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Iran's Zafar Satellites

NO! If Iran's communication minister is picking this time to announce the successful testing of the ARASH post boost engine then I would have to say I'm officially worried about the Zafar Sat!

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well good news for you , putting Zafar in orbit don't need Arash engine
well good news for you , putting Zafar in orbit don't need Arash engine

I know that! I'm simply talking about the timing of the news right when everyone is waiting on the Zafar....

Plus, a successful testing of the post boost Arash engine is good news so how you got to that conclusion IDK

well good news for you , putting Zafar in orbit don't need Arash engine
Launch was spose to be today but got delayed at least that was what they just said on Channel 5 irib !!!! They are now saying by the end of the week!
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I know that! I'm simply talking about the timing of the news right when everyone is waiting on the Zafar....

Plus, a successful testing of the post boost Arash engine is good news so how you got to that conclusion IDK

Launch was spose to be today but got delayed at least that was what they just said on Channel 5 irib !!!! They are now saying by the end of the week!
It was postponed

If it contains foreign German parts, it will fail. Media in Europe have disclosed last year the U.S. operation behind this vast sabotage operation: Germany is the Trojan horse. It exports to Iran faulty parts only to harm Iran's strategic development!

Knew that a catastrophe would occur already two days ago...

Iran again fails to put satellite into orbit amid US worries
APFebruary 09, 2020
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This February 4, 2020 satellite image from Maxar Technologies, shows activity at the Imam Khomeini Space Centre in Iran's Semnan province. — AP

An Iranian rocket failed to put a satellite into orbit on Sunday, state television reported, the latest setback for a programme the United States claims helps Tehran advance its ballistic missile programme.

The launch happened at Imam Khomeini Spaceport in Iran’s Semnan province, some 230 kilometres southeast of Iran’s capital, Tehran. A Simorgh, or “Phoenix”, rocket couldn’t put the Zafar 1 communications satellite into orbit, however, due to a low speed, Iranian state TV reported.

“Stage-1 and stage-2 motors of the carrier functioned properly and the satellite was successfully detached from its carrier, but at the end of its path it did not reach the required speed for being put in the orbit,” Defence Ministry space programme spokesman Ahmad Hosseini told state TV.

Hosseini still sought to portray the failure as a “remarkable” achievement for its space programme.

In the days leading up to the launch, Iranian officials had been promoting the mission, including the country’s Information and Communications Technology Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi. His quick rise through the Islamic Republic’s carefully managed political system already is generating speculation he could be a candidate for Iran’s 2021 presidential campaign.

The launch had been planned amid celebrations ahead of the February anniversary of Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. Iran routinely unveils technological achievements for its armed forces, its space programme and its nuclear efforts during this time.

Sunday’s failure came after two failed launches of the Payam and Doosti satellites last year, as well as a launchpad rocket explosion in August. A separate fire at the Imam Khomeini Space Center in February 2019 also killed three researchers, authorities said at the time.

The rocket explosion in August drew even the attention of US President Donald Trump, who later tweeted what appeared to be a classified surveillance image of the launch failure. The three failures in a row raised suspicion of outside interference in Iran’s program.

The US alleges such satellite launches defy a United Nations Security Council resolution calling on Iran to undertake no activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons.

Iran, which long has said it does not seek nuclear weapons, maintains its satellite launches and rocket tests do not have a military component. Tehran also says it hasn’t violated the UN resolution as it only “called upon” Tehran not to conduct such tests.

Over the past decade, Iran has sent several short-lived satellites into orbit and in 2013 launched a monkey into space.

The launch comes amid heightened tensions between Iran and the US since Trump unilaterally withdrew America from Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in May 2018. Iran since has begun breaking terms of the deal limiting its enrichment of uranium.

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This is escape goating and it doesn't help Iranian government and engineering doctorine in long term. Any system pipeline should be reliable and have quality control and quality assurance. If the pipeline cannot assure quality, then the pipeline is flawed and needs to be taken apart and fixed.

For Iran to mature in anything from aerospace to politics, they need to accept responsibility and be accountable. Only then, Iran can systematically conquer challenges.
This is escape goating and it doesn't help Iranian government and engineering doctorine in long term. Any system pipeline should be reliable and have quality control and quality assurance. If the pipeline cannot assure quality, then the pipeline is flawed and needs to be taken apart and fixed.

For Iran to mature in anything from aerospace to politics, they need to accept responsibility and be accountable. Only then, Iran can systematically conquer challenges.
In every failure open new horizon to explore mistake. Failure those who don't try.
In every failure open new horizon to explore mistake. Failure those who don't try.

I agree but that's not what I am saying. I am saying ownerships of responsibility and not easily blaming others for your failures.

Failure is part of the process. I hope the top morons who use space launches for politics realize this and stay as far from this as possible and let the engineers, scientists and project managers to do their job.
I agree but that's not what I am saying. I am saying ownerships of responsibility and not easily blaming others for your failures.

Failure is part of the process. I hope the top morons who use space launches for politics realize this and stay as far from this as possible and let the engineers, scientists and project managers to do their job.
agree, let it be professional and deal it professional way, rather including the essence of national pride.
I wonder if seems Simorgh is not powerful enough to put required weight into orbit . then why not make the rocket lighter . Why instead of steel body don't made a body of fiber carbon for it or at least use such body for its second stage . if it can reduce the weight of fateh-110 to half just think the rductionin weight can open what possibilities for Simorgh.
I wonder if seems Simorgh is not powerful enough to put required weight into orbit . then why not make the rocket lighter . Why instead of steel body don't made a body of fiber carbon for it or at least use such body for its second stage . if it can reduce the weight of fateh-110 to half just think the rductionin weight can open what possibilities for Simorgh.

It's not like they have a 1ton sat ready to go! Since no one is selling Iran sat technology they have to climb the latter step by step with the little funding the Rohani administration has allocated..… But yes building a lighter composite 2nd & 3rd stage would likely be a more sound option but that would require additional funding for R&D....
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