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Iraq warns Israel on using airspace in Iran strike

Shahrastani is a really intelligent man, when it come to economics and energy, but he should have saved us the embarrassment and keep away from military issues. Suppose Israeli jets fly over Iraq, are we supposed to shoot them with slingshots. :lol: Israeli jets flew all the way from Israel crossing Egypt into Sudan without being detected, how the hell is Iraq supposed to detect them.

The only thing Iraq could do is file a complaint to The UN, which will be ignored anyway...
Yeah Salehi is one of them. What makes you say he is smart?

Have you read his CV or listened to him or spoke to him? If so, you may be able to tell.

Shahrastani is a really intelligent man, when it come to economics and energy, but he should have saved us the embarrassment and keep away from military issues. Suppose Israeli jets fly over Iraq, are we supposed to shoot them with slingshots. :lol: Israeli jets flew all the way from Israel crossing Egypt into Sudan without being detected, how the hell is Iraq supposed to detect them.

The only thing Iraq could do is file a complaint to The UN, which will be ignored anyway...

Nah, they didn't come close to Egypt, they crossed through the Red Sea that's all.
Thought as much. Many of Iran's current high ranking officials are also born in Iraq. Either Iraqi Persians or Iraqi Arabs who gained Iranian citizenship.

There are people of Persian and Turkic descent in Iraq, but they could barely called "Iranian" since their ancestors have came to Iraq over 200+ years. They are not all Shia, the majority of the "Mashadani" family in Iraq are actually Sunnis.
There are people of Persian and Turkic descent in Iraq, but they could barely called "Iranian" since their ancestors have came to Iraq over 200+ years. They are not all Shia, the majority of the "Mashadani" family in Iraq are actually Sunnis.

I didn't call them Iranian. You are more then welcome to them. Anyway go back a few centuries more and Iran was Sunni majority, so one shouldn't assume someone of Iranian descent will be Shia.
Arabs call it Safawi and Iranians Safavid I think, I forgot.
They say V Arabs W


Yeah, we don't have w sound, or dh/th sound. That's why we say names like Ridha as Reza.

I know. Mohmmad Pahlavi = محمد بهلوي

Bahlavi, Bebsi. But I got to say my favourite is Joojle. :lol:
Yeah, we don't have w sound, or dh/th sound. That's why we say names like Ridha as Reza.

Bahlavi, Bebsi. But I got to say my favourite is Joojle. :lol:

We don't pronounce the P in Arabic. However, our accent is the clearest of all Arabic speakers ;) ..

I didn't call them Iranian. You are more then welcome to them. Anyway go back a few centuries more and Iran was Sunni majority, so one shouldn't assume someone of Iranian descent will be Shia.

Just because an A or B person is Iranian it doesn't mean his a Shia, I agree
I do not even know if this is true, you see Sharistani is the minister of Energy, what has he got to do with Israel-Iran issue ?
Its not his ministry, besides he is a smart guy so I do not know what this is supposed to be.
It is mostly symbolic.

yeap Agreed He is getting into the issues that are usually under ministry of defense or foreign ministry,

May be he is sipping too much Ghawah with his Iranian counterpart Mullahtics.
Well it's where Arabic language originated, so you would hope so.

Proud of it. I like Ali Akbar Salhi's Lebanese accent BTW.

yeap Agreed He is getting into the issues that are usually under ministry of defense or foreign ministry,

May be he is sipping too much Ghawah with his Iranian counterpart Mullahtics.

Crazy Pakistanis love the Arabian culture :rofl:

Well it's where Arabic language originated, so you would hope so.

The dialects are very different, Iraqi dialect got some Persian words like Khashoogeh = spoon and many Aramaic, Sumerian words.

Would be good if the ME saw that they all share history with each other and stop fighting over todays differences.
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