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Iraq orders Turkey to 'immediately' withdraw troops sent across border

I really appreciate you for being brave, this is how the real man should be in our region! You dont need to say any excuse bro! I am also sorry if i said something wrong about you!
I think Iran specially lost in Azerbaijan because they didnt probably allocate money change the peoples mind. on the other hand, many Azerbaijanis growed up watching Turkish movies such as Hababam Sinifi, Shaban, and so on.. Azeri people also think that Iran strongly support Armenian people as Iran keep the border open (But Turkey closed it even though it is against their economy) and give them gas and petrol in discount price...

I think, if Irani government also want to come closer with Azeri people, they should push Armenia. Otherwise, Azeri people think that Iran is against them, even though there are many Iranian actually come to visit Baku and many Azeri people visit Iran each year..

Iran should also have high visits and invest to share its culture..
SOmetimes, im really sorry for Azerbaijan, as it is between Russia, Turkey and Iran...

It is true! To be honest with you, it might be organized by Turkish side too(my own way of thinking), to deploy more forces there and build very strong castle type base as Turkey builded them against PKK and there are very effective...
Turkey also ordered them yesterday from Aselsan and payed 40 million$.
watch it after min 4:05
Our kidds will get into your sheep inside it and capture the lucky one of them other wise they will send them one ticket to hell just stay tuned.
I really liked this article about Iraq and reason Turkey deployed the forces... strongly recommended!!!
Diagnosing Iraq's problems - Al Jazeera English
Crappy article for sure filled with fallacies.

Loool, wake up our kids retaking ramadi while sending more of your subhuman to hell today they send some of your soldiers to hell now after we will show the death before you meet it.

My beloved friend I disrespect without you mess with us imagine the much of respect that I have to now as erdogans lovers not as turks.

Turks our brothers they have the same disrespect that I have toward you.

Cheers buddy.
Crappy article for sure filled with fallacies.

Loool, wake up our kids retaking ramadi while sending more of your subhuman to hell today they send some of your soldiers to hell now after we will show the death before you meet it.

My beloved friend I disrespect without you mess with us imagine the much of respect that I have to now as erdogans lovers not as turks.

Turks our brothers they have the same disrespect that I have toward you.

Cheers buddy.

The fact is, isis is ou tnumberd and don't have weapon like you. Still not able to defeat, but threaten Turkish army. You are a joke. Attack our army and we sent more and more and stop threaten us because you are not the one who can threats:-).

Al most 6 month furter and you are still fighting to take the city, look i don't want to laugh and make you fun. But stop with threats it is funny.
The fact is, isis is ou tnumberd and don't have weapon like you. Still not able to defeat, but threaten Turkish army. You are a joke. Attack our army and we sent more and more and stop threaten us because you are not the one who can threats:-).

Al most 6 month furter and you are still fighting to take the city, look i don't want to laugh and make you fun. But stop with threats it is funny.
We are not wierdo like you attacking cities filled with innocents we take our time to limit the casualties among the civilians while your intruders in mosul are soldiers in a military base they will be dealt with differently.
Crappy article for sure filled with fallacies.

Loool, wake up our kids retaking ramadi while sending more of your subhuman to hell today they send some of your soldiers to hell now after we will show the death before you meet it.

My beloved friend I disrespect without you mess with us imagine the much of respect that I have to now as erdogans lovers not as turks.

Turks our brothers they have the same disrespect that I have toward you.

Cheers buddy.
We also have no hate to Iraqi people! i sometimes dont even understand some people here. Bro, in 2003, When USA wanted to attack Iraq, Turkey was the only country that refused to let USA to use its land to enter Iraq.

Turkish government is just kinda mad that you let Kurdish to have autonomy and get along well with Iran.
Governemnts come and go but people stay there... So, i can make you sure that Turkish people are like rothers with Iraqis.. But, as you know, news and tv channels can easily change people minds and thats what Western and other forces use against us...
@Malik Alashter

Look at this idiot fuming like a kelb hahahah
We also have no hate to Iraqi people! i sometimes dont even understand some people here. Bro, in 2003, When USA wanted to attack Iraq, Turkey was the only country that refused to let USA to use its land to enter Iraq.

Turkish government is just kinda mad that you let Kurdish to have autonomy and get along well with Iran.
Governemnts come and go but people stay there... So, i can make you sure that Turkish people are like rothers with Iraqis.. But, as you know, news and tv channels can easily change people minds and thats what Western and other forces use against us...

You dont even know what you're talking about , Shias begged for us invasion so they dont like turkey's opposing
Crappy article for sure filled with fallacies.

Loool, wake up our kids retaking ramadi while sending more of your subhuman to hell today they send some of your soldiers to hell now after we will show the death before you meet it.

My beloved friend I disrespect without you mess with us imagine the much of respect that I have to now as erdogans lovers not as turks.

Turks our brothers they have the same disrespect that I have toward you.

Cheers buddy.
We also have no hate to Iraqi people! i sometimes dont even understand some people here. Bro, in 2003, When USA wanted to attack Iraq, Turkey was the only country that refused to let USA to use its land to enter Iraq.

Turkish government is just kinda mad that you let Kurdish to have autonomy and get along well with Iran.
Governemnts come and go but people stay there... So, i can make you sure that Turkish people are like rothers with Iraqis.. But, as you know, news an
@Malik Alashter

Look at this idiot fuming like a kelb hahahah

You dont even know what you're talking about , Shias begged for us invasion so they dont like turkey's opposing
I try to explain him why both countries came into this enemy type position.. Iraqi government understand that the only way to create army is using religious and nationalistic difference. If they were real lovers of their country and think the future of their country, they wouldnt bring hate and go against Turkey. This will bring more and more destruction...

I believe, even USA dont want to see powerful Turkey, as they see Turkey who can bring Sunni power together and arm them to the highest degree and experience. In 5-10 years, it will be way more hard do any politics in this region, with Chinese getting stronger and USA will not risk to be have its soldiers in big number there...
I strongly believe that even Russians work together with the USA. Russians wouldnt deploy its aircrafts if they knew that USA simply can give the opposition medium range surface to air missiles, put simply USA refused that even though Turkey and Saudi Arabia push them hard!!
But, on the other side of the coin, Turkey will produce those SAM missiles in 2-3 years. Thats why Russia and USA rush to finish the war, as soon as possible... There will be more risks taken to finish it. But, as Turkey has ground border with all these areas, you cant simply play your games against them... latest deployment is an example..
We also have no hate to Iraqi people! i sometimes dont even understand some people here. Bro, in 2003, When USA wanted to attack Iraq, Turkey was the only country that refused to let USA to use its land to enter Iraq.

Turkish government is just kinda mad that you let Kurdish to have autonomy and get along well with Iran.
Governemnts come and go but people stay there... So, i can make you sure that Turkish people are like rothers with Iraqis.. But, as you know, news an

I try to explain him why both countries came into this enemy type position.. Iraqi government understand that the only way to create army is using religious and nationalistic difference. If they were real lovers of their country and think the future of their country, they wouldnt bring hate and go against Turkey. This will bring more and more destruction...

I believe, even USA dont want to see powerful Turkey, as they see Turkey who can bring Sunni power together and arm them to the highest degree and experience. In 5-10 years, it will be way more hard do any politics in this region, with Chinese getting stronger and USA will not risk to be have its soldiers in big number there...
I strongly believe that even Russians work together with the USA. Russians wouldnt deploy its aircrafts if they knew that USA simply can give the opposition medium range surface to air missiles, put simply USA refused that even though Turkey and Saudi Arabia push them hard!!
But, on the other side of the coin, Turkey will produce those SAM missiles in 2-3 years. Thats why Russia and USA rush to finish the war, as soon as possible... There will be more risks taken to finish it. But, as Turkey has ground border with all these areas, you cant simply play your games against them... latest deployment is an example..
So is your intervene in Iraq just to help sunnis is that what you mean?.
Tabriz, Ardabil are Turkish word(lets say Azeri)... does it change anything? Hungary and Turkey are English words, but that doesnt change any reality... It looks like kids game as you tell your uncle will win against your friends uncle... ))
Be fu#king serious man!!!
It's iranian land since the Medes and you are right the Mongol invaders can change shit and reality it's iranian lands and many of your kind members admitted that they came to there as invaders but you try to change history by falsifying and fabricating
Just how some thieves with no culture and history claim zoroadastar and babak as Azeri it's like Azeri thing existed back then tommorow they would say newroz is also turkish
It's iranian land since the Medes and you are right the Mongol invaders can change shit and reality it's iranian lands and many of your kind members admitted that they came to there as invaders but you try to change history by falsifying and fabricating
Just how some thieves with no culture and history claim zoroadastar and babak as Azeri it's like Azeri thing existed back then tommorow they would say newroz is also turkish

Hmmm, but that is how history goes, my friend. Powers rise and fall, people arrive and leave. The arrival of the Turks was just a natural consequence since the arrival of the Mongols earlier when the latter raised the city of Baghdad, then the capital of the Abbassid Caliphate, to the ground. The point is that people arrive to lands with the ebbing of time; the same as how even before there was Greek presence or Assyrian or Chaldean presence in the Levant, there was the Hittites, who themselves were rivals of the ancient Egyptians.

The arrival of the Turks merely was part of Central Asian expansion into the near east. The same as how the Mogul Empire was birthed into existence; as the first Emperor of the Mogul Empire was also himself a Mongol descendant.

Just how some thieves with no culture and history claim zoroadastar and babak as Azeri it's like Azeri thing existed back then tommorow they would say newroz is also turkish

Technically they are not thieves , they were conquerors. They accomplished what none in the region could not and that was the extermination of Byzantine power from the region. They were more than 'thieves', but were fierce warriors, strong enough to invade the very heart of Europa.
Hmmm, but that is how history goes, my friend. Powers rise and fall, people arrive and leave. The arrival of the Turks was just a natural consequence since the arrival of the Mongols earlier when the latter raised the city of Baghdad, then the capital of the Abbassid Caliphate, to the ground. The point is that people arrive to lands with the ebbing of time; the same as how even before there was Greek presence or Assyrian or Chaldean presence in the Levant, there was the Hittites, who themselves were rivals of the ancient Egyptians.

The arrival of the Turks merely was part of Central Asian expansion into the near east. The same as how the Mogul Empire was birthed into existence; as the first Emperor of the Mogul Empire was also himself a Mongol descendant.

Technically they are not thieves , they were conquerors. They accomplished what none in the region could not and that was the extermination of Byzantine power from the region. They were more than 'thieves', but were fierce warriors, strong enough to invade the very heart of Europa.
what ever you call them they are thieves they don't just steal land but also historical figures
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