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Iraqi FM: Iran cuts flow of 42 river tributaries to Iraq without warning

Cut all imports from Iran and Turkey, import from elsewhere.]
So why werent you importing from "elsewhere"already?Business is also dependent on networks and convenience(like import from a neighbor instead of a farther country which would cost more). Economically you dont have that leverage.
Tax the Ashura visitors from Iran.
But Iranian pilgrims flock in large numbers to Najaf and Karbala+other Iraqi sites and spend good money there and support your economy. Are you blind to that or just under estimating its positive impact and help for your country?

Iran is an enemy indeed a historical one trying to spread the Islamic revolution with its Mullahs, a foreign state that interferes too much, they will only stop once put back in their place they must have forgotten the war.
I think Iran is more of a serious rival,but yes, it has played out sometimes like enemies. You cant put them back in their place because they played a smarter game than you. face it. Iran has outsmarted you(those Saddam days were kind of "the best"right?)after being the underdog earlier. Iraq made unstrategic, detrimental moves(whether it was intentional or unintentional is secondary)in a dangerous neighborhood.You know Iraq never should have slipped up against Iran, but Iraq did, and now Iraq must accept the new reality in the ME from giving Iran an opening.
Qasem should stop roaming around like a monkey claiming victories as he did nothing. I hope an airstrike takes that monkey out together with his other mullahs.
Why are you worried about him roaming about the ME? He's doing job and so are you so why focus on him?Ha ha at airstrike take him out and his other mullahs.airstrike MIGHt take him out, but prolly not the mullahs though. Get better and smarter and you can beat the mullahs.

Somehow they were lucky the US took out Saddam, preferably the US starts a war on Iran and takes their regime out as well.
using words like "somehow"instead of strategic, or cunning, or tactful or smart shows your denial. we are ok with US starting war on Iran and taking out the regime, but we just dunno why US hasnt done it in 34yrs. so not likely to happen. you are looong due for a regional reality check. Iraq probably needs 10yrs+ before any good ol days will return.
So why werent you importing from "elsewhere"already?Business is also dependent on networks and convenience(like import from a neighbor instead of a farther country which would cost more). Economically you dont have that leverage.
Its obvious that those who rule in Baghdad killing all the industry and agriculture all nations make trades with each other fir goods that they can't produce not every thing even tomato they killing us to import from Iran and Turkey

But Iranian pilgrims flock in large numbers to Najaf and Karbala+other Iraqi sites and spend good money there and support your economy. Are you blind to that or just under estimating its positive impact and help for your country?
I think imposing visa on them is not a good idea
Since millions of Iraqis visit Iran too
Plus we can't morale we can't do that these people visit our beloved Ahlulbayt
Iran did help in destroying Iraq from the 80s to now and before that with supporting barazani
and Iraq didnt try to destroy Iran right? Iran just came out of the deadly duel stronger.

also most of the support against ISIS came from west wether military support or training and supply or intelligence,satellite images, drones and other staff
First of all,remember that the US allowed ISIS first steal and destroy alot of US military weaponry recently sold to Iraq. this was suspicious from Iraqis because it setup Iraq to have to purchase more weaponry to replace the stolen+destroyed equipment bought from the US. The west did help Iraq though, but tbh, i dont think they helped Iraq in 1) the right way 2) the time. Have you not forgotten when ISIS had ringed Baghdad and were closing in? are you kidding me? Iran was critical to organizing the REMNANTS of a disorganized, disloyal,demoralized leftover Iraqi army forces and supporting them SO baghdad wouyldnt fall. What did western equipment or help do then when Baghdad was in that critical time of need? Dont forget Iran was the first to actually give the kurds arms when ISIS was attacking them. timing matters.

Iran only supported in loyal outlaw militias and not the official Iraqi military and their support was to gain more control and influence in Iraq and not for the sake of the Iraqi people or for the sake of Iraqi sovereignty
Your disorganized, falling apart military gave Iran her strategic opening, so whose to blame here?You allowed your country be vulnerable and now you are complaining about some other country taking advantage. are you a child? this is real national security issues. Countries pay and trade in lives and blood. its not a joke.

US is not an enemy they're helping.
Are they helping Pakistan the exact way China is?:azn:

Saudi is not hostile either, they have not done anything hostile. They remain at their side of the border, they barely meddle far less than Iran and Turkey (it's not even noticeable). Their meddling was
No, their meddling was sending sunnis from KSA into Iraq during the US invasion and after.Have you not seen any video where the Iraqi army ran over an ISIS location in Iraq and saw KSA and Qatar branded products like food and supplies? The ideology they inject and support in their proxies is also deadly.
You're in some illusion that Iran is Iraq's guardian, I don't see any of it.
Iran is Iraq's guardian. Guardians do have to have control and authority first though. Iraq didnt voluntarily allow Iran to do that though and Iraq is xenophobic, but there are workarounds.

That's the good reply, Shia Iraqis need to understand this and stop admiring Iran. I prefer all Iranians tell this to Iraqis.

Indeed pre-1979 Iran would not have been attacked diretly by Iraq as it was a US ally armed with the latest technology (F-14's), not to mention the Shah had 300 F-16's on order which means a huge air force.

US did have a big share however their heavy support didn't come until mid 2015 after the fall of Ramadi when Russia stepped in this is confirmed by CJTF-OIR daily strike reports and ISOF operatives on the ground as well. The intensity of air support was very low until that turning point. Iran itself didn't do that much, Ghassem tours the scene now and then and you claim it your efforts.

As for running away, I didn't see that except during the 2014 fall which was not a military battle. Other then that fighting forces are moving forward. It's easy to focus and pick on certain examples when you as a country did not have many wars, Iran against the US in a direct war would not be a pretty sight in your point of view.

My opinion of Sunnis would get me banned, but that's another topic. Highway of death was a massacre and show of force by the US, it's like celebrating when the US shot down your airliner.

It seems to me that you are pissed off about me posting a video of Al-Faw liberation from foreign occupants, whether it was liberated by chemical of conventional weapons it is better than leaving it in foreign hands. The hostility between Iraq and Iran has to increase, it will have a highy positive effect. Likewise I have always been in favor of Kurd-Iraq hostility. 'Run away' jokes are 2014, it was a political linked command collapse not a military retreat. You instead focus on taking Iran back from Arab worshippers.

Iraqi dislike for other Arabs that come to meddle in their country (ISIS) is very high, the dislike for Iran has to increase. My efforts might aid to that INSALLAH to reverse admiration of enemies, including Iran. These Iraqis who were blabbering 'Kurds are our friends' were destructive, hostility with Kurds is good for us. Likewise Iraq/Iraqis accept so much of Iran's doing and meddling because of all the 'we are brothers' nonsense they have been fed, it's time to increase some healthy hostility. Khamenei is a bitch, I hope you get an Aryan Persian anti-Arab nationalist as a leader.
what i know about you from your comments and opinions is that 1) you are denial of the current reality of Iraq and its real position in the ME and 2) you are a dreamer.
My irrelevant and clueless Nigerian Mullah lover, Arab unity was never dead and will never die. Most of the 500 million Arabs are Arab nationalists and all in favor of increased Arab unity (state wise) as people to people relations between Arabs are great whether in the diaspora and in the Arab world as a whole. PDF is a great example of this.

The second largest ethnic group in the world with the most comprehensive cooperation despite being composed of 20 + modern-day states, with political organizations older than the freaking UN, with several well-functioning regional blocs (GCC, Arab Maghreb Union etc.) which are found nowhere in the Muslim and developing world, are nowhere "dead", lol, you troll.
you're right, Arab unity isnt dead, but its not alive. Isnt it ironic you talk about "500 million" arab unity when your country is currently making a tunnel to separate an "arab brother" from your country? so ironic! besides we all know by now that those 500 million arabs have differences- different interests, different cultures, different dialects, different political structures and objectives. GCC is only culturally and economically "well functioning". You all still cant protect yourselves alone. You seem to link every ME group to Arabs, just like you're saying kurds are arabs even though they are an Iranic people. sounds like propaganda.


Here we have a Nigerian Mullah lover (the individual on his avatar) who as an ignorant non-Arab that cannot even count to 10 in Arabic is trying to teach locals and unfortunately we have a fellow Arab @Malik Alashter who falls for the same old songs, lol. Meanwhile the same Nigerian troll said 1.5 years ago that Kirkuk would remain Kurdish controlled and probably today believes that unity in Iraq between Iraqi Shia Arabs and Iraqi Sunni Arabs is impossible.:lol:

You simply do not know Arabs and believe that the past few decades are a reflection of the will of the Arab street or that regime actions are the reflection of the Arab street. You are incredible ignorant if you believe so. Most of the negative events going on today are recent in nature or unnatural (not reflecting historical realities). Most importantly all of them can be solved and will be by the youth of today.

Let me give you a very recent example that is less than 24 hours long.

Involving ALL 20 + Arab states and the future superpower (CHINA). Both parties had a very important meeting yesterday. It was the 8th Arab-Sino summit. Here for instance foreign ministers of KSA and Qatar sat side by side and all Arab states (collectively) signed deals together with 1 single sovereign nation (China).

Now beloved Mullah drone, when will we ever see any other ethnic group that transcend borders (not as many as that will be impossible) do something similar? Not available out there.

Now taking into account all this, which has existed for decades and pre-dates the UN, EU, you name it, and despite almost every Arab having great criticism towards their own leaders and other Arab leaders, it does not take an Einstein to realize, that just gradual improvements would make a huge difference not to mention substantial changes which are undeniably going to occur ONCE AGAIN so the historical normality will return.

Meanwhile there is also the "unity of Nigeria" (100's of ethnic groups) or non-existent unity originating in the region from the non-Arabs that do not even have the equivalent of the Arab League, lol. Nothing in fact. To such an extent that it is a joke to compare.

Funnily enough, only Jews stick together with other Jews as much as Arabs stick together with other Arabs. Cousins and all that. Despite much talk of the opposite for both parties, the reality is what we see. While far from perfect nowadays, it's still much better than anyone around us which says it all.
what does counting to 10 have to do with understanding middle east politics? And i am not ignorant. I havebeen reading about middle east politics for a long time now. People(like you) react harshly,because i am telling them the truth, and by nature, people dont like the truth. Did i say kirkuk would remain kurdish controlled? if i did it was probably because i thought Iraqi armed forces wouldnt be able to recover the area because they would remain unable or incompetent but whats the big deal?am i supposed to be perfect? But yes, i still believe real unity between Iraqis is dead. that doesnt seem to be proven wrong yet(you arab seems wrong about an arab issue).but then again you dont want to give me that credit but you want to criticize me when i am wrong. you are just the arab version of that guy named 500. In reality at least 50% of your posts are rants and distractions irrelevant to the debates or arguments(mentioning jews and nigerians for example.). but maybe you also "boast" of arab unity and history and capabilities because you sense people dont see arabs that way. Your propaganda about arabs wont work on me.
Typical Arab mentality.
Its not that if your country infiltrated with people who has loyalty to other nations or countries regimes then you going to suffer big time look at this

Some shiite are loyal to you

Some Sunnis are loyal to the Turks and Arab states

Some Kurds are loyal to some other states

And WE have leaders who are freezing they have no opinion on nothing all they have are advices

So no it's not typical arab mentality

Didn't you suffered from some other states interfering in your affairs?
well , sorry iraq . pragmatism is taking over in iran . and there's nothing you can do either .
Its not that if your country infiltrated with people who has loyalty to other nations or countries regimes then you going to suffer big time look at this

Some shiite are loyal to you

Some Sunnis are loyal to the Turks and Arab states

Some Kurds are loyal to some other states

And WE have leaders who are freezing they have no opinion on nothing all they have are advices

So no it's not typical arab mentality

Didn't you suffered from some other states interfering in your affairs?
Even the Americans have noted the tendency of Arabs states to blame their every ill on Iran.
Even the Americans have noted the tendency of Arabs states to blame their every ill on Iran.


All Iran does is blame great Satan USA for all of its problems. You're too stuck with the image of Iran you have in your mind, not the real Iran of today. It's no less backward than Iraq or another Arab state when it comes to social fabric, infact regime wise its worse.
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