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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

09 November 2014

ISIL has achieved revenge for the attempt yesterday by security forces to penetrate into HitTownship. Bu-Nimr tribal sources have announced that ISIL has executed more than 70 tribal members, and there are more than 300 who are listed as missing. It is thought that they are being held in prisons within the township.
Military operations have continued overnight in Baghdadi and in the Kubaisa area west of Hit. The SWAT commander in Baghdadi, Col. Sha'aban Al-Obaidi, has confirmed that security forces have repelled an ISIL attack aimed at taking the area. 11 gunmen were killed while trying to infiltrate the areas.
An Anbar Council source has confirmed that the airstrike against a gathering of ISIL members was indeed targeting the ISIL leadership, including its leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi who is believed to have been severely wounded in the attack, and has been moved into Syrian territory. Further similar airstrikes are expected.
The Anbar Council held a press conference today, during which its leader confirmed that several meetings have been held with tribal leaders and religious scholars aimed at shedding light on all the issues of concern in the Province.
On the humanitarian front, Baghdadi and its surrounding areas are suffering the effects of the total blockade by ISIL forces that has prevented any food or fuel from reaching these areas. Amiriyat Al-Fallujah is also being subjected to a stranglehold blockade that has caused serious food and fuel shortages.
Meanwhile the Fallujah General Hospital announced today that 3 residents have been killed and 11 wounded by the bombardment exchanges between the security forces surrounding the city and the ISIL gunmen within it.

Daily Updates from Anbar: 09 November 2014
Iraqi C-130-J30 drops more aid to ungrateful Kurds
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Following that logic all of you would be 'effective' yet Arabs in ISOF had to save ur *** many times

Watch your tongue. U r the ones talking about ISOF being the only proper Iraqi force fighting ag IS and who leads them? What has ISOF done in saving Kurds? Mosul dam, in what way was it a threat to Kurdish security? It's the Peshmergas whom saved your entire divisions, generals etc in the north from being captured by IS, don't forget that. Where were the Iraqis and Maslawis when Saddam forced millions of Kurds to flee and killed hundred thousands? Yet, It's the Kurds who have taken several hundred thousand sunni Arabs under their protection from Anbar to Mosul, hundred thousands of Christians and Turkmens. You're the ones with all the money in Basrah while Kurdistan is still in financial crisis and yet has to cope with so many refugees. Why don't you guys bring the Iraqi(your people) refugees to safety to your parts aswell, compared to the amounts KRG has taken in . We all know Kurds doesn't consider themselves Iraqi after all. And you're calling Kurds ungrateful? Was it the responsibility of Peshmerga to protect Mosul, Til Afar? Barzani warned Maliki about the situation, he insisted on sending troops and aid to you but got neglected by your selfish PM. When last year your so respected established Dijla forces were going to take on Faysh Khabur by war against Peshmerga? Or take control over Kirkuk. Cut the bullcrap you ungrateful dot.
Watch your tongue. U r the ones talking about ISOF being the only proper Iraqi force fighting ag IS and who leads them? What has ISOF done in saving Kurds? Mosul dam, in what way was it a threat to Kurdish security? It's the Peshmergas whom saved your entire divisions, generals etc in the north from being captured by IS, don't forget that. Where were the Iraqis and Maslawis when Saddam forced millions of Kurds to flee and killed hundred thousands? Yet, It's the Kurds who have taken several hundred thousand sunni Arabs under their protection from Anbar to Mosul, hundred thousands of Christians and Turkmens. You're the ones with all the money in Basrah while Kurdistan is still in financial crisis and yet has to cope with so many refugees. Why don't you guys bring the Iraqi(your people) refugees to safety to your parts aswell, compared to the amounts KRG has taken in . We all know Kurds doesn't consider themselves Iraqi after all. And you're calling Kurds ungrateful? Was it the responsibility of Peshmerga to protect Mosul, Til Afar? Barzani warned Maliki about the situation, he insisted on sending troops and aid to you but got neglected by your selfish PM. When last year your so respected established Dijla forces were going to take on Faysh Khabur by war against Peshmerga? Or take control over Kirkuk. Cut the bullcrap you ungrateful dot.

ISOF helped not only in Mosul dam but in Zumar and other towns as well, obviously unnoticed by media except for pictures.
Saddam killed more Arabs then Kurds so save the Saddam chapter for another time.
People in Basra are living in poverty while Kurds live off their money.

enjoy the food in that air package and quit complaining, return to posting news on the ISIS terror group.
This is the way to dispose of the like of ISIS
ISOF helped not only in Mosul dam but in Zumar and other towns as well, obviously unnoticed by media except for pictures.
Saddam killed more Arabs then Kurds so save the Saddam chapter for another time.
People in Basra are living in poverty while Kurds live off their money.

enjoy the food in that air package and quit complaining, return to posting news on the ISIS terror group.

no they haven't.

if that would only be the case, but Kurds haven't recieved a cent. Basrawis in poverty?? With all that petrodollar? Now that's a new thing I hear.

watch this well made doc about Serhad Qader, the police chief of Kirkuk and then come talk about ungratefulness to me

BBC News - The policeman of Kirkuk

Canadian-Israeli joins fight against Islamic State

Gill Rosenberg, who immigrated to Israel in 2006, is first foreign woman to join Kurdish campaign against radical Islamist group.

Michal Margalit

Published: 11.11.14, 19:04 / Israel News

A Canadian-born immigrant to Israel has become the first foreign woman to join Kurds battling Islamic State in Syria, a Kurdish source said on Tuesday, as details of the volunteer's turbulent past surfaced.

Gill Rosenberg, 31, is a civil aviation pilot who enlisted in an Israeli army search-and-rescue unit before being arrested in 2009, extradited to the United States and jailed over an international phone scam, one of her former lawyers said.


Rosenberg in Syria. 'The Kurds are like us'

Gill's story was first reported by Israeli radio. She recounted how smugglers helped her cross from Iraq into Syria in order to join the Kurdish ranks. "They (the Kurds) are our brothers. They are good people. They love life, a lot like us, really," Rosenberg said, explaining why she joined up after contacting the guerrillas over the Internet.

Rosenberg said that she had made contact with the Kurds through Facebook, asking them to allow her to join the Kurdish People's Protection Units, commonly known as the YPG.


Rosenberg left behind a promising career, and a criminal record

Rosenberg immigrated to Israel from Canada in 2006, after studying at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and left behind a promising career as a pilot of Boeing planes for civilian airlines.

On her Facebook page, Rosenberg shared her plans for her mission in Syria two months in advance, when she uploaded a picture from Jerusalem showing an Israeli flag next to an Islamic State flag, and continued posting images until her November 1, her final day in Israel.


Rosenberg posted a picture of her red fighting boots

She then promised to upload pictures of herself wearing the uniform of the Kurdish forces. "As soon as the tailor finishes customizing my uniform, I'll post the pictures," she wrote. The next day, she posted a picture of her red boots. "It's been a long time, but it feels great to wear them again."

She later posted pictures from Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, Jordan, and then from Erbil International Airport in Kurdistan. On November 9, she uploaded images from the Kurdish region of Syria and wrote, "In the IDF (Israeli army), we say 'aharai', After Me. Let's show ISIS (Islamic State) what that means." A friend wrote, "Take care of yourself, friend. You are one strong woman, and you'll destroy the Islamic State."

A source in the Kurdistan region with knowledge of the issue said Rosenberg was the first foreign woman to join YPG, the Kurds' dominant fighting force in northern Syria. She has crossed into Syria and is one of around 10 Westerners recruited by YPG, the source said.

Rosenberg could not be reached by Reuters for comment. A source provided an Iraqi Kurdistan cellphone number for her, but it was turned off on Tuesday.

Yahel Ben-Oved, an Israeli lawyer who represented Rosenberg in the US criminal proceedings, said she had no knowledge of her joining the Kurds though they had spoken recently. "It is exactly the sort of thing she would do, though," said Ben-Oved.

Rosenberg had consented to extradition and served around three years in a US prison under a plea bargain, Ben-Oved said. A 2009 FBI statement on the case names her as Gillian Rosenberg, among 11 people arrested in Israel "in a phony 'lottery prize' scheme that targeted victims, mostly elderly".

Israel's NRG news site reported at the time that Rosenberg turned to crime after running short on money, that she was estranged from her parents and had tried in vain to join the Mossad spy service.

Israel has maintained discreet military, intelligence and business ties with the Kurds since the 1960s, seeing in the minority ethnic group a buffer against shared Arab adversaries.

The Kurds are spread through Syria, Turkey, Iran and Iraq. In the latter country, the have the autonomous Kurdish Regional Government (KRG).

Israel bans its citizens from traveling to enemy states, among them Syria and Iraq. It has been cracking down on Israeli Arabs who return after volunteering to fight with Islamic State or other rebels against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's rule.

Canada similarly worries about its citizens fighting in Syria. Israeli and Canadian officials said they were aware of Rosenberg's case, but did not immediately elaborate on what if any efforts were being made to return her.

Reuters contributed to this report.
Attack against Hit was repelled by IS, Attack on Beiji is stalemate. Government is in outskirts, IS in the city.

Yes like I said suicide bombings. Video's confirm it, the amount of suicide vests.
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