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Iraqi Sunni Arab patriot and politician who called for war with Kurds barred from polls

dont give one word answers, its just like saying "k"

Why would the Abbasid Caliphate be bad? It was the longest reign Caliphate in Islamic history and it was under its rule that the Islamic Golden Age happened.

In any case most Kurds today are more obsessed about Kurdish nationalism than religion.
cuz i like the Umayyads
yes but the killed many Umayyads, including men women and children, and the Umayyad dynasty is me second favorite dynasty, oh and they put Imam Abu Hanifa in Prison too

Murder is a sin, and is punishable.

The Banu Ummayya survived, and settled in Spain. From there, they moved on to Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia.
dont give one word answers, its just like saying "k"

cuz i like the Umayyads

The Umayyads ruled what is now Iberia (Al-Andalus) and large parts of Northern Africa for a long time and their rule rivaled that of the Abbasids as did their cities (Granada, Córdoba, Toledo etc.)
Murder is a sin, and is punishable.

The Banu Ummayya survived, and settled in Spain. From there, they moved on to Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia.
where are they now?

The Umayyads ruled what is now Iberia (Al-Andalus) and large parts of Northern Africa for a long time and their rule rivaled that of the Abbasids as did their cities (Granada, Córdoba, Toledo etc.)
now i am happy
The Kurdish Sunni population of Iraq is like the HEART of Iraq

They are so deeply connected to Iraq, and to Sunni Ulama there. Not just in Iraq, but in Syria, and Lebanon too.

The Kurds make up the Heart of the Sunni community in Iran too
where are they now?

Their ancestors live across the entire Arab world (nearly) and the Banu Umayya tribe is still living in their native Hijaz.

Both the Banu Hashim, Banu Umayya and Banu Abbas are clans belonging to the larger Makkawi Quraysh tribe.

@Multani you are by no means an Kurd yourself or partially Kurdish? Because some of your arguments remind me of the arguments I hear from Kurds who are often exaggerated or false. Based on blind nationalism.

In any case my only problem is that of the Kurdish leadership as I have always stated.
where are they now?

now i am happy

Now, the Banu Umayya family and their associated families are mixed into the general population.

The irony is that, most of the Banu Umayya were brutal dictators, fasiqs, who martyred Ahl al Bayt. But, you know what?

The Ahl al Bayt dominate Morocco!. When Banu Umayya were persecuting the Prophet salallaho alaihi wa alihi wa salam family, the Prophet's family, party moved to Morocco.

Many Hasanis have morocco roots like Shaykh Alawi al Maliki rahimuahuallah

And then when the Abbasids pushed out the Banu Umayya, they went to Spain, but then moved to Morocco

So in Morocco you can find both Banu Umayya and Ahl al Bayt
One should not categorize people on who their ancestors were or what they did. Both of those clans and their families and ancestors are proud Muslims whose ancestors played a big role in Islamic history but obviously also were behind faults.


Did you know that the Moroccan Royal family took the opposite journey? They are Hashemites as well and migrated from the ancient coastal city of Yanbu to current day Morocco.

They migrated to Morocco in the 13th century and a few centuries later they founded the Moroccan Kingdom who was a regional power and which has ruled Morocco for nearly 400 years.
yes but the killed many Umayyads, including men women and children, and the Umayyad dynasty is me second favorite dynasty, oh and they put Imam Abu Hanifa in Prison too

Banu Umayya did many faults too

For example, they tortured Imam Malik, martyred Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Zubayr, ,martyred Ahl al Bayt, Imam al Husayn alaihisalam, and so many Sahaba Kiraam set fire to the Ka'ba, and ransacked Madeena al Munawwarah

Good and Bad are found in both dynasties, but Banu Umayya was the worst by far
OP probably loves Saddam!

What has this news to do with the late Saddam Hussein?

If the Kurdish leadership do not change their policies then an armed conflict with the central government of Baghdad is guaranteed. The Kurds already created enough of problems in Turkey and Iran and are creating problems in Syria.

I have no love left for the Kurdish leadership or secular/nationalistic Kurds since their interests cross mine and that of my people (Arabs) and religion (Islam).
What has this news to do with the late Saddam Hussein?

He fits your descriptiption ! A proud sunni arab patriot who kept the kurds and shias marginalized and killed them whenever he saw fit. Also waged war against the Ajamis which you probably support as well. Only thing is he was a Ba'athist so essentially secular.
He fits your descriptiption ! A proud sunni arab patriot who kept the kurds and shias marginalized and killed them whenever he saw fit. Only thing id he was a Ba'athist.

Nice attempt of trolling, Indian. You better worry about your own part of the world and not the ancient Arab world or Middle East while trolling.

The Kurds should not have picked up a fight with the Iraqis. Besides the Kurds started an armed conflict against Iraq when Iraq was still a Kingdom.

In any case nobody is calling for any genocide of Kurds or Shias which have nothing to do with the debate.

The fact is that the Kurdish leadership is working against the interests of the Arab world and Islam. They are nationalistic people who want to steal Arab land and who cooperate with Israel and who would have no problem cooperating with our archenemy Iran.

Shia Arabs are our brothers and sisters as are all Arabs regardless of religion. My problem is only the sellouts among them that work with our archenemy (Iran) as the current Iraqi Shia Arab and Islamist led government is doing.

Kurds outside of their leadership and the secular/nationalists among them who work against Muslim and Arab interests are neither a problem. The Kurds I know are good people and I have had a few Kurdish friends.

You are seeing ghosts and want to associate me with Saddam Hussein whom I have no relation to or his politics.
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Banu Umayya did many faults too

For example, they tortured Imam Malik, martyred Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Zubayr, ,martyred Ahl al Bayt, Imam al Husayn alaihisalam, and so many Sahaba Kiraam set fire to the Ka'ba, and ransacked Madeena al Munawwarah

Good and Bad are found in both dynasties, but Banu Umayya was the worst by far
dude, your opiion, i can answer each and everyone of that, i do not want to go into a religious debate because i know whatever i say it will not have any effect, oh and dont use (A.S) with Hazrat Hussain, it is only used with Prophets and he is no where near a Prophet
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