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Iraq to buy weapons from Iran

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Jan 28, 2012
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TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iraq’s Ambassador to Iran Mohamed Majed Abas Al-Sheikh said that his country has recently signed a deal to purchase arms from Iran as part of broader plan to boost Iraqi armed forces.

Speaking in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency on Monday, Al-Sheikh said “according to some sources”, Iraq’s defense ministry has found Iranian-made weapons "highly efficient" and considers it necessary for the Iraqi army to be equipped with them.

During a visit to Iran by Iraqi Defense Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi in September 2013, Tehran and Baghdad signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to boost defense cooperation between the two neighboring countries.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan had earlier expressed Iran’s readiness to equip and strengthen the Iraqi armed forces.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Al-Sheikh referred to the Iraqi government’s fight against terrorist groups in the country’s western province of Al-Anbar, saying that local people and tribes in the province have come to aid the army in its operations against the terrorists.

“They indicated that terrorist groups have no place in this province," the diplomat said.

Iraqi armed forces last week killed 50 militants from the al-Qaeda-linked group of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the western province of Al-Anbar.

The deaths were reported on Sunday as the government forces continue their operations against the al-Qaeda-affiliated militants in the province.

The Iraqi ambassador noted that terrorist groups like ISIL, Al-Nusra Front and others that have entered the Iraqi soil are supported by foreign countries and certain Arab regimes that seek the return to power the former dictatorial (Ba’ath) regime.

Iraq Signed Arms Deal with Iran: Ambassador
"I am speechless"
TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iraq’s Ambassador to Iran Mohamed Majed Abas Al-Sheikh said that his country has recently signed a deal to purchase arms from Iran as part of broader plan to boost Iraqi armed forces.

Speaking in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency on Monday, Al-Sheikh said “according to some sources”, Iraq’s defense ministry has found Iranian-made weapons "highly efficient" and considers it necessary for the Iraqi army to be equipped with them.

During a visit to Iran by Iraqi Defense Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi in September 2013, Tehran and Baghdad signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to boost defense cooperation between the two neighboring countries.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan had earlier expressed Iran’s readiness to equip and strengthen the Iraqi armed forces.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Al-Sheikh referred to the Iraqi government’s fight against terrorist groups in the country’s western province of Al-Anbar, saying that local people and tribes in the province have come to aid the army in its operations against the terrorists.

“They indicated that terrorist groups have no place in this province," the diplomat said.

Iraqi armed forces last week killed 50 militants from the al-Qaeda-linked group of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the western province of Al-Anbar.

The deaths were reported on Sunday as the government forces continue their operations against the al-Qaeda-affiliated militants in the province.

The Iraqi ambassador noted that terrorist groups like ISIL, Al-Nusra Front and others that have entered the Iraqi soil are supported by foreign countries and certain Arab regimes that seek the return to power the former dictatorial (Ba’ath) regime.

Iraq Signed Arms Deal with Iran: Ambassador
We aren't allowed to sell military stuff as far as i know o_O
Probably a false news, don't you think?
We aren't allowed to sell military stuff as far as i know o_O
Probably a false news don't you think?

We aren't allowed to sell military stuff for quite some time now. Still Iranian military equipment reached Syria and Lebanon. Could be false news though, but then again, I am sure there are ways to find if Iraq really wants to buy Iranian equipment.
We aren't allowed to sell military stuff as far as i know o_O
Probably a false news, don't you think?
Yes, you are not allowed, untill and unless someone found your weapons "highly efficient". or untill it is out of knowledge of USA:p:
Doubt it.

Iranian media repeated the same often for years, not reliable source.
The Iraqis have been using a few Iranian-made equipments for a few years.

Nothing of a surprise ..
Doubt it.

Iranian media repeated the same often for years, not reliable source.

I doubt it too, although Iran and Iraq did sign a memoranding of understanding vis-a-vis defense cooperation last year.
Things like light weapons, station-to-station transmitters, grenades, and basic gears.

Your talking about copied AK 47’s and such of Iran, small quantities that ended up in army hands, not a purchase of weapons
Does Iran still manufacture TOW missiles, or improved versions of it? In the 1970s America gave TOW and night vision goggle blueprints to Iran. TOW and night vision goggles are highly effective against insurgents.
Your talking about copied AK 47’s and such of Iran, small quantities that ended up in army hands, not a purchase of weapons

I've already stated that Iraq is using Iranian-made light weapons, don't twist my words, read my posts carefully.
I've already stated that Iraq is using Iranian-made light weapons, don't twist my words, read my posts carefully.

This thread is about military deals, purchases of weaponry.

Iraq has some Iranian made weaponry in it’s inventory of which none reported, that means small arms copied AK 47’s just as Iran has Iraqi made/modified weaponry in it’s inventory, whether in service or not is not the case here.

As for Iraq purchasing equipment from Iran is something there is no evidence for, neither has DJ elliots blog who follows Iraq’s military rebuild since 2004 seen any deal with Iran.
Montrose Toast - Iraq Order of Battle
Your talking about copied AK 47’s and such of Iran, small quantities that ended up in army hands, not a purchase of weapons

AK-47? How about Sayyad and Kaybar? :p: Sayyad is used by Iraqi Shia fighters in Syria.

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