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Iran's space agency unveiled it's first kick stage for SLVs

First ever official report of some sort of counter counter-terrorist tactics used against the DPRK!

And this as the Hanoi Summit collapses...

Unknown Men Invade North Korean Embassy in Madrid

February 28, 2019 13:20

The North Korean Embassy in Madrid came under attack by a group of unknown men on Feb. 22 who took staff hostage for several hours.

Spanish newspaper El Confidencial on Wednesday reported that a number of unidentified men broke into the embassy, bound and gagged the staff and held them hostage for over four hours. One female staffer who managed to sneak out sought help from the neighbors, and a local person accompanied her to the police.

When the police arrived at the embassy, the men fled the scene in two cars. The paper reported that when the police arrived, a smartly dressed man with a badge with a picture of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un answered the door and said everything was fine. But then he bolted out of the embassy with the other assailants.

Police believe that the man who answered the door was one of the drivers, suggesting that at least one member of the group is Korean or able to pass as Korean. Police said some computers and other communication devices were stolen, and three staff sustained minor injuries and are being treated in hospital.

Police are questioning staff what kind of information was stored in the stolen computers, suspecting that the assailants were after something specific.

The embassy has declined to comment on the incident so far.

In the context, it may be significant that a shadowy group calling itself Cheollima Civil Defense announced on Monday that it would make an important announcement shortly. The group is thought to have rescued Kim Han-sol, the son of Kim Jong-un’s half-brother Kim Jong-nam who was assassinated two years ago.

"We've received a request for help from comrades in a Western country," the group said on its website. "We've responded to it despite a high risk."

On Tuesday, it posted another message saying those who keep their promises do not need to worry about anything.

Kim Hyok-chol, the new man in charge of nuclear negotiations for the second North Korea-U.S. summit, was North Korean ambassador to Spain until he was expelled following North Korea's nuclear test in 2017.


And here the most interesting part:

28 February 2019

It also reported that the mobile network antenna which serves the area of the embassy was set alight just prior to the robbery last Friday.

Spain intelligence services (CNI) are investigating whether it could be related to the attack.



Being able to evade the police EMF cellphone base station tracking network... A work that could only have been done by an enemy great power's professional operatives, not by some random political dissidents!


North Korea Keeps Quiet About Madrid Embassy Raid

March 29, 2019 10:05

North Korea has kept conspicuously silent about a humiliating raid on its embassy in Madrid by a shadowy dissident group on Feb. 22.

The silence could be a measure of how threatened North Korea feels by the apparently well-connected group, which calls itself Free Jeoson and is using modern guerrilla[terrorist] tactics instead of the staid strategies of more conventional defector groups.

According to sources, a prominent member is Kim Han Sol, the son of Kim Jong Un's half-brother Kim Jong Nam who was [allegedly] assassinated by North Korean agents in Kuala Lumpur two years ago.

Free Jeoson, named for North Korea's conventional name for itself, this week claimed responsibility for the raid and said it shared information it stole from the Madrid embassy with the FBI.

Nam Joo Hong at Kyonggi University said, "Pyongyang is still keeping mum about the attack because it's still recovering from the shock." That the burglars made off with computers, phones and other files "is very serious," Nam added. "It must be also difficult for the nation to even mention a dissident group as the culprit."

One theory why Kim Jong Nam was assassinated is that China was quietly setting him up as an alternative leader for North Korea if the nation refused to reform.

The group said it is protecting the North Korean leader's nephew and also managed to spray graffiti on the North Korean Embassy in the Malaysian capital on the day that one of Kim Jong Nam's assassins was released.



"The Earth is a dangerous world, Kim Han Sol, and who knows what unforeseen tragedies could befall your fragile Free Jeoson."

— Chairman Sheng Ji Yang, "Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri", 1999

If North Korea had already decided to strike back, wouldn't they try to keep a low profile ?

I leave the reader to draw their own conclusions.


Again, two years later, @SOHEIL, the Malaysian court is asking, what do you have to say for yourself?
Technically, it is.

Well done Iran.

Safir-2-e-Payam: Analysis V1.2 Addendum

First posted 11 February 2019; Updated 1 April 2019

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Space assets: the Achilles' heel of the U.S. Dystopian Empire
3. Moksong-2 ICBM: the Axis of Resistance's Treasured Sword of Justice
4. Geopolitical implications of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch
5. Saman-1 Upper Stage: Roll and Attitude Control Systems (RACS) of the Qaem ICBM
6. Conclusion
7. References

1. Introduction

Gone are the days when the U.S. could threaten the Islamic Republic of Iran with a blunt military invasion.

And as of 2018, Iran has already secured a credible deterrence against any direct act of aggression.

This is why the U.S. is now mostly using indirect strategies of proxy war against such military powerhouses, as demonstrated with the 2011 Jasmin Revolution targeting Syria, Libya and all the Middle East, the 21 February 2014 coup against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and of course the botched 15 July 2016 coup d'état, thwarted by Turkish President Erdogan.

For this, no need to reach the American continent. Iran's IRGC has the ability to strike at the U.S. Dystopian Empire's Achilles' heel, that is at the U.S. 20,000 orbital military satellites, and all the related ECHELON ground facilities.

2. Space assets: the Achilles' heel of the U.S. Dystopian Empire

The U.S. Dystopian Empire is known to rely for its survival on its 20,000 orbital military satellites, of which probably 90% are constituated of psychotronic-type.

And this since having taken over the world, even before the dust of WWII could settle, in a surprise and most treacherous unprovoked attack, with a fleet of orbital psychotronic (mind-control) satellites from outer space.


▲ 1. Pax Americana, circa ~1947AD: The WWIII started when rogue U.S. splinter forces invaded Europe, even before the dust of WWII could settle, in a surprise and most treacherous unprovoked attack, with a fleet of 20,000 orbital psychotronic (mind-control) satellites from outer space.

Any Iranian salvo of Moksong-2 ICBMs (militarized Safir-2) could easily take down most of the U.S. space satellites with a single EMP blow.

In addition, Moksong-2 ICBMs are able to reach key facilities of the GEODSS, an important piece of U.S. Strategic Command in the Indian Ocean at some 3,800 km south-eastwards.

This is what the U.S. military has stated recently regarding such space tracking facilities (in this case Cobra Dane, Alaska):

December 2018

According to the data, Cobra Dane tracks 3,300 space objects each day that cannot be tracked by any other radar system. Air Force officials noted that when Cobra Dane is not operationally available for space surveillance for short periods (less than 24 hours), they can overcome that downtime without losing track of those unique objects. However, officials told us that it would take six months to reacquire all of the small space objects that Cobra Dane tracks, if they encounter any significant scheduled or unscheduled downtime.



▲ 2. The U.S. Space Surveillance Network, GEODSS at Diego Garcia.

Once breached and disrupted, without this U.S.' last line of defence, it is doubtful that the world's subjugated people would remain passive onlookers. The inevitable and unstoppable worldwide's uprisings of the oppressed would surely incite the U.S. military rulers to unleash more conventional WMDs such as biological, thermonuclear or EMF (cellphone base station) strikes.

3. Moksong-2 ICBM: the Axis of Resistance's Treasured Sword of Justice


▲ 3. Comparative estimated North Korean ICBMs first stage main engine thrusts

Four advanced ICBM (4대에 걸쳐 진보한 북의 대륙간탄도미사일)

2013/10/01 [12:35]

The length of the Moksong-2 (목성-2호, 木星-2號: Jupiter-2) intercontinental ballistic missile is 32 meters. First stage is 2.4 meters in diameter.

The Dongfeng-4, 28.05m in length and 2.24m in diameter, made in China in the 1970s weighs 82t and has a range of 7,000km.

if [the Moksong-2 ICBM] was made of a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile, it could carry a warhead of 250 kg at some 15,000 km. Obviously, the Moksong-2 ICBM is a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of 15,000 km.



▲ 4. First ever image of the Moksong-2 ICBM. From video, at T=2:51, from left to right: North Korean (intercontinental) ballistic missiles Hwasong-14, Hwasong-12, Hwasong-15 and Moksong-2.


▲ 5. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 TEL-launched ICBMs.

4. Geopolitical implications of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch


▲ 6. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.


▲ 7. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.


▲ 8. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.


▲ 9. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.

▲ 10. Video of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch. Published on Jan 15, 2019

▲ 11. Video of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch. Published on Jan 15, 2019


▲ 12. Track of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch.


▲ 13. Diego Garcia at 3,867 km from South East Iran, within striking range of Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.

The track of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch has clearly demonstrated Iran's IRGC ballistic deterrence's vital credibility, putting the U.S. Diego Garcia GEODSS within its range.

Unlike the 3 previous failed test launches, the first two stages have performed perfectly for the first time. Separation of the second and third stage succeeded.

The mass equivalent to a warhead that returned and had splashed down to the ocean comprising the Saman-1 upper stage of ~500kg and the Payam-e-Amir-Kabir satellite of 100kg, totaled ~600kg.

The unconcealed greatest dismay and uneasiness following this latest successful ballistic test launch only confirms Washington's acknowledgement of its hoppless vulnerability:

U.S. State Department

Robert Palladino
Deputy Spokesperson
Washington, DC
February 7, 2019

In defiance of the international community, the Iranian regime continues to develop and test ballistic missiles, including a reported second failed space launch in less than a month. Space launch vehicles use technologies that are virtually identical and interchangeable with those used in ballistic missiles, including in Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). This attempted launch furthers Iran’s ability to eventually build such a weapon that threatens our allies.


5. Saman-1 Upper Stage: Roll and Attitude Control Systems (RACS) of the Qaem ICBM

To further increase its combat readiness, by cutting down on the fuelling time of liquid propellant ICBMs, the IRGC will complete the shift to an all solid propellant ICBMs deterrence.

The backbone of it made by Qaem ICBMs. And as confirmed by an 2016 artistic representation in North Korea, the first stage of this ICBM will neither have any planar fins nor grid fins stabilizers.


14. First disclosure of the Qaem SLV in North Korea: no grid fins or planar fins stabilizers.

This only means that the Roll and Attitude Control Systems (RACS) will be assumed by the 4th stage of the ICBM, provided by clusters of cold gas thrusters.

A first possible hint of such a RACS seems to have been disclosed previously back in 2 June 2017, during the National exhibition of children's science fictions and models.

Indeed, associated with some space plane and astronaut, was a very strange depiction of a space launcher, with several side thrusters or boosters attached to a ring, itself fixed to the middle of the rocket.


15. June 2 (KCNA) -- A national exhibition of children's science fictions and models-2017 opened with due ceremony at the Sci-Tech Complex on Friday to mark the 71st anniversary of the Korean Children's Union.
Left poster: Flying along a Korean astronaut, another rocket with 4 smaller side thrusters or boosters attached to the main core booster, as depicted for childrens.

16. Video Published on Jul 8, 2017 from the national exhibition of children's science fictions and models-2017: At T=0m41s: rocket with 4 smaller side thrusters or boosters.

But when this image is compared with schematics of "attitude control and side maneuvers with solid/liquid propellant rocket motors", the analogy is suddenly evident.


17. P466: "attitude control and side maneuvers with solid propellant rocket motors"


18. p230, "bipropellant rocket engine system of the fourth stage of the Peacekeeper ballistic missile"

A previously unknown finless rocket tested under the supervision of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un sometimes prior to July 2017, might have been the testbed of such a new RACS.


19. Video Published on Jul 13, 2017. At T=56:24 : Image of unknown finless ballistic missile.

And this system was precisely flight-tested for the first time in Iran on January 15, 2019, in a scaled-down model code-named Saman-1 Uppers Stage. It was this Saman-1, fitted as a third stage atop the Safir-2-e-Payam that underperformed during its inaugural flight.


20. Iranian Saman-1 Upper Stage: first step toward the Roll and Attitude Control Systems (RACS) of the Qaem ICBM.


21. Roll and Attitude Control Systems (RACS) of the Vega solid fuel SLV/ICBM.

6. Conclusion

Indeed the U.S. Dystopian Empire is only a paper tiger, a colossus with feet of clay, since day one of its take over.

Iran has the capability to simply put an end to the century-long Pax Americana, within an hour of conflict, thus starting the dawn of a multi-millennial long Pax Persiana that will be reminded as the longest Golden Age of Humankind. At the discretion of its Supreme Leader, should He decide to do so, and at the time of His choosing.


▲ 22. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 TEL-launched ICBMs opening the dawn of the Pax Persiana.

:D :cool:
7. References

Safir-2-e-Payam: Analysis V1.2 Addendum

First posted 11 February 2019; Updated 1 April 2019

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Space assets: the Achilles' heel of the U.S. Dystopian Empire
3. Moksong-2 ICBM: the Axis of Resistance's Treasured Sword of Justice
4. Geopolitical implications of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch
5. Saman-1 Upper Stage: Roll and Attitude Control Systems (RACS) of the Qaem ICBM
6. Conclusion
7. References

1. Introduction

Gone are the days when the U.S. could threaten the Islamic Republic of Iran with a blunt military invasion.

And as of 2018, Iran has already secured a credible deterrence against any direct act of aggression.

This is why the U.S. is now mostly using indirect strategies of proxy war against such military powerhouses, as demonstrated with the 2011 Jasmin Revolution targeting Syria, Libya and all the Middle East, the 21 February 2014 coup against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and of course the botched 15 July 2016 coup d'état, thwarted by Turkish President Erdogan.

For this, no need to reach the American continent. Iran's IRGC has the ability to strike at the U.S. Dystopian Empire's Achilles' heel, that is at the U.S. 20,000 orbital military satellites, and all the related ECHELON ground facilities.

2. Space assets: the Achilles' heel of the U.S. Dystopian Empire

The U.S. Dystopian Empire is known to rely for its survival on its 20,000 orbital military satellites, of which probably 90% are constituated of psychotronic-type.

And this since having taken over the world, even before the dust of WWII could settle, in a surprise and most treacherous unprovoked attack, with a fleet of orbital psychotronic (mind-control) satellites from outer space.


▲ 1. Pax Americana, circa ~1947AD: The WWIII started when rogue U.S. splinter forces invaded Europe, even before the dust of WWII could settle, in a surprise and most treacherous unprovoked attack, with a fleet of 20,000 orbital psychotronic (mind-control) satellites from outer space.

Any Iranian salvo of Moksong-2 ICBMs (militarized Safir-2) could easily take down most of the U.S. space satellites with a single EMP blow.

In addition, Moksong-2 ICBMs are able to reach key facilities of the GEODSS, an important piece of U.S. Strategic Command in the Indian Ocean at some 3,800 km south-eastwards.

This is what the U.S. military has stated recently regarding such space tracking facilities (in this case Cobra Dane, Alaska):

December 2018

According to the data, Cobra Dane tracks 3,300 space objects each day that cannot be tracked by any other radar system. Air Force officials noted that when Cobra Dane is not operationally available for space surveillance for short periods (less than 24 hours), they can overcome that downtime without losing track of those unique objects. However, officials told us that it would take six months to reacquire all of the small space objects that Cobra Dane tracks, if they encounter any significant scheduled or unscheduled downtime.



▲ 2. The U.S. Space Surveillance Network, GEODSS at Diego Garcia.

Once breached and disrupted, without this U.S.' last line of defence, it is doubtful that the world's subjugated people would remain passive onlookers. The inevitable and unstoppable worldwide's uprisings of the oppressed would surely incite the U.S. military rulers to unleash more conventional WMDs such as biological, thermonuclear or EMF (cellphone base station) strikes.

3. Moksong-2 ICBM: the Axis of Resistance's Treasured Sword of Justice


▲ 3. Comparative estimated North Korean ICBMs first stage main engine thrusts

Four advanced ICBM (4대에 걸쳐 진보한 북의 대륙간탄도미사일)

2013/10/01 [12:35]

The length of the Moksong-2 (목성-2호, 木星-2號: Jupiter-2) intercontinental ballistic missile is 32 meters. First stage is 2.4 meters in diameter.

The Dongfeng-4, 28.05m in length and 2.24m in diameter, made in China in the 1970s weighs 82t and has a range of 7,000km.

if [the Moksong-2 ICBM] was made of a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile, it could carry a warhead of 250 kg at some 15,000 km. Obviously, the Moksong-2 ICBM is a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of 15,000 km.



▲ 4. First ever image of the Moksong-2 ICBM. From video, at T=2:51, from left to right: North Korean (intercontinental) ballistic missiles Hwasong-14, Hwasong-12, Hwasong-15 and Moksong-2.


▲ 5. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 TEL-launched ICBMs.

4. Geopolitical implications of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch


▲ 6. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.


▲ 7. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.


▲ 8. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.


▲ 9. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.

▲ 10. Video of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch. Published on Jan 15, 2019

▲ 11. Video of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch. Published on Jan 15, 2019


▲ 12. Track of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch.


▲ 13. Diego Garcia at 3,867 km from South East Iran, within striking range of Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 ICBMs.

The track of the January 15, 2019, Safir-2-e-Payam launch has clearly demonstrated Iran's IRGC ballistic deterrence's vital credibility, putting the U.S. Diego Garcia GEODSS within its range.

Unlike the 3 previous failed test launches, the first two stages have performed perfectly for the first time. Separation of the second and third stage succeeded.

The mass equivalent to a warhead that returned and had splashed down to the ocean comprising the Saman-1 upper stage of ~500kg and the Payam-e-Amir-Kabir satellite of 100kg, totaled ~600kg.

The unconcealed greatest dismay and uneasiness following this latest successful ballistic test launch only confirms Washington's acknowledgement of its hoppless vulnerability:

U.S. State Department

Robert Palladino
Deputy Spokesperson
Washington, DC
February 7, 2019

In defiance of the international community, the Iranian regime continues to develop and test ballistic missiles, including a reported second failed space launch in less than a month. Space launch vehicles use technologies that are virtually identical and interchangeable with those used in ballistic missiles, including in Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). This attempted launch furthers Iran’s ability to eventually build such a weapon that threatens our allies.


5. Saman-1 Upper Stage: Roll and Attitude Control Systems (RACS) of the Qaem ICBM

To further increase its combat readiness, by cutting down on the fuelling time of liquid propellant ICBMs, the IRGC will complete the shift to an all solid propellant ICBMs deterrence.

The backbone of it made by Qaem ICBMs. And as confirmed by an 2016 artistic representation in North Korea, the first stage of this ICBM will neither have any planar fins nor grid fins stabilizers.


14. First disclosure of the Qaem SLV in North Korea: no grid fins or planar fins stabilizers.

This only means that the Roll and Attitude Control Systems (RACS) will be assumed by the 4th stage of the ICBM, provided by clusters of cold gas thrusters.

A first possible hint of such a RACS seems to have been disclosed previously back in 2 June 2017, during the National exhibition of children's science fictions and models.

Indeed, associated with some space plane and astronaut, was a very strange depiction of a space launcher, with several side thrusters or boosters attached to a ring, itself fixed to the middle of the rocket.


15. June 2 (KCNA) -- A national exhibition of children's science fictions and models-2017 opened with due ceremony at the Sci-Tech Complex on Friday to mark the 71st anniversary of the Korean Children's Union.
Left poster: Flying along a Korean astronaut, another rocket with 4 smaller side thrusters or boosters attached to the main core booster, as depicted for childrens.

16. Video Published on Jul 8, 2017 from the national exhibition of children's science fictions and models-2017: At T=0m41s: rocket with 4 smaller side thrusters or boosters.

But when this image is compared with schematics of "attitude control and side maneuvers with solid/liquid propellant rocket motors", the analogy is suddenly evident.


17. P466: "attitude control and side maneuvers with solid propellant rocket motors"


18. p230, "bipropellant rocket engine system of the fourth stage of the Peacekeeper ballistic missile"

A previously unknown finless rocket tested under the supervision of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un sometimes prior to July 2017, might have been the testbed of such a new RACS.


19. Video Published on Jul 13, 2017. At T=56:24 : Image of unknown finless ballistic missile.

And this system was precisely flight-tested for the first time in Iran on January 15, 2019, in a scaled-down model code-named Saman-1 Uppers Stage. It was this Saman-1, fitted as a third stage atop the Safir-2-e-Payam that underperformed during its inaugural flight.


20. Iranian Saman-1 Upper Stage: first step toward the Roll and Attitude Control Systems (RACS) of the Qaem ICBM.


21. Roll and Attitude Control Systems (RACS) of the Vega solid fuel SLV/ICBM.

6. Conclusion

Indeed the U.S. Dystopian Empire is only a paper tiger, a colossus with feet of clay, since day one of its take over.

Iran has the capability to simply put an end to the century-long Pax Americana, within an hour of conflict, thus starting the dawn of a multi-millennial long Pax Persiana that will be reminded as the longest Golden Age of Humankind. At the discretion of its Supreme Leader, should He decide to do so, and at the time of His choosing.


▲ 22. Iran's IRGC Moksong-2 TEL-launched ICBMs opening the dawn of the Pax Persiana.

:D :cool:
7. References

@Serpentine please Ban this idiot !
Three years later, @SOHEIL, the world's people is asking, what do you have to say for yourself?

This evidence is overwhelming in proving the guilt of the accused:


https://archive.is/PH9Ee/44f81ec46a19d33a09bca12f2ce6ee06e2ffbbcc.jpg ; https://archive.is/PH9Ee/38ef85471be224dc1d5813aa7dd4bd80d9d3c26c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201007220053/https://i.imgur.com/53kO1Ow.jpg
1. This evidence is overwhelming in proving the guilt of the accused.

We know everything about the conspiracy, now you must confess!



ahahahahah LMAO. This guys seems to be stalking you. Please Say something to him. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
is it just me or you guys also don't get what this dude says??🤔🤔
He's one of the most creepy members i have come across on here. I have been seeing his posts on other space related threads (especially the Chinese one) he always posts similar topics with the same format like the one he just posted here. He's really weird, and before i thought Superboy was weird/crazy. This guy is even worse. I LOVE PDF. :rofl:
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