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Iran's strategic port offer to help India bypass Pakistan

Pakistan navy is virtually non-existent. Not possible.
true . but if it really wanted to it would rally neighbouring countries to help. and im sure the us and Israel wont mind helping too. what i dont get is why do it. iran and Pakistan relationship go way back. but with every new opportunity they comes new problems and yours is Afghanistan. the road would have to go through Afghanistan to get to central asia. and because the current Afghanistan government is more pro- Pakistani it would listen to them over india. thats probably why Pakistan isn't responding . let india built port and infrastructure but it can't use it to its desired capacity.

Iran must be concerned, not Pakistan........ instead of starting proxy war with Pakistan on ports, then need to join hands with Pakistan on gawadar....... win win for every one. Except India.........
are you trying to say iran has proxies in Pakistan.
i have read many articles that pakistan has recently started to publicly blame india for the balochistan insurgency,
Bypass pakistan for what?Afghanistan and turkmenistan?

Do you even know the potential of india trade with turkmenistan and afghanistan?population of both countries is below 35Million
true . but if it really wanted to it would rally neighbouring countries to help. and im sure the us and Israel wont mind helping too. what i dont get is why do it. iran and Pakistan relationship go way back. but with every new opportunity they comes new problems and yours is Afghanistan. the road would have to go through Afghanistan to get to central asia. and because the current Afghanistan government is more pro- Pakistani it would listen to them over india. thats probably why Pakistan isn't responding . let india built port and infrastructure but it can't use it to its desired capacity.

are you trying to say iran has proxies in Pakistan.
i have read many articles that pakistan has recently started to publicly blame india for the balochistan insurgency,
Yes...... Iran is responsible for sectarian violence in Pakistan....... :coffee:
Yes...... Iran is responsible for sectarian violence in Pakistan....... :coffee:
and what is Pakistan going to do to sort it out. you need to send Iran a very strong message but quietly. so the international media does not know and make news of it. and pressure Iran to stop it or else. you must be firm and strong for the future(economic) of your country. china has given you a life line and you should use it.
Its really a straight route from Mumbai

This is from Bandar Abbas. Chabbhar is straighter.
double check your Map.. and its not international water anymore.
ill transport you digitally in a minute, chup ker.

Actually Muslim world is going through a transformation period. You see Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Egypt. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran are no exception. Investing in Muslim countries is not safe. China is investing in Pakistan on its own risk. Same India is investing in Iran. BUT, Pakistan remained neutral in recent crisis which keeps it away from the main fire. Iran isn't neutral. Iran is itself a party.

Best policy for India would be, do trade with Iran but physical structure and long term dependence, wait. Iran looks stable country, so it has stable issues.

Pakistan has learnt from the experiences of the past. India can trust and must increase collaboration with Pakistan. The only problem between the two countries is of course Kashmir. Its solution becomes a blank cheque of peace and gate way of good relations. India must prefer Pakistan than any other country now.
Indians are funny they try to copy Pakistan in every thing.
First of all Gawadar port is at strategic location, nearly 40% of world energy supplies pass through Gawadar. In case of Naval blockade of Karachi, we still have life line there. In future you can expect Chinese and Pakistan Navy presence at Gawadar. Secondly Pakistan and China share border so CPEC is direct route to China via rail, roads, motorways, gas pipelines.

For Iran its understandable as they need investment, but how this Iranian port is beneficial for Indians lol
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte
i dont think TAPI is a feasible project. First its security situation in Afghanistan and then relations between Pakistan and India.

But with lifting of sanctions, IP pipeline very much possible.
1) Someone mentioned Pakistans EEZ. Pakistan nor anyone else can interfere with shipping within EEZ

"The coastal state can realize only those rights, and perform only those duties, which are stipulated in the Convention of 1982. In other words, no coastal state can exercise any rights, which are not provided for in the Convention (for example, to control navigation of foreign ships, customs or medical controls, etc.).

So although coastal states have sovereign rights and jurisdiction in their exclusive economic zone, other states have the right to navigate, over fly, lay submarine cables and pipelines, and other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to these freedoms, such as those associated with the operation of ships, aircraft and submarine cables and pipelines, and compatible with the other provisions of the 1982 Convention (Article 58, Item 1) (Avramenko, 2001a, Section I).Satellite communication between foreign merchant ships and coastal services using the international organization of maritime satellite communications (INMARSAT) system is also a right within the exclusive economic zone."
Legal provision: maritime law

If EEZ's could restrict trade or even laying of pipelines cables etc there would be little trade across the world. The rights of EEZ are strictly controled by the UN which grants the EEZ in the first place.

2) Shipping has undergone several major changes in the last few decades.
a) Containerisation. movement of goods in standardized containers has hugely simplified movement from ship to road and visa versa. Equipment across the world has been standardized reducing costs to a small percentage of what it used to cost.
b) Container ships have gotten huge. A single container ship between iran and India can carry almost 10% of India's export to Iran and central asia in one consignment. A consignment can be worth $ 3-7 billion.
c) Shipping costs have plummeted with this standardization as has a huge improvement in fuel consumption of these container ships. Shipping is cheaper by a HUGE margin compared to road haulage.
d) Containerization would allow Iran and the CAR's to setup customs in Indian ports, which mens once the containers leave Indain ports they are never opened until they arrive at their destination

3) Gas more and more is being shipped in LNG form with huge LNG ships able to meet a countries energy demand in just a few consignments. Qatar Kuwait Iran UAE Russia have invested billions in LNG liquification. Iran with its vast reserves now will get access to that technology. and companies are salivating at the oppertunity. For India even without any restrictions by Pakistan Chahbahar is the better ECONOMIC option as opposed to a land route via Pakistan

Someone mentioned a underwater pipeline to India from ME and Iran. This is not currently feasable because to the depths involved, but here too the technology is advancing in laying of deeper and deeper pipelines and the laying methodology getting simpler and more effecient
true . but if it really wanted to it would rally neighbouring countries to help. and im sure the us and Israel wont mind helping too. what i dont get is why do it. iran and Pakistan relationship go way back. but with every new opportunity they comes new problems and yours is Afghanistan. the road would have to go through Afghanistan to get to central asia. and because the current Afghanistan government is more pro- Pakistani it would listen to them over india. thats probably why Pakistan isn't responding . let india built port and infrastructure but it can't use it to its desired capacity.
That's what the Pakistanis want to think, that where ever they go, some preferential treatment is waiting for them round the corner. Well, it's time to get out of the bed, stop day-dreaming and see the World the way it is.

Two things :

1. Nobody is waiting for Pakistanis to give them a candy. What is the benefit in that ? What does Iran or Afghanistan get in return for doing a bidding for the Pakistanis ? Just heartful of love ? Sorry, this is country-to-country relations we are talking about and not person-to-person. So, a heartful of love just doesn't cut the cake. There has to be something more than that which India has to offer and Pakistan.

India is doing perfectly fine in Afghanistan. What's wrong ? Change of government does not mean a thing. India was helping the Afghans with infrastructure, training, healthcare and finances and nothing has changed from that aspect.

There was a time when Iran used to help Pakistan against India. That time is long gone. India now happens to be in a unique situation where it has trade relations with both Saudi Arabia and Iran, with Pakistan nowhere in the picture.

2. Why would India want to bypass Pakistan ?

Now, a land route access to Afghanistan via Pakistan and thereby to Central Asia would be a good-to-have option indeed. But the route will be controlled by Pakistan. It's hard to do business with them as they don't have cordial relations with India and they mostly let their emotions decide for them.
Now, if, for some reason, they just happen to block a transit of goods, it would translate into severe loss, which will happen.
The terrorist problem in Pakistan does not really help. A proposed transit road through Pakistan will essentially go through areas in Pakistan where people are in armed rebellion against Pakistan. Of course I would not want to send my goods through that route.
It is any day better to have a costlier option, but one that I can rely upon, rather than a cheaper solution which can go wrong in so many ways! And when it comes to the Chabahar port option, the cost isn't much actually. It may actually work out to be as cheap as the land-route too.
That's what the Pakistanis want to think, that where ever they go, some preferential treatment is waiting for them round the corner. Well, it's time to get out of the bed, stop day-dreaming and see the World the way it is.

Two things :

1. Nobody is waiting for Pakistanis to give them a candy. What is the benefit in that ? What does Iran or Afghanistan get in return for doing a bidding for the Pakistanis ? Just heartful of love ? Sorry, this is country-to-country relations we are talking about and not person-to-person. So, a heartful of love just doesn't cut the cake. There has to be something more than that which India has to offer and Pakistan.

India is doing perfectly fine in Afghanistan. What's wrong ? Change of government does not mean a thing. India was helping the Afghans with infrastructure, training, healthcare and finances and nothing has changed from that aspect.

There was a time when Iran used to help Pakistan against India. That time is long gone. India now happens to be in a unique situation where it has trade relations with both Saudi Arabia and Iran, with Pakistan nowhere in the picture.

2. Why would India want to bypass Pakistan ?

Now, a land route access to Afghanistan via Pakistan and thereby to Central Asia would be a good-to-have option indeed. But the route will be controlled by Pakistan. It's hard to do business with them as they don't have cordial relations with India and they mostly let their emotions decide for them.
Now, if, for some reason, they just happen to block a transit of goods, it would translate into severe loss, which will happen.
The terrorist problem in Pakistan does not really help. A proposed transit road through Pakistan will essentially go through areas in Pakistan where people are in armed rebellion against Pakistan. Of course I would not want to send my goods through that route.
It is any day better to have a costlier option, but one that I can rely upon, rather than a cheaper solution which can go wrong in so many ways! And when it comes to the Chabahar port option, the cost isn't much actually. It may actually work out to be as cheap as the land-route too.

Iran to Turkmenistan and beyond is much better than going through Af pak region.
Now, a land route access to Afghanistan via Pakistan and thereby to Central Asia would be a good-to-have option indeed. But the route will be controlled by Pakistan. It's hard to do business with them as they don't have cordial relations with India and they mostly let their emotions decide for them.
Now, if, for some reason, they just happen to block a transit of goods, it would translate into severe loss, which will happen.
The terrorist problem in Pakistan does not really help. A proposed transit road through Pakistan will essentially go through areas in Pakistan where people are in armed rebellion against Pakistan. Of course I would not want to send my goods through that route.
It is any day better to have a costlier option, but one that I can rely upon, rather than a cheaper solution which can go wrong in so many ways! And when it comes to the Chabahar port option, the cost isn't much actually. It may actually work out to be as cheap as the land-route too.

In Pakistan NATO containers were stolen, attacked and burnt to ashes. That was war time. China knew that. CPEC has exclusive security package so things are moving ahead.

Once the agreement is signed it will be of international standards, not on the mercy of individuals. It'll be made politics free. Why doesn't India give us a chance.
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