to go under the rule of anyone. And that is coming from old men still beliving in imperialism and what not
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Since Republicans in the US has Congress....
Central Command general to ISIS: We can hear you
By Eric Marrapodi, CNN
November 6, 2014 -- Updated 2343 GMT (0743 HKT)

-- The top U.S. military commander in the fight against ISIS said airstrikes are working to erode the terror group's capabilities and warned militants that the U.S. military is listening to them.

Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, who heads the U.S. Central Command, made those remarks at an event Thursday with the Atlantic Council, which was moderated by CNN anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent Jake Tapper.

"I'm confident we're having the desired effects," Austin said of airstrikes in Syria and Iraq aimed at ISIS.

"What we want to do is take away the enemies' ability to command and control, his ability to sustain himself, his ability to project combat power and his ability to move forces back and forth across the Iraq/Syria border."

Latest strikes target Khorasan group

Austin said coalition airstrikes on Wednesday were focused on the Khorasan group. Senior military officials told CNN one of the targets was French bomb-maker David Drugeon. Austin said the military was still assessing the impact of those strikes and would not say whether or not Drugeon was killed.

But, he noted that "any time we can take their leadership out that's a good thing."

Austin said there is evidence that the U.S.-led coalition is gaining the upper hand against ISIS.

"They are afraid to congregate in any sizable formation. They know if we can see them, we're going to engage them and we're going to hit what we're aiming at."

We can hear you...

Austin also said the strikes have significantly degraded the group's ability to communicate and added the coalition was able to listen in on ISIS communications.

"As we listen to them, we know that the impact of the precision strikes is demoralizing to them."

The general responded to questions about ISIS militants getting access to warplanes, after the militants were seen on their social media channels with a number of captured aircraft.

"I don't think that's currently a significant threat. I know I have some fighter pilots who are hopeful that happens," he said, drawing chuckles from the crowd.

ISIS still has the capability to continue in the fight, the general said, despite what he pointed to as successes from the coalition side.

"I think the question is how soon can we get the Iraqi military up to speed to do what they need to do to hold those gains."

Austin acknowledged the ISIS propaganda effort was having a major impact in recruitment for the group."They really understand the value of dominating the media space. I think they're about as good as I've seen."

He said their numbers of committed fighters was likely between 9,000-17,000, a figure much lower than previous U.S. estimates.

Austin echoed other comments from military leaders that the fight against ISIS will be years long but said, "I don't see it as decades. I see it as years."

'Turkey has skin in the game'

One member of the coalition has caused a certain amount of controversy. Turkey has limited use of its airspace and military bases despite pledging to help in the effort.

"Turkey has skin in the game here, obviously. It's got a set of concerns and we need to be mindful of that," Austin said, adding that the coalition would "get it done" with or without more support from the Turks.

"The more access and over-flight rights we can get, the better off we'll be."

Tapper asked about speculation ISIS was receiving financing from U.S. ally Qatar, and how successful the coalition had been at stopping the outside funding of the group.

"I think some things have been done but I think most folks in U.S. government will tell you, there's a lot more work that can be done and needs to be done," Austin said.

The event was open to the media but cameras were prohibited from filming the session and a previously scheduled live stream of the event by the Atlantic Council was canceled at the request of CENTCOM.

CENTCOM said it agreed to the event under the auspices that it was a "scholarly discussion." CNN and other broadcast outlets protested the decision.

Central Command general to ISIS: We can hear you - CNN.com
يؤكدون السيطرة على منطقة الحقلانية احدى نواحي التابعة لـ #حديثة من قبل جنود دولة الخلافة نسأل الله ان يمكن الاخوة من رقاب المرتدين

اقتحام مقر سرية للجيش الصفوي قرب سد حديثة، مما أدى لهلاك من فيها وغنم أسلحة وذخيرة ومن ثم إحراقها

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IS attacked Haqlaniyah district of Haditha and took over it. And destroyed a column of Iraqi troops near Haditha dam.
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Seen reports. USAF air-dropped for second time weapons to IS around Jalawla, Diyala Province.
leeches? Who are the ones who have been sucking Kurdish oil from Kirkuk, Xanaqin the last 100 years? Who built their entire country from Kurdish oil while Kurds got no share. And you still want to claim it back. Good luck trying.
Since when these lands were kurdish let alone the oil in it
Republicans take over the congress and the house...Obama sent another 1500 troops to Iraq
'Train'? Obviously they're on the ground leading the counter-offensives.
You don't need 1500 people to train an army. US found out the Kurds can't fight and will use these 1500 real soldiers to protect consulate and if needed evacuate.
You don't need 1500 people to train an army. US found out the Kurds can't fight and will use these 1500 real soldiers to protect consulate and if needed evacuate.

The latest reports over the past weeks indicate that IS is losing a lot of ground so I don't believe the Consulate will be under any threat. The Kurds got a lot of air support so it seems they've secured a large amount of the north which is surprising. Kurds are big obstacle to IS, if they lose ground it will open way for IS to encircle Iraqi forces and head to Baghdad.
There is no reported U.S army personnel involvement in any battle in Iraq.
They are now. The bombing in Syria by US planes is more precise now, that is in itself ,an indication of the presence of American SF on the ground.
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