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Iraq warns Israel on using airspace in Iran strike

F15 has a cruising range of 1500+ miles. Distance from Tel Aviv To Baghdad is around 500 miles. How exactly is that not enough range?
1000 miles separate Tel Aviv to Tehran
3500 miles can be done by F-15 with external fuel tanks but... combat radius is 1100 miles
You remember Iraq war well don't you?
Fifth largest airforce became fifth largest grave yard of aircraft.

the point is an ak-47 that manufactured inside a country is better than imported laser gun.
F15 has a cruising range of 1500+ miles. Distance from Tel Aviv To Baghdad is around 500 miles. How exactly is that not enough range?

Israel can't bomb Iran on its own. If it could, it wouldn't have waited that long. As I stated earlier, there are 82-something nuclear-related facilities, so good luck bombing them.

The only country that could do it is the US.

1000 miles separate Tel Aviv to Tehran
3500 miles can be done by F-15 with external fuel tanks but... combat radius is 1100 miles

In one word, it's impossible.
F15 has a cruising range of 1500+ miles. Distance from Tel Aviv To Baghdad is around 500 miles. How exactly is that not enough range?

Well, the targets in Iran are well over 1000 miles from Israel. It's not like those F-15I's can just jump in and go away in a breeze. They would have to spend some time over the targets as well. It really is not so easy task.

A considerably large air attack force would be needed to complete the job.

Now given that Iran's nuclear facilities are deep underground, those fighters would have to carry the right ordinance. And in this case, the GBU-28 (5,000 lb laser guided "bunker buster").

It is known that those bombs can penetrate approximately 20 feet of reinforced concrete. So heavy is the bomb, only one can be carried by an F-15 (along with other types of ordinance of-course).

Optimum use of that piece of equipment would require a clear line of sight. This translates into being that those F-15's must fly very low and very slow which would make them vulnerable to even primitive AA defenses. Maneuverability would also be limited due to the load. Another factor into this scenario is the suppression of enemy air defenses, which further complicates the matter.

Getting precise and accurate hits on the targets to do maximum damage would require almost perfect intelligence, something that does not exactly apply to underground targets.

Assuming that they have CFT's for extended range, we have to take into account that taking off from air fields would require considerable amounts of fuel being spent. They can refuel over Israel or over the Mediterranean. However, refueling a large fleet would take time and a considerable task. During the refueling operations, Egyptian or possibly Lebanese radars can detect what's going on up there; something that is sure to be shared with Iran.

On top of that, those F-15's may have to throw away their CFT's to engage with bogeys.

And even if they miraculously destroy Iran's nuclear facilities, how will they turn back home? Depending how much maneuvering was involved back in Iran, they'd still have to be refueled again over the skies of Iraq and Jordan. That also leaves fuel tankers vulnerable from enemy fire.

Sure, Israel has the option of ballistic and cruise missiles, but that would enable the Iranis to launch their own ballistic and cruise missile attack. How would Israel counter that? Again, a complicated scenario.

It's not as simple as drawing a straight line on map, jump on a F-15, bomb Iran's nuke sites, and then viola! Problem solved! Iran's nuke program is finished!!

Bombing Iran's nuclear sites is no easy task. Which is why I said as being close to impossible. It's a pipe dream. No Israeli leader would dare risk his/her entire political career if that matter doesn't get through (i.e. Israel doesn't complete the job). And only a miracle can guarantee that Israeli jets along with the pilots suffer 0 casualties.

The Iranis certainly did their homework.

Bottom line: Only the US can technically complete the job.
I agree with the above,

The raid on Tammuz in 1981 was much easier for Israel, Iraq did not even detect the airplanes, the leadership was so stupid that they put all defence towards the Iranian border forgetting the East and Israel.
The Israelis were not even detected, they would get detected now.
There were no enemy planes taking off, there was no air defence firing on them, today Iran would be warned by the radars of either Lebanon, Iraq or Egypt, that would give them hours before Israel reaches them.
I agree with the above,

The raid on Tammuz in 1981 was much easier for Israel, Iraq did not even detect the airplanes, the leadership was so stupid that they put all defence towards the Iranian border forgetting the East and Israel.
The Israelis were not even detected, they would get detected now.
There were no enemy planes taking off, there was no air defence firing on them, today Iran would be warned by the radars of either Lebanon, Iraq or Egypt, that would give them hours before Israel reaches them.

The Israelis are going to used advanced systems, so unless the panstir+s300 package is delivered from Russia, Iraq would be able to detect anything. Iraqs current radars detect civilian and first gen aircrafts, they wouldn't be able to detect superior Israeli tech.
The Israelis are going to used advanced systems, so unless the panstir+s300 package is delivered from Russia, Iraq would be able to detect anything. Iraqs current radars detect civilian and first gen aircrafts, they wouldn't be able to detect superior Israeli tech.

Why does Jordan allow them to fly over their airspace
Finally A change In the mindset of Arabs its good to see arab backing arab instead of stabbing each others back

It will good for Both iran and iraq to forget what happend in past and start towards a better future helping each other out

What Arab backing Arab? Iran Is not a ARAB Country. Iran is Persian, Turkey is Turk, Russians and Slavic, Greeks are Greek. Israel, England Americans Are Anglo for most Part. You think just because its a Muslim Country its Arab? Iraq is Arab Country with Mixed Kurds, Turks and some Persians.

Forgive and forget doesn't work,we wont forgive and forget and move on with the Zionist Regime, and the Parasitic anglos scum of europe and americans. Do you Know Before Saddam Hussein The Puppet was Imposed in Iraq, the Zionists of Israel would run when they saw Iraqi Solders?

1 Iraqi Dinar was equal to £5 British Pounds Before Saddam was imposed.
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