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Iraq shells FSA-positions in Syria

An injured bird is always an easy target for its prey. Blood is in the water and all the sharks are having a fish frenzy.
well ,It seems Iraq Understand if these terrorists succeed in Syria next target would be Lebanon and after that there is no doubt they start attacking Iraq so they are giving them a firm warning . Just like Hezbollah start getting them the warning on the other side .
TBH I really wish Maliki is replaced next election, the obsession with him has gone to a new level. By replacing him, we have a new "dictator" to talk about.

I don't know what do you mean by that, but actually A-Maliki is taking Iraq to the worse. Iyad Allawi is Shia but he is a great person. Iraq needs a secular leader right now to unite Iraq.
^ Iyad Allawi is Shia by name, almost just entire political party is made of of Sunnis, many of them secterian. Besides when he was prime minister back in 2004 he had a hand in what happened in fallujah.If you are aware of iraqi polotics you would know he is just another idiot. At the end of the day it's the election result which count, and most people don't want Allawi.

Btw the news is still unconfirmed, but te reason why the army intervened may possibly be because 4 mortars landed in iraq and two Iraqi soldiers were wounded from random gunfire from the Syrian side.

Anyways these are Jubhat al nusra fighters and not FSA.
Iraqi army helping Syrian government retake border checkpoint - reports

The Iraqi army has reportedly shelled Free Syrian Army positions inside Syria near the border with Iraq. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Iraq is helping Syrian government forces regain control of a border checkpoint seized by the insurgency.

Witness reports on Twitter claim that Iraq's armed forces shelled the border checkpoint at Al Ya'robiya on Friday night.

An Al-Arabiya correspondent also confirmed that Iraq had shelled targets inside Syria.

Iraqi army helping Syrian government retake border checkpoint - reports ? RT News

this report is not true
TBH I really wish Maliki is replaced next election, the obsession with him has gone to a new level. By replacing him, we have a new "dictator" to talk about.

Iraqi Politics is extremely complex it can be compared with Lebanon in its complexity. There are ethnic divisions amongst Arabs; Kurds & Turkmens then there is growing sectarian division between Shiets and Sunnites. Iraq needs a statesman who can keep all the ethnic and religious groups under one umbrella and it seems impossible that Al-Maliki can do that, the way he is running the country. If Iraqi leadership could not reconcile with all the stakeholders then its division is inevitable.
Following is some analysis show Sunnite representation in Iraqi Parliament :
#|party- leader
10|Wifaq|Allawi (also has 18 Shi'a seats)
6|Islamic Party|al-Samara'i
6|The Iraqis|al-Yawar
4|Awakening|Abu Risha
1|Arab Gathering|al-Jubouri
1|Dawa|al-Maliki (he appointed this one as part of the compensation seats. Not a single Sunni was actually elected into al-Maliki's list)

Notes: Kurdish parties in brackets. Aside from the Kurdish parties, Maliki's Dawa, the Islamic Party and the Awakening Movement are the only ones not party of Iraqiyya. Also note that Maliki's Sunni MP is a Turkmen and aside from these 4 Sunni Turkmen, another 3 Shi'a Turkmen were elected intoparliament as part of Shi'a parties. Ayad Allawi's Wifaq is the only party in Iraqi parliament which won both Sunni and Shi'a seats.

Can you please share the Shiet representation in Iraqi Parliament, also Christian, Druze & Yazidi (if any)
Iraqi Politics is extremely complex it can be compared with Lebanon in its complexity. There are ethnic divisions amongst Arabs; Kurds & Turkmens then there is growing sectarian division between Shiets and Sunnites. Iraq needs a statesman who can keep all the ethnic and religious groups under one umbrella and it seems impossible that Al-Maliki can do that, the way he is running the country. If Iraqi leadership could not reconcile with all the stakeholders then its division is inevitable.

Lebanon has sunnis Shias and Christians and they are about equal. in Iraq Shias are majority. Maliki has cracked down on both Shia and Sunni militias. But some foreign sponsored parties in Iraq won't be happy until they controll the governemnt. Let's be realistic, some people just can't accept a Shia being in power, regardless if then governemnt is good or bad. The Anbar province had 8 ministers while the second largest and Shia majority city of basrah has only one minister. If we put the actual representation in effect them the Sunnis actually have much more representation than they deserve. Yet they still are not happy because they don't have the prime ministers office.

BTW, if god forbid a civil war happens, it is going to be a Sunni-Sunni war before it becomes Shia-Sunni war. A large portion of the Sunni population refuse the sectarian tone that some Sunnis politicians and shieks are using. Many of the Iraqyah bloc members have decided to break up from the party and just recently one of the Iraqyah bloc (ayah alawi's) majority Sunni bloc refused the decision of the Iraqyah bloc and decided to keep working in office after they called to boycot the governemnt.

Besides appeasing people shouldn't be on the account of peoples blood. Some Sunni politicians are involved supporting terrorism, should we just let them be simply because we don't want to be called sectarian? Most of the charges filed against these politicians are actually from Sunni families. They have been involved in killing both Sunnis and Shias.

Besides what is wrong with the way he runs the country? I mean why don't people put the blame on the terrorists who kill tens of innocent civilians daily?
Btw many Shias voted for the Iraqyah bloc because they thought it was secular the last elections. Unfortunately it failed them badly and now thy regret voting for them.

The Sunnis have 8 important ministries and they are doing a really bad job at operating their ministries. The Sunni and Kurdish MP's are trying their hardest to stop important laws in order to present the government that they are part of as a failed governemnt. They intentionally stop Importany laws to delay in the governemnt. Just recently they have been trying to divert the money allocated for the Russian deal to Illegal oil contracts in Kurdistan which caused the budget to be delayed. The head of parliament which is sunni left the budget law hanging and went to Qatar to conspire against Iraq.

Basically many of the Sunni politicians are trying to sabotage the development in Iraq and are working as agents for other countries. That's how most Iraqis including many Sunnis view them.
Btw many Shias voted for the Iraqyah bloc because they thought it was secular the last elections. Unfortunately it failed them badly and now thy regret voting for them.

The Sunnis have 8 important ministries and they are doing a really bad job at operating their ministries. The Sunni and Kurdish MP's are trying their hardest to stop important laws in order to present the government that they are part of as a failed governemnt. They intentionally stop Importany laws to delay in the governemnt. Just recently they have been trying to divert the money allocated for the Russian deal to Illegal oil contracts in Kurdistan which caused the budget to be delayed. The head of parliament which is sunni left the budget law hanging and went to Qatar to conspire against Iraq.

Basically many of the Sunni politicians are trying to sabotage the development in Iraq and are working as agents for other countries. That's how most Iraqis including many Sunnis view them.

It seems Iraq is making of itself a joke country like Lebanon. Iraq doesn't need to get described, it's people are intelligent, cultured, and educated, I dealt with many Iraqis, they are proud and smart people, yet those smart people can't elect an Iraqi nationalist who works only for Iraq and Iraqis and doesn't see sect or ethnicity? Al-Maliki is a clown to say the least.

You are talking about your own countrymen who according to you are sellouts to Turkey and GCC, but you tend to forget about Iranian sellouts. All I can say is that your country is being destroyed by it's people to serve others agenda. This is unfortunate indeed as Iraq is too big and important to be used as a proxy.
^unfortunately yes, we have many traitors withing the government, Turkey and Qatar are trying to turn Iraq into another Syria with the help of the traitors inside Iraq. They do not really are about the thousands of lives that are going to be the fuel for any conflict. As for siding with Iran, It is exaggerated, but we do have many shared interest, that does not mean being a puppet.

I mean if people are publicly calling to massacre Iraqis in markets, killing the Iraqi army and police, destroying churches and mosques, don't expect us to welcome them with open hands. The thing that makes it worse is they attack innocent people in public areas. Always using IEDs, suicide bombings, car bombs, silenced weapons.
This is what Iraq has been going through for the past ten years. The fall of Bashar will increase the influx of weapons and terrorists in Iraq, It will also cause ethnic cleansing in Syria as well, This is the real reason why Iraq has not been supporting military solution in Syria. The Syrians should sit together and find a peaceful way out, otherwise any military "solution" will mean just what's exactly happening. Cleansing based on political, religious and sectarian identity.


90% of all attacks occur against Shia neighborhoods and the other 10% are against pro-government Sunnis or other monorities.

Yet for the past 4 years there hasn't been any incident of shias bombing Sunni areas, Just Shias getting bombed while we try to be patient because we don't want in onnocent Sunnis to die or a civil war to occur.

Yet somehow the Arab media makes it seem like the Shias are sectarian. Doesn't it sound unfair. The jubhat al nusrah has publicly announced that they want to behead Shias. And please don't tell me this is because of the crimes of bashars army. The idea of killing Shia has existed long before that. We have already seen what Taliban did to the Shias in afghanistan, and what's happening to the shias in Pakistan, Are Pakistani Shias involved in crimes as well.

I know that you have condemned extremists and terrorism multiple times. But the problem is not all Sunnis would agree with you, especially not the Wahhabi/ salaries influenced "Sunnis".

We did have Iranian sellouts, that mainly being Moqtada and the Mahdi army. The mahdi army was forced to lay down arms in 2008 after being defeated by the Iraqi army. They never operated since. But the Arab supported terrorists still continue to operate and kill.
Alshawi you said "The fall of Bashar will increase the influx of weapons and terrorists in Iraq, It will also cause ethnic cleansing in Syria as well, This is the real reason why Iraq has not been supporting military solution in Syria."

Wasn't Assad the one who brough Al-Qaeda Takfiris into Iraq. Assads Brother-in-Law Assif Shawkat the one who was sent to hell was head of the department that looked after this operation by opening the door for Al-Qaeda to come into Iraq. So it's disingenuous of your claims regardless what you may believe to think. Fall of Assad which quite honestly speaking has noting to do with Iraq or Iraqis or Shias in general. Syria will remain a Sunni Arab Nation, Iran tried hard to make it to another Shia Nation like Iraq but failed. For 40 years Sunnies had to watch while shias from OUTSIDE of syria would pour into syria to perform rituals in their towns and cities while not able to do anything about it. They were even allowed to perform Matam beatings im sorry if I am being blunt in Sunnis Masajids like Umaayad Mosque in Damascus.

Ethnical Cleansing has unfortantely already happened in your own country so it's best not to speak about it in your case about other countries and their suffering. Of course the one who has been wronged for the last 40 years would take revenge in it is only natural but it needs to be managed and the only way you can do that is boots on the ground.

As for your comment on not having a military solution to the conflict. I think Maliki would think other wise

U.S. official: Iraq continues to allow Iranian overflights to Syria latimes.com/news/world/worldnow/la-fg-wn-iraq-iran-overflights-20130227,0,5977608.story
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