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Iraqi Sunni Arab patriot and politician who called for war with Kurds barred from polls

This is unacceptable.. Iraq is a sunni Arab country but they are being eliminated from all places.
Sunni arabs are just 15-20% of Iraq. Are you serious about your statement?

25-30% actually and whether Sunni or Shia it does not matter. It's just a damn sect of the same religion. They are all Iraqi Arabs or Iraqis of a non-Kurdish origin who have no interest in there being a Kurdish leadership that is receiving aid from the central government of Baghdad but at the same time try actively to seize Arab/Iraqi land and who in general works against the interests of the country.

They are playing on too many horses and it will inevitably bite them in the ***. That can happen when you do not have a clever leadership. Just look at current Mullah led Iran or Iraq under Saddam to see how important a good leadership is.

In any case the Kurds can have their independence on the pretext of them not trying to seize non-Kurdish land and working against the interests of their neighbors and this way stirring trouble up.

They should also guarantee representation and protection of the native Semitic Assyrians and other minorities.

If this happens I do not have a bad word to say about the Kurdish LEADERSHIP which I have always only discussed.
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You cannot deny that the Kurdish leadership is willing to have ties with Israel and enemies of the Arab world in order to gain territory from Syria and Iraq.

You say that some Arabs acted badly against Kurds which is true and vice vera btw but at the same time you boost about being stronger than the Assyrians that the Kurds have not behaved well to either. Then I can claim that the Arabs simply always were stronger than the Kurds hence Kurds never having an independent country.

My criticism is not of Kurds as a people but the leadership.
In Syria we don't know where we have you guys. One day you are pro-Assad and the other anti-Assad.

Lastly I am yet to met a Kurd that is religious. Most are focussed on Kurdish nationalism just like you and the few other Kurdish users who have been on this forum.

Nowhere do I say anywhere that this is wrong I am just stating the fact.

I remember you insulting Iraq out of nowhere. A country I have ancestral ties to on my father's side and still have relatives living in.

Also nowhere have I talked about Saddam Hussein or anything so trying to paint me in this light is pathetic just for me (rightly) criticizing the Kurdish LEADERSHIP.

About the hostility towards Arabs (Iranians and Turks as well) then just please visit any Kurdish forum.

You cannot deny that the Kurdish leadership is willing to have ties with Israel and enemies of the Arab world in order to gain territory from Syria and Iraq.

False, they try to have has good relation with as many as they can. They have gone to state visits all over the world both west and east. The GCC, Iran, Turkey, Europe, US, Russia etc. They have good relations with most arab countries. Palestine got a general consulate in Erbil, Saudi Arabia has asked Iraq several times to transfer Saudi prisoners in Iraqi jails to be tranferred to Kurdish jails. They have great trade deals with Libanon and Jordan. I can continue for hours.

You say that some Arabs acted badly against Kurds which is true and vice vera btw but at the same time you boost about being stronger than the Assyrians that the Kurds have not behaved well to either. Then I can claim that the Arabs simply always were stronger than the Kurds hence Kurds never having an independent country.

But Arabs were supposed to be our Muslim brothers when they started denying the rights of the Kurds with Ba'athism as the peak. Kurds were surrounded by enemies, that Irackis and Syrians were always stronger than Kurds is a very false statement. If Iran would have continued to supply Kurds in Iraq with weapons they would taken over Northern Iraq all the way to Hamreen. When Iraq in the last minute made a deal with Iran to save their asses. In Syria it's the first time Kurds are fighting and it's going very well. Iraq and Syria got everything served to them by the french and brits while Kurds have always had to fight for it. Fighting against the locals was never the problem but the colonialists. Even when Iraq was under British rule they had it very difficult to battle the Kurds and the morale among the Arab ranks was very low, what saved them was the RAF who constantly bombed the rebellious Kurds with all types of bombs including chemical chemical weapons. So that Irackis and Syrians were always stronger than Kurds is false.

My criticism is not of Kurds as a people but the leadership.
In Syria we don't know where we have you guys. One day you are pro-Assad and the other anti-Assad.

Kurds are pro anyone who is pro them, it's natural in the§ position. One thing that is clear however is that Asshit has never been pro-Kurd and therefore supporting Asshit after what he and his predecessors have done against Kurds would equal selling our honor. And honor is something Kurds never take for granted.
Lastly I am yet to met a Kurd that is religious. Most are focussed on Kurdish nationalism just like you and the few other Kurdish users who have been on this forum.

Nowhere do I say anywhere that this is wrong I am just stating the fact.

I remember you insulting Iraq out of nowhere. A country I have ancestral ties to on my father's side and still have relatives living in.

Also nowhere have I talked about Saddam Hussein or anything so trying to paint me in this light is pathetic just for me (rightly) criticizing the Kurdish LEADERSHIP.

About the hostility towards Arabs (Iranians and Turks as well) then just please visit any Kurdish forum.

Finding religious Kurds on the internet is not an easy thing but where the majority of Kurds actually are religous then I suggest you visit the Kurdish regions in Turkey, the big majority are religious and there are more than 20 million Kurds there. I insulted Iraq when Doritos started insulting Kurds and Kurdistan. Don't I have the fight to defend myself?

Most of those Kurds in the forums that trashtalk against Iranians, Arabs and Turks are young naive teens who are yet to enter their puberty. So you can't really belive they represent the Kurdish populations. I'm born and grown up in Jordan and I have no problems with anyone there. But of respect to eachother.

Man, you started talking about Kurds killing some Assyrians in Iraq while Saddam was slaughtering Kurds in the hundred thousands yet you never mentioned that. It seemed like you tried to make the Kurds look like the bad guys who attack the innocent.
False, they try to have has good relation with as many as they can. They have gone to state visits all over the world both west and east. The GCC, Iran, Turkey, Europe, US, Russia etc. They have good relations with most arab countries. Palestine got a general consulate in Erbil, Saudi Arabia has asked Iraq several times to transfer Saudi prisoners in Iraqi jails to be tranferred to Kurdish jails. They have great trade deals with Libanon and Jordan. I can continue for hours.

But Arabs were supposed to be our Muslim brothers when they started denying the rights of the Kurds with Ba'athism as the peak. Kurds were surrounded by enemies, that Irackis and Syrians were always stronger than Kurds is a very false statement. If Iran would have continued to supply Kurds in Iraq with weapons they would taken over Northern Iraq all the way to Hamreen. When Iraq in the last minute made a deal with Iran to save their asses. In Syria it's the first time Kurds are fighting and it's going very well. Iraq and Syria got everything served to them by the french and brits while Kurds have always had to fight for it. Fighting against the locals was never the problem but the colonialists. Even when Iraq was under British rule they had it very difficult to battle the Kurds and the morale among the Arab ranks was very low, what saved them was the RAF who constantly bombed the rebellious Kurds with all types of bombs including chemical chemical weapons. So that Irackis and Syrians were always stronger than Kurds is false.

Kurds are pro anyone who is pro them, it's natural in the§ position. One thing that is clear however is that Asshit has never been pro-Kurd and therefore supporting Asshit after what he and his predecessors have done against Kurds would equal selling our honor. And honor is something Kurds never take for granted.

Can you then explain why nearly every Kurd, also past Kurds on this forum, are pro-Israeli? How does that make any sense?

Are both you and Palestinians not supposedly oppressed Muslim people?

I know that the relations are not bad and that there will be ties if Kurds get their independent country.

Well just like Kurds oppressed the native Assyrians. There is no doubt that Ba'athism is and was mostly bad and created more problems than the opposite. Arabs had it as bad. Just look at current day Syria.

Iraq won their independence by fighting the Brits. Google it.

Well I was talking about Arabs as a whole. Iraqis and Syrians are just a small percentage of that. The fact remains that Kurds are yet to have a independent country in their history. This does not show strength but rather the opposite.

Well let us hope that the Kurds will not make any silly arrangements with that mass child-murderer for the sake of autonomy. That way the Kurds would have created a lot of enemies around them since they live next to Sunni Arabs exclusively.
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Insults as much as you want, wat difference does it make anyway

The only point I made here is that majority of Kurds put nationalism over religion, that's a fact.
Can you then explain why nearly every Kurd, also past Kurds on this forum, are pro-Israeli? How does that make any sense?

Are both you and Palestinians not supposedly oppressed Muslim people?

I know that the relations are not bad and that there will be ties if Kurds get their independent country.

Well just like Kurds oppressed the native Assyrians. There is no doubt that Ba'athism is and was mostly bad and created more problems than the opposite. Arabs had it as bad. Just look at current day Syria.

Iraq won their independence by fighting the Brits. Google it.

Well I was talking about Arabs as a whole. Iraqis and Syrians are just a small percentage of that. The fact remains that Kurds are yet to have a independent country in their history. This does not show strength but rather the opposite.

Well let us hope that the Kurds will not make any silly arrangements with that mass child-murderer for the sake of autonomy. That way the Kurds would have created a lot of enemies around them since they live next to Sunni Arabs exclusively.

The Kurds who fancy Israel and wants closeness with them probably hates Arabs, Iranians and Turks and consider Israel as a ally. You know, my enemies enemy is my freind and such. Then there are those feel attached to it because there are many Kurdish Jews and this : The Genetic Bonds Between Kurds and Jews

But Kurds in Turkey and Syria have deep hate for them since Mossad helped Turkey in capturing Ocalan. Many Kurds from all 4 countries did also send many fighters to fight against Israel in Palestine. PKK even had training camps in Biqa valley. For Kurds in Iraq and Iran it's mixed feelings but depends alot.

However if you want to talk leaders, I'd say most Arab countries have better relations with Israel then what Kurdish leaders do. But there is also a historical relation between Barzani and israel, they helped Mustafa Barzani against Saddam with alot of stuff. 5-6 years ago some 20-30 Mossad agents trained some special trained Peshmerga's in security matters aswell.

Kurds opressed Assyrians no less then they opressed Kurds so you can't compare it to disgusting Ba'athists. Yes of course Ba'athists created alot of problems to their own people aswell but since they belonged to the same etnicity you can't compare it to how they treated the Kurds.

Britain granted independence to the Kingdom of Iraq in 1932, on the urging of King Faisal, though the British retained military bases and transit rights for their forces. King Ghazi ruled as a figurehead after King Faisal's death in 1933, while undermined by attempted military coups, until his death in 1939. Ghazi was followed by his underage son, Faisal II. 'Abd al-Ilah served asRegent during Faisal's minority.

On 1 April 1941, Rashid Ali al-Gaylani and members of the Golden Square staged a coup d'état and overthrew the government of 'Abd al-Ilah. During the subsequent Anglo-Iraqi War, the United Kingdom invaded Iraq for fear that the Rashid Ali government might cut oil supplies to Western nations because of his links to the Axis powers. The war started on 2 May and an armistice was signed 31 May.

A military occupation followed the restoration of the pre-coup government of the Hashemite monarchy. The occupation ended on 26 October 1947. The rulers during the occupation and the remainder of the Hashemite monarchy were Nuri as-Said, the autocratic Prime Minister, who also ruled from 1930–1932, and 'Abd al-Ilah, the former Regent who now served as an adviser to King Faisal II.

I'd say the Kurds biggest enemy are themselves, not able to work togheter. Not even in this day, it's impossible for them.


Insults as much as you want, wat difference does it make anyway

The only point I made here is that majority of Kurds put nationalism over religion, that's a fact.

If that would be the case , we would see a Kurdish country today but I can say that the trend towards nationalism is growing.
If that would be the case , we would see a Kurdish country today but I can say that the trend towards nationalism is growing.

So why do you insist on calling us Irackis, do you want me to call you guys Kur-teez-stanis, that's 2 insults in 1.


Your choice.
So why do you insist on calling us Irackis, do you want me to call you guys Kur-teez-stanis, that's 2 insults in 1.


Your choice.

omg, I am so sorry:oops: I thought the plural form for the people of Iraq was Irackis, to be honest I don't where I got that from.
This is unacceptable.. Iraq is a sunni Arab country but they are being eliminated from all places.

Yes. Let the Sunnis take over the country for **** sake! These shiite pigs have destroyed the country. They haven't started a single war since they took over and they started to make better relations with the rest of the world it's absolutely unacceptable.


Oh wait.
Yes. Let the Sunnis take over the country for **** sake! These shiite pigs have destroyed the country. They haven't started a single war since they took over and they started to make better relations with the rest of the world it's absolutely unacceptable.


Oh wait.

Of course you hate Sunnis, they don't count as Iraqi Arabs to you. But you, Shia Arabs who even deny their Arab identity and loyal to elsewhere are worth more than the Sunnis, how about equal representation you smart guy. :lol:

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