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Iraq orders Turkey to 'immediately' withdraw troops sent across border

Tabriz, Ardabil are Turkish word(lets say Azeri)... does it change anything? Hungary and Turkey are English words, but that doesnt change any reality... It looks like kids game as you tell your uncle will win against your friends uncle... ))
Be fu#king serious man!!!

Tab = fever = Persian word
Riz = calm down / reduce = Persian word

Persian word + Persian word = Turkish !?
Tab = fever = Persian word
Riz = calm down / reduce = Persian word

Persian word + Persian word = Turkish !?

Let him troll , he is clearly a turk :)
They burn so hard after so many years of brainwashing that their Panturk
ideology is nothing more than a myth. They are dreaming for 40 milion azari living in Iran while there are
only 15 milion. They ignore that Azari tribe did exist even before Turks were mentioned in the history :D.
They ignore their origins, they did come with mongolians first and at that time azaris already lived
for thousands of years in their homeland Iran. I must admit that under assimilation trys of turks many people mixed and there are truely azari turks but to say that this changes origin of 15 milion people where maybe 500.000 thousand have turkish blood mixed with iranian is absurd . But ok I can understand you , Azari and Iranians in generell have
a very nice culture and they want to own it :3 It's not just for fun that Persian is the language of Poets and poems ;)

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Ok, lets see the other side of the coin...
US and West, created the Kurdish "country" and Iraq was silent... Its all was designed to play against Turkey. However, Turkey played well... They offered a new gas and petrol pipeline.. investment in Kurdish area. BUT, they said that the money created from the sale, will be saved in Turkish bank, and will only be payed to Kurdish government through Iraqi government... even though Kurdish side was against it...

Lets see what happened now! Iraqi government didnt want to allocate money to Kurdish side.. Most probably, i believe, Turkey will give the money to Kurds and wait for Iraqi army to attack them. Until that, they will train them. This is called the politics... I actually, dont even believe that the Iraqi army will get the balls to attack.
the bad side of this politics... West will need to stay behind kurds because they need them and they will become the second biggest importer of Turkish goods. Win Win situation!

eqlim needs a country in her neighborhood to get support for separating. right now its turkey. what you said maybe be right in short time.but not in long period. do you think eqlim will be a good partner for turkey forever? definitely not, it just about current situation and need a neighbor for separation. how can you guarantee after independence of kurdestan, iran will not create a good relationship with them? in that case, they will definitely try to unite all kurdish lands together including syria and turkey sides, kurds in syria are not already under syrian government control and its erdogan nightmare nowadays, its politic, governments change their sides in a moment in attention to their benefits.
nowadays, its almost everyday that some clashes happens in kurdish cities like dyarbakir in turkey.
an independent country to name kurdistan will make lots of problems for turkey while they have west supports.
in that scenario they dont need turkey for pipeline, north of syria through Mediterranean or iran can be alternatives.

so its a lame idea if we think it will be a win-win situation because its not fully under erdogan control, we shouldnt forget west rule in the game.

erdogan was thinking same about syria, less than 2 monthes the regime of syria would be changed, but 5 years is passed and the regime has upper hand in the fronts nowadays.
erdogan was thinking same about egypt either, but we saw how easily all his plans pissed off.
so i think it will be resulted same about kurdistan issue. somehow it will be screwed.

listen to him:

come up with reasons instead of typical Iranian way of trolling...

No need to disrespect a nationality when we disagree with someone bro. I expected more.
eqlim needs a country in her neighborhood to get support for separating. right now its turkey. what you said maybe be right in short time.but not in long period. do you think eqlim will be a good partner for turkey forever? definitely not, it just about current situation and need a neighbor for separation. how can you guarantee after independence of kurdestan, iran will not create a good relationship with them? in that case, they will definitely try to unite all kurdish lands together including syria and turkey sides, kurds in syria are not already under syrian government control and its erdogan nightmare nowadays, its politic, governments change their sides in a moment in attention to their benefits.
nowadays, its almost everyday that some clashes happens in kurdish cities like dyarbakir in turkey.
an independent country to name kurdistan will make lots of problems for turkey while they have west supports.
in that scenario they dont need turkey for pipeline, north of syria through Mediterranean or iran can be alternatives.

so its a lame idea if we think it will be win-win situation because its not fully under erdogan control, we shouldnt forget west rule in the game.

erdogan was thinking same about syria, less than 2 monthes the regime of syria would be changed, but 5 years is passed and the regime has upper hand in the fronts nowadays.
erdogan was thinking same about egypt either, but we saw how easily all his plans pissed off.
so i think it will be resulted same about kurdistan issue. somehow it will be screwed.

listen to him:
First, now Kurds in Iraq, basically is depend on Turkey for their income... They will earn more and more after gas pipeline in two years. Those Kurds even were against PKK and prisoned many of them and thats why there are many Kurdish forces that ready to fight each other! Turkey showed its support by placing the base, now, they will make safer the Gas and Petrol supply (5 months ago, the gas pipeline was destroyed, it might be a reason for Turkey to deploy forces there or a foolish act by PKK which turned this way..). Those kurds understood that without the income(as Iraqi government stopped to pay them from petrol income and they couldnt even pay to soldiers and continue business environment without $) they will be lost!
The only way out was to have a kurdish government that has exit to the sea, but Turkey is not Iraqi government. Even i know what they are trying to do, and Turkey was very serious about it that, in case they try, Turkish army will get into Syria... So far kurds dont have balls to face a professional army like Turkey! After ISIS, they understood that, it is not easy to be in a war!
On the other hand, Turkish government was strong again and deployed SF to go house by house to search those PKK and kill them. with UAV, thermal cameras and so on, they got no chance man. but, they are also very careful not to hurt normal people, as it will stop those people to join PKK again... Those kurds in Turkey now started to think that PKK make problems for them... Turkey also spent 9 billion $ to have water those regions so people can start with agriculture and boost the economy... it will start next year.

I hope you understand what im talking about... Basically, you cant just bomb people and try to solve the issue.. If you deal with it systematically, there will be no room for others to face with you!
Turkey also understand that it cannot have the policy to only get protected from others games... Now, Turkey started to attack so they will be busy to think about it and eventually accept it... The latest Islamic military alliance is an example of it and im sure Turkey played a great role to unite all these countries together.. Now, imagine, in 4-5 month or in a year, when those forces will be deployed to SYria.. Who will even think to confront them? let me tell you, NOBODY! and i can easily explain you why its simply impossible...

Tab = fever = Persian word
Riz = calm down / reduce = Persian word

Persian word + Persian word = Turkish !?
There is "Tab" word in my keyboard, is that also Persian invention?
Your country was named Safavis and the founder of Safavi is Shah Ismael 1, who made the Turkish language the language of Saray... You also have arabic words or Turkish words. I dont even understand what do you want to say with this linguistic discussion?
Ismail I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dickhead, are we talking about your fictional racist ideas or are we talking about facts?
Did I fist came up with empety claims or you. You Kamil Baku who are you trying to fool?
I don't need to proof myself since my fathers family comes directly from Baku ;D
If you wanna play turk or pretend to be azari go ahead I don't care but get your facts right before
claiming something that just screams out dumbness.

Have a nice day kardes pretending being turk or azari :)
First learn the simple procedure of being cultural... we are not in the middle of desert...
Watch at your way of starting comment. You deserved dickhead nickname! Welcome to the PDF!!! :welcome:)
I am happy that we got a new Comedian here. :chilli::taz::blah:
There is "Tab" word in my keyboard, is that also Persian invention?

my friend , Tab = تب mean " fever " ---> is a Persian word ,
but if you can't accept this simple fact , then I can't help you .... after all " there is no cure for stupidity "
First, now Kurds in Iraq, basically is depend on Turkey for their income... They will earn more and more after gas pipeline in two years. Those Kurds even were against PKK and prisoned many of them and thats why there are many Kurdish forces that ready to fight each other! Turkey showed its support by placing the base, now, they will make safer the Gas and Petrol supply (5 months ago, the gas pipeline was destroyed, it might be a reason for Turkey to deploy forces there or a foolish act by PKK which turned this way..). Those kurds understood that without the income(as Iraqi government stopped to pay them from petrol income and they couldnt even pay to soldiers and continue business environment without $) they will be lost!
The only way out was to have a kurdish government that has exit to the sea, but Turkey is not Iraqi government. Even i know what they are trying to do, and Turkey was very serious about it that, in case they try, Turkish army will get into Syria... So far kurds dont have balls to face a professional army like Turkey! After ISIS, they understood that, it is not easy to be in a war!
On the other hand, Turkish government was strong again and deployed SF to go house by house to search those PKK and kill them. with UAV, thermal cameras and so on, they got no chance man. but, they are also very careful not to hurt normal people, as it will stop those people to join PKK again... Those kurds in Turkey now started to think that PKK make problems for them... Turkey also spent 9 billion $ to have water those regions so people can start with agriculture and boost the economy... it will start next year.

I hope you understand what im talking about... Basically, you cant just bomb people and try to solve the issue.. If you deal with it systematically, there will be no room for others to face with you!
Turkey also understand that it cannot have the policy to only get protected from others games... Now, Turkey started to attack so they will be busy to think about it and eventually accept it... The latest Islamic military alliance is an example of it and im sure Turkey played a great role to unite all these countries together.. Now, imagine, in 4-5 month or in a year, when those forces will be deployed to SYria.. Who will even think to confront them? let me tell you, NOBODY! and i can easily explain you why its simply impossible...

There is "Tab" word in my keyboard, is that also Persian invention?
Your country was named Safavis and the founder of Safavi is Shah Ismael 1, who made the Turkish language the language of Saray... You also have arabic words or Turkish words. I dont even understand what do you want to say with this linguistic discussion?
Ismail I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First learn the simple procedure of being cultural... we are not in the middle of desert...
Watch at your way of starting comment. You deserved dickhead nickname! Welcome to the PDF!!! :welcome:)
I am happy that we got a new Comedian here. :chilli::taz::blah:

Writing so much with 0 content must be hard, does it actually hurt? I mean being stupid

Any relatives of you in that video? :)

Let him troll , he is clearly a turk :)
They burn so hard after so many years of brainwashing that their Panturk
ideology is nothing more than a myth. They are dreaming for 40 milion azari living in Iran while there are
only 15 milion. They ignore that Azari tribe did exist even before Turks were mentioned in the history :D.
They ignore their origins, they did come with mongolians first and at that time azaris already lived
for thousands of years in their homeland Iran. I must admit that under assimilation trys of turks many people mixed and there are truely azari turks but to say that this changes origin of 15 milion people where maybe 500.000 thousand have turkish blood mixed with iranian is absurd . But ok I can understand you , Azari and Iranians in generell have
a very nice culture and they want to own it :3 It's not just for fun that Persian is the language of Poets and poems ;)

My friend what myths we believe in? It's not all about genetics and blood for anymore as most races are mixed. It's what one believes in. For example most Americans have different origins such as Irish, Polish, German, English etc but most don't care or are fully American now.
Writing so much with 0 content must be hard, does it actually hurt? I mean being stupid

Any relatives of you in that video? :)

I should of right about drugs and type of weeds, may be you would like about it then...
I wonder do you even feel shamed for acting like a kid in a military forum? grow up dude!
My friend what myths we believe in? It's not all about genetics and blood for anymore as most races are mixed. It's what one believes in. For example most Americans have different origins such as Irish, Polish, German, English etc but most don't care or are fully American now.

Exactly, people mixed and yea there are azaris with turkish blood and families and thats something good! But myths are claiming all Azaris in the world see themselves as turks and denying histrory , linguistic, culture and the majority of the people ,claiming 40 milion Turks living in Iran, claiming Azaris are 100% Turks and letting out the origin of these people, as I said my grandpa back then emigrated from Baku to Tabriz. I have respect for my turkish friends and brothers but comming up with these panturk ideology claiming bs and expecting from me a serious answer... is really stupid.

I should of right about drugs and type of weeds, may be you would like about it then...
I wonder do you even feel shamed for acting like a kid in a military forum? grow up dude!
I wonder if you feel shame when you open your mouth but i guess you don't. However I let you now alone with your burning a... Yasa Iran ve Iran shomali
Exactly, people mixed and yea there are azaris with turkish blood and families and thats something good! But myths are claiming all Azaris in the world see themselves as turks and denying histrory , linguistic, culture and the majority of the people ,claiming 40 milion Turks living in Iran, claiming Azaris are 100% Turks and letting out the origin of these people, as I said my grandpa back then emigrated from Baku to Tabriz. I have respect for my turkish friends and brothers but comming up with these panturk ideology claiming bs and expecting from me a serious answer... is really stupid.

I wonder if you feel shame when you open your mouth but i guess you don't. However I let you now alone with your burning a... Yasa Iran ve Iran shomali
I dont really ignore the traditional of cultural similarities with Iran! I mentioned it before that I feel close with Iranians with Novruz, words in the language and so on... I really like your kebabs and would like to visit Tebriz sometime soon for sure!!
Actually, Turkish and Iranian culture is very close to each other... Most probably, the religious differences took us from each others. To be honest, i am not a religious person at all. I dont even know the main deep differences between Shia and Sunni.

Iranian members simply jumped on me with foolish words. You can go back and simply check it out.
I wonder if you will have the same fairness to ask the shamefulness question from them... ?
I dont really ignore the traditional of cultural similarities with Iran! I mentioned it before that I feel close with Iranians with Novruz, words in the language and so on... I really like your kebabs and would like to visit Tebriz sometime soon for sure!!
Actually, Turkish and Iranian culture is very close to each other... Most probably, the religious differences took us from each others. To be honest, i am not a religious person at all. I dont even know the main deep differences between Shia and Sunni.

Iranian members simply jumped on me with foolish words. You can go back and simply check it out.
I wonder if you will have the same fairness to ask the shamefulness question from them... ?

I admitt I did mistakes and was a bit harsh , excuse me for my insults.
Now talking in a polite tone. I must say there not only similiarities in culture language and and and.
Ottomans did occupy Azarbaijan for hunderds of years and they mixed with Azaris so it's normal that we have Azaris with turkish famliy lines but you can't come and declare that all Azaris are turks. As someone said a few posts it is first of all the belief of the people what they think and believe and one single person can not speak for an enitre population of 15 milion people.
I admitt I did mistakes and was a bit harsh , excuse me for my insults.
Now talking in a polite tone. I must say there not only similiarities in culture language and and and.
Ottomans did occupy Azarbaijan for hunderds of years and they mixed with Azaris so it's normal that we have Azaris with turkish famliy lines but you can't come and declare that all Azaris are turks. As someone said a few posts it is first of all the belief of the people what they think and believe and one single person can not speak for an enitre population of 15 milion people.
I really appreciate you for being brave, this is how the real man should be in our region! You dont need to say any excuse bro! I am also sorry if i said something wrong about you!
I think Iran specially lost in Azerbaijan because they didnt probably allocate money change the peoples mind. on the other hand, many Azerbaijanis growed up watching Turkish movies such as Hababam Sinifi, Shaban, and so on.. Azeri people also think that Iran strongly support Armenian people as Iran keep the border open (But Turkey closed it even though it is against their economy) and give them gas and petrol in discount price...

I think, if Irani government also want to come closer with Azeri people, they should push Armenia. Otherwise, Azeri people think that Iran is against them, even though there are many Iranian actually come to visit Baku and many Azeri people visit Iran each year..

Iran should also have high visits and invest to share its culture..
SOmetimes, im really sorry for Azerbaijan, as it is between Russia, Turkey and Iran...

News talks about attack on the turkish forces in mosul.

The news in Arabic so you can use google.

This is the first strike it's an ear twist the erdogan.

هروب اثيل النجيفي وقواته من معسكر "زليكان"
It is true! To be honest with you, it might be organized by Turkish side too(my own way of thinking), to deploy more forces there and build very strong castle type base as Turkey builded them against PKK and there are very effective...
Turkey also ordered them yesterday from Aselsan and payed 40 million$.
watch it after min 4:05
I admitt I did mistakes and was a bit harsh , excuse me for my insults.
Now talking in a polite tone. I must say there not only similiarities in culture language and and and.
Ottomans did occupy Azarbaijan for hunderds of years and they mixed with Azaris so it's normal that we have Azaris with turkish famliy lines but you can't come and declare that all Azaris are turks. As someone said a few posts it is first of all the belief of the people what they think and believe and one single person can not speak for an enitre population of 15 milion people.

Every Azeri is a Turk. That is the definition of Azerbaijani. We speak the same language, we tell our children the same
fairy tales, there is no cultural, linguistic, traditional distance between us. But the most important common ground is: we love Turkish Kebab. :D

Therefore the question here should be:
Is the self-perception of the Iranian Azerbaijanis Iranian dominated or Turkish dominated?

No matter how you answer this question, the integrity and sovereignty of Iran must be respected.
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