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Iraq shells FSA-positions in Syria

I really doubt that they tried

You fail to realize that it's not only about fighting, there is massive damage done by any conflict. Construction, economic development, salaries, fuel, electricity, water, healthcare... All these will be lost. At one point in the civil war the tomatoes cost 5k dinars per kg in Sunni areas, that's was half a days work back then. We DON'T want this to happen again to anyone. Shias have the upper hand when it comes to military, but we are simply sick of fighting and killing, we want to rebuild the country. that is why I reply with aggressively when people speak and wish for conflict to occur in Iraq.
Alshawi you said "The fall of Bashar will increase the influx of weapons and terrorists in Iraq, It will also cause ethnic cleansing in Syria as well, This is the real reason why Iraq has not been supporting military solution in Syria."

Wasn't Assad the one who brough Al-Qaeda Takfiris into Iraq. Assads Brother-in-Law Assif Shawkat the one who was sent to hell was head of the department that looked after this operation by opening the door for Al-Qaeda to come into Iraq. So it's disingenuous of your claims regardless what you may believe to think. Fall of Assad which quite honestly speaking has noting to do with Iraq or Iraqis or Shias in general. Syria will remain a Sunni Arab Nation, Iran tried hard to make it to another Shia Nation like Iraq but failed. For 40 years Sunnies had to watch while shias from OUTSIDE of syria would pour into syria to perform rituals in their towns and cities while not able to do anything about it. They were even allowed to perform Matam beatings im sorry if I am being blunt in Sunnis Masajids like Umaayad Mosque in Damascus.

Ethnical Cleansing has unfortantely already happened in your own country so it's best not to speak about it in your case about other countries and their suffering. Of course the one who has been wronged for the last 40 years would take revenge in it is only natural but it needs to be managed and the only way you can do that is boots on the ground.

As for your comment on not having a military solution to the conflict. I think Maliki would think other wise

U.S. official: Iraq continues to allow Iranian overflights to Syria latimes.com/news/world/worldnow/la-fg-wn-iraq-iran-overflights-20130227,0,5977608.story


Yes, and that was Bashar's biggest mistake, he raised and trained *alqaeda with the help of other Arab countries which just a few years ago had really good relations with the Syrian government, and now have decided that it is a sectarian government.
Syria didn't want want Saddam to be ousted because they were both baathist.*

So Shias performing rituals is forbidden?, I have been to Syria and seen how it was like. There was religious freedom for everyone. Sunnis had 100% freedom and probably more freedom than everyone else. People didn't even know what Shia and Sunni were. I personally used to go pray in a Sunni mosque . That statement of yours was exclusively sectarian. So what are they exactly supposed to do about Shias pouring from outside of Syria? The only suggestion I could come up with according to you is bomb them. Besides these Shias pour thousands of dollars in the Syrian economy, so why would they be denied?*

Syria accepted refugees from all Arab countries. The Palestinians*in Syria were living better than in any other neighboring countries. Syria accepting hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Sunni refugees after the war, while the gulf countries refused to accept any refugees, not even Sunnis. Anyone saying then syrian government was Sectarian is deluded and absolutely knows nothing about Syria. I remember there were also thousands of Pakistanis living in Syria, both Sunni and Shia.*
Again you mention ethnic cleansing in iraq against sunnis while you do not mention the 300,000+ Shias killed in the past ten years. Just shows how deluded you are.

Don't expect arms to stop coming to one side while the other is receiving arms.

Yes, and that was Bashar's biggest mistake, he raised and trained *alqaeda with the help of other Arab countries which just a few years ago had really good relations with the Syrian government, and now have decided that it is a sectarian government.
Syria didn't want want Saddam to be ousted because they were both baathist.*

So Shias performing rituals is forbidden?, I have been to Syria and seen how it was like. There was religious freedom for everyone. Sunnis had 100% freedom and probably more freedom than everyone else. People didn't even know what Shia and Sunni were. I personally used to go pray in a Sunni mosque . That statement of yours was exclusively sectarian. So what are they exactly supposed to do about Shias pouring from outside of Syria? The only suggestion I could come up with according to you is bomb them. Besides these Shias pour thousands of dollars in the Syrian economy, so why would they be denied?*

Syria accepted refugees from all Arab countries. The Palestinians*in Syria were living better than in any other neighboring countries. Syria accepting hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Sunni refugees after the war, while the gulf countries refused to accept any refugees, not even Sunnis. Anyone saying then syrian government was Sectarian is deluded and absolutely knows nothing about Syria. I remember there were also thousands of Pakistanis living in Syria, both Sunni and Shia.*
Again you mention ethnic cleansing in iraq against sunnis while you do not mention the 300,000+ Shias killed in the past ten years. Just shows how deluded you are.

Don't expect arms to stop coming to one side while the other is receiving arms.

Well thank you for admitting the obvious, because it is important we do shed a level of taqiyaa off to understand the core. So your statement about this not having a military solution actually is false and it does have a military solution now when the other side(sunnies) are being armed.

As for this statement "So what are they exactly supposed to do about Shias pouring from outside of Syria? The only suggestion I could come up with according to you is bomb them. Besides these Shias pour thousands of dollars in the Syrian economy, so why would they be denied?*"

Performing religious matams and other shia rituals in a Sunni Masajid is religiou freedom? Which Sunni Muslim in Syria allowed this ^credible^ of course. The only conclusion according to you is to bomb them? Since I don't want them there you have some how dwelt into my head and reaped out some secrets from the unkown about what I want to do with them? Your conclusion. Bomb Them. If you haven't taking some imaginary airways inside my head or from a some hidden person in your aqeedah. I would suggest you cease typing words referencing to me which I haven't typed. There is a record where you can see what I wrote and base your judgment on that on not on these erroneous conclusions. I know blood pains you and your base your conclusions on death and pain and superficial sacrafice but please not everybody is like that. I would not bomb them(shias) I would nicely demolish them(their bulidings) with a 2010 used Caterpillar (those which are in Sunni Muslim towns, villages and areas) or simply remove them brick by brick and sent them back to Iran, Iraq or in Shia villages within Syria.

If it continues as is with the fighting you will see those hussaniyats bombed rather than bulldozed.

On the topic of Bombing people I would like to know your take on the best singer in Iraq Shia Mulla Bassim on killing the children of the Ummayds and their descendants(Sunnies) even the little ones(small children and babies) on Ashura and other Shia holidays in Iraq. Which was on live television on Iraqi TV
@ AlShawi1234, can you please reply post # 24, As far as i know out of 28 members Al-Wifaq (Allawi) has 18 Shiets and 10 Sunnites.
@ AlShawi1234, can you please reply post # 24, As far as i know out of 28 members Al-Wifaq (Allawi) has 18 Shiets and 10 Sunnites.

I'm not sure about the specific numbers to each party, but the total of Shias were 21/91 in the Iraqyah bloc. They were voted in by shias hoping for a secular government. But ever since most of these Shia MP's have split from the iraqiyah bloc because of its sectarian positions. The Shia members were also excluded from ministry nominations and political decisions.

Malikis state of law bloc did enter with some sunnis. But the Sunni population did not vote for them so they didn't make it to the parliament.

Right now their are 8 Sunni ministers, six of them from Anbar. Ayad alawi's bloc won a majority single coalition party seats because of the 21 Shia members. However the main three Shia blocs have allied and had the majority seats all together, which made it impossible for the Iraqiah bloc to form the government. A significant number of turkmens entered with the state of laws(Malikis) coalition.

Another thing is many Shias did not vote last elections because they were extremely critical of the governemnt.
It is the job of the Iraqi Army to protect their homeland and the people of Iraq, FSA are nothing but terrorists, those FSA terrorists are getting supplies from Alqaeda in Iraq and vice versa.

God Bless the Iraqi Armed Forces.
I don't know what do you mean by that, but actually A-Maliki is taking Iraq to the worse. Iyad Allawi is Shia but he is a great person. Iraq needs a secular leader right now to unite Iraq.

No one can unite Iraq. Only formally though, but not in reality. Because Iraq is an artificial state created by the Brits. The borders were not drawn by the people, but European imperalists, thus the country is likely to fall. Therefore, it is only a matter of time, before Iraq conflicts themselves with either a) a civil war, b) before they all come to their senses and split Iraq into three states. The Americans tried to unite Iraq, the Kurds tried (Jalal Talabani - but he is now out of the picture), now there's no one left to unite them.

As for the news, if Syria falls to the Wahhabis, they will have free passage into Iraq. I read somewhere that a lot of Arab tribes in Mosul and Anbar has relatives across the border into Syria, and they support FSA. And so does the tribes in Iraq. They want an Islamic state in Iraq. This is also clearly shown with the Sahwa militia whom formerly opposed al-Qaeda and fought against them, but now the new leader of the militia supports FSA. So Iraq's future is not bright.
No one can unite Iraq. Only formally though, but not in reality. Because Iraq is an artificial state created by the Brits. The borders were not drawn by the people, but European imperalists, thus the country is likely to fall. Therefore, it is only a matter of time, before Iraq conflicts themselves with either a) a civil war, b) before they all come to their senses and split Iraq into three states. The Americans tried to unite Iraq, the Kurds tried (Jalal Talabani - but he is now out of the picture), now there's no one left to unite them.

As for the news, if Syria falls to the Wahhabis, they will have free passage into Iraq. I read somewhere that a lot of Arab tribes in Mosul and Anbar has relatives across the border into Syria, and they support FSA. And so does the tribes in Iraq. They want an Islamic state in Iraq. This is also clearly shown with the Sahwa militia whom formerly opposed al-Qaeda and fought against them, but now the new leader of the militia supports FSA. So Iraq's future is not bright.

Well put in, not only Iraq all the countries where trouble is going on were actually created by west on the ashes of Ottoman Empire. Present day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and several Sheikhdoms of Persian Gulf were created to suite the imperial powers future schematic of indirect rule that too against the wishes of people of the land.

Same with North Africa, they divided the entire Arab Maghreb in too many states. In my opinion the entire Arab spring will culminate in to the reintegration of Middle East & North African region but subsequent to so much of chaos and blood bath because statusquo suits many regional and outside powers and they would do their best to maintain that.
The war of liberation of el anbar, diayala, ninewah,tikirit and baghdad will start soon. Sunnis have been demonstrating en masse since few month, and none of their just demand have been met.
About Maliki involvement in syria, i dont think he can do much, he knows the minority BAATH alawite regime is going down, and no matter how he cry and accuse turkey, qatar etc etc he cannot do much, the FSA is taking day after day the various crossing point with iraq, and cut the iranian lifeline to assadist...
The end is soon, and maliki would have to faces the consequences of his absolute support to the assadist regime, and he will surely pay dearly for it
The war of liberation of el anbar, diayala, ninewah,tikirit and baghdad will start soon. Sunnis have been demonstrating en masse since few month, and none of their just demand have been met.
About Maliki involvement in syria, i dont think he can do much, he knows the minority BAATH alawite regime is going down, and no matter how he cry and accuse turkey, qatar etc etc he cannot do much, the FSA is taking day after day the various crossing point with iraq, and cut the iranian lifeline to assadist...
The end is soon, and maliki would have to faces the consequences of his absolute support to the assadist regime, and he will surely pay dearly for it

:lol:, ok there dont get ahead of yourself. Once you "free" Syria then think about "freeing" Iraq. Besides who the hell told you we want to be "freed"?
:lol:, ok there dont get ahead of yourself. Once you "free" Syria then think about "freeing" Iraq. Besides who the hell told you we want to be "freed"?

my friend, he is not Syrian, I talked to him before (in Arabic) and his Arabic was absolutely non-Syrian, and he said I spoke in Lebanese dialect, while I was talking in the in clear Syrian dialect, he couldn't even recognize Syrian dialects...
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