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Iraq orders Turkey to 'immediately' withdraw troops sent across border

Well you are the one who needs to pray that day wont come you didn't see how the Iraqis are eager to go to war against you.

You and your supporters been pressing for war push us to the corner sooner or later the old man in Najaf will get tired of you and your proxies that time neither the U.S nor the Nato will save your gut!! so thinking that day isn't coming that's wrong just wrong.
Dude, if you declare a war against Turkey, Then Turkey will have the right to annex those cities... You got no chance against Turkey. especially with their air power and attack helicopters, artillery, UAV.

They make such comments to make people like you or other Iraqi self confident and attract them to the army..
Yesterday we watched how they burned and stepped on our flags, we wont forget we wont forgive
Next time they will step on your neck if you don't leave just wait.


What happened to 24 hours ultimatom?

24 then increased to 48 hours

48 hours passed still nothing from the cowards

Then you cried to iran - nothing happened!

Whats iran going to do anyway? haha

Then you begged Russia - again nothing just talk

then UN - nothing

then USA

and now you begging NATO and STILL nothing

What's next are you also going to FIFA and UEFA? HAHAH

So pathetic

What happened to 24 hours ultimatom?

24 then increased to 48 hours

48 hours passed still nothing from the cowards

Then you cried to iran - nothing happened!

Whats iran going to do anyway? haha

Then you begged Russia - again nothing just talk

then UN - nothing

then USA

and now you begging NATO and STILL nothing

What's next are you also going to FIFA and UEFA? HAHAH

So pathetic
Your scum already left part of them left.

We have never begged no one and I dare you to show me one news that we begged any one.

But you, since you are week once you downed the Russian's plane you ran to the nato for protection what a childish cowardly action see we have no air power not even air defense but we don't go to no one asking for help.

You ask when, that going to happen when you insist that your but should be smacked.

Question, why you people acting like a b1tch don't you feel shame why you hide behind either the west or sectarianism most of the sunnis acting the same way yet you claim you'r muslim.

What happened to 24 hours ultimatom?

24 then increased to 48 hours

48 hours passed still nothing from the cowards

Then you cried to iran - nothing happened!

Whats iran going to do anyway? haha

Then you begged Russia - again nothing just talk

then UN - nothing

then USA

and now you begging NATO and STILL nothing

What's next are you also going to FIFA and UEFA? HAHAH

So pathetic


If we don't leave iraq they will sent donkey fighters, pimp fighters with a lot of show:-).

We dont care what we are called. We all call ourself either Azeri Turks and simply Turks.
The head of Safavi, Shah Ismail Xetai, was the person who made the Turkish language as the official language for Safavi. took the capital to Tebriz, which is still a Turkish speaking city..

Ismail I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I speak about the name of the land which is iranian I didn't say anything about you or the safawis so don't change the subject you said its not iranian name then what is it and did mean anything in your languege the answer is NO
Just to be honest I don't count on the Iraqi army unfortunately that army infested with baathist and even isis supporters what really count on is the PMF these peolpe are the medicine that will cure erdogan headache.

For instance Hadi Alamery said that he will destroy the turks tanks on their heads.

Muqtada Alsadr a leader of 500K trained man declare they would invade turkey if the war broke.

Turks like their pigs isis cant fight man to man all they can is using proxies but those proxies are annihilating in Iraq.

No he does not have 500K men, having people sign their name unto a paper doesn't qualify as 'trained men'. It's simply not even possible to support budget of such a big force. There is no such thing as 'volunteers' either, they all get monthly paycheck. Realistic number would be around 8-15 thousand which is still very expensive to maintain. I understand you guys cite large numbers thinking it will intimidate people but it doesn't, you have it wrong. This is not classic Roman or Arab army. Nowadays you operate in smaller numbers for logistical and financial reasons. Even ISIS, which can get many recruits, only deploys small numbers in blocks, neighborhoods and small towns. This is because it's militarily convenient in every sense, and also they will not deplete their manpower like idiots. And then they will be able to spread their forces evenly.
No he does not have 500K men, having people sign their name unto a paper doesn't qualify as 'trained men'. It's simply not even possible to support budget of such a big force. There is no such thing as 'volunteers' either, they all get monthly paycheck. Realistic number would be around 8-15 thousand which is still very expensive to maintain. I understand you guys cite large numbers thinking it will intimidate people but it doesn't, you have it wrong. This is not classic Roman or Arab army. Nowadays you operate in smaller numbers for logistical and financial reasons. Even ISIS, which can get many recruits, only deploys small numbers in blocks, neighborhoods and small towns. This is because it's militarily convenient in every sense, and also they will not deplete their manpower like idiots. And then they will be able to spread their forces evenly.
You don't know what's going on few day's ago iraq hosted in one city more than 25 million people for at least one week!!! a nation has all that capability to do so it can afford 500k soldier.

Second I thought just like they are nt more than few thousands but they them selves claiming their army organized in devisions, brigades and so on.

Third they get the money to support their army from the public not the government. See honestly all this scare me as well because this big army may go to a civil war against iraqis if things went in chaos tomorrow.

So far these people who called battalion of peace protect mosques and churches they didn't involve in real fighting yet.

As you can see they train and prepare for the worst.
You don't know what's going on few day's ago iraq hosted in one city more than 25 million people for at least one week!!! a nation has all that capability to do so it can afford 500k soldier.

Yes but not your nation. And an independent group which you claim gets funding from the public definitely doesn't have budget to support such manpower. His group gets budget from Iran and it isn't that big. Much of the money is shared between the command and high level officials. It's just their source of income, don't buy into any of their empty slogans. Corruption is no different among them than with the state.

Second I thought just like they are nt more than few thousands but they them selves claiming their army organized in devisions, brigades and so on.

Don't take them seriously.

Third they get the money to support their army from the public not the government. See honestly all this scare me as well because this big army may go to a civil war against iraqis if things went in chaos tomorrow.

I responded in the first paragraph about this.
So which nation then?.

Not many nations have army of 500k if we don't include reserves. Here is list:

Active Military Manpower by Country

You need to be developed country and willing to allocate large percent of budget to military. No Arab nation has manpower like that unless we consider military dictatorship in which army controls half of economy, like Egypt's case. Or pre-war Iraq. No militia, however, will have such manpower.

Your national army which has support of government funding can't come close to that and there's no way militia can.

Me and you know very well how corrupt Arab armies are. They put unqualified people in positions of power. It is just a corrupt business. Our armies are not prepared for any wars. Some people rank Egypt as strongest army in Arab world but I disagree with them. Egypt's army is a business, everyone joins it for a source economy. The generals and commanders steal all the peoples money, they could care less about developing the army. I wouldn't even rank in any Arab army in any list or formation. I don't recognize these entities as armies. Mostly they are just corruption/business entities or just people that close to government. So the basis on which they are formed renders them illegitimate and they can't be called armies.

Look at the fight in Sinai, there is estimated 800 ISIS militants. Sinai is a very open place, its' not heavily populated and there is no way the Egyptian army can't deal with the problem. So either the Egyptian army is...:

1. Incompetent and can't defeat 800 militants.
2. Lying to us about any presence of militants
3. Can't get any intelligence because the locals hate them
4. Don't want to defeat militants for whatever inside agenda

Anyone who says otherwise is lying. Sinai is mostly desert, even the 'cities' are very tiny and no way they can hide from the army or people. So the army is lying to us or simply is incompetent. The reason attacks happened in Sinai was to ban all demonstrations in Cairo against the government. End of story.

Now for who is proper armies in Arab world, unfortunately they all militias and not national armies because they have to replace the unfilled role. Hezbollah, Hamas, ISIS, Sunni rebels in Syria. These are the only properly trained Arab fighters. Hezbollah is better than Iranian army. Iranian army has poor ethic and training, look how embarrassing their performance was in Iraqi-Iran war. And Iran like any Arab country has tons of corruption and the army is just there to protect government from the people. Iran fought against a poorly trained army and performed poorly. Hezbollah fought against very well trained army and was forced to adjust and this is why it is better army than Iran. Hezbollah taught Iran what Israeli tactics are and how to counter them. Just because Iran funds them doesn't mean they trained them. Iran never fought against superior force. It has no beneficial experience.

Same case with Hamas, Hamas has fought much more than Hezbollah on very difficult geographical realities. Hamas fought updated and revised Israeli army, it has more experience that is useful because it is aware of most recent Israeli military strategy. If Hamas had access to funding/weapons that Hezbollah gets, it would be many times stronger and capable.

As for ISIS and Syrian rebels, they both have much experience especially against two world superpowers. So they have to adjust and put competent people in important positions otherwise they will immediately lose ground. Even with competent people they have trouble holding ground. But nevertheless they are better structured than any Arab army. If Syrian rebels win and take over Syria, they will form army stronger than any Arab army even without armor or Air Force or Navy. They don't need those.
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You don't know what's going on few day's ago iraq hosted in one city more than 25 million people for at least one week!!! a nation has all that capability to do so it can afford 500k soldier.

As you can see they train and prepare for the worst.

I respected Saddam very much when he stood up against the western colonists and, possibly effected by propaganda about "Republican Guards", i was expecting Iraqie soldiers at least to die with honor.

Unfortunately, i understood when i read this news that Iraqie soldiers were not as man as Saddam.

I remember this news very clearly even now. The journalists were running away from iraqie soldiers who chased them, in fear that soldiers would kill them.
Iraqi Soldiers 'Surrender' to Italian TV Crew

and this:

Iraqis Surrender - Even to Journalists

Now, stop BS internet propaganda, go get Northern Iraq back, then, you may regain our respect a little.
Let say the active 50K while their reserve around 500K remember most of their fighters are man who are unemployed so they have nothing to do also they are workers and people as I said have nothing to do so yes I'd believe it at least 50K.
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