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Iran's space agency unveiled it's first kick stage for SLVs

@Shapur Zol Aktaf

The behavior of US towards Iran is the same behavior towards any country that "prides" itself to be the enemy of US. Now you may argue Iran's animus is justified due to US history with Iran. But US has a right to do the same with Iran after the Marines bombing in Lebanon, etc. Iran is not as innocent as it claims. The US and Iran consider each other as enemies. How did you assume the US would behave towards Iran?
US can't dictate anymore, that's the reality. We joined other countries to cut off its arms in syria. You're clearly not Iranian by ethnicity.
In Lebanon they got roasted like chickens because they intervened in a region too far from their coast with the goal to oppress lebanese and palestinians. If the americans want adventure then they will meet 2 forces: Iranian nationalists and zealot shia fighters.
US can't dictate anymore, that's the reality. We joined other countries to cut off its arms in syria. You're clearly not Iranian by ethnicity.
In Lebanon they got roasted like chickens because they intervened in a region too far from their coast with the goal to oppress lebanese and palestinians. If the americans want adventure then they will meet 2 forces: Iranian nationalists and zealot shia fighters.

@Shapur Zol Aktaf But the US does "dictate", as evident by how IRI was punished with the most draconian embargo in the history of the world. It was a western coalition, with American leadership, which effectively forced Iran to give up on some aspects of its nuclear activities.

IRI has not yet cut-off any hands in Syria; not yet. Let's wait and see the conclusion of this vicious and unnecessary war, which by the way I whole heartedly agree was concocted by Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, and Turkey.

Lebanon has been IRI's greatest foreign policy achievement thus far, no doubt.

Why do you assume that I am not Iranian by ethnicity?! Because I don't have a blind admiration for everything "Iran"?! I rather look at things realistically, and rationally (no disrespect to anyone here). I don't buy everything the IRI declares, or its corrupt politician heave. For sure I don't follow PressTV and its useless propaganda.
@mohsen There's no way for me to prove or disprove your statement; I don't live in Iran. But you also provide little evidence of your statement. Can you site some sources please?
yes, you don\t live in Iran, but we all use the same Internet. a simple search on this subject will provide tens of articles about Iran's science growth rate (which has become negative).

this article shows the disaster by referring to international statistics:
شتاب رشد علمی و نرخ تولید علم کشور هر دو منفی/ عربستان در حال بلعیدن سهم منطقه ای ایران

the number of quality documents during Ahmadinejad administration is 23 times more than Rohani, and that's if we consider 2013 for Rouhani, while it's completely unrealistic and false.
Why? Iran has launched 4 satellites and 2 monkeys into space successfully since 2009. There is no disagreeing with that. All were verified by NASA.

@AmirPatriot Your first point questioned my credibility. I disagree with that assertion.

Iran has send small satellites into orbit. My point, and I don't mean to digress from the intent of this thread, was that bad management has cost IRI dearly, in treasure and time. IRI lives in a very dangerous neighborhood and IRI's politician have a duty, which I believe have been derelict, to ensure its security, viability, and advancement. That's the duty of every politician elected to an office. IRI instead has waisted fortunes by under utilizing its best and brightest, whom by the way all want to migrate to the west, specially the US, and instead has relied on "political" managers - those who have climbed the ranks by being related to the elites or members of Basij (whether University Basii or otherwise).

yes, you don\t live in Iran, but we all use the same Internet. a simple search on this subject will provide tens of articles about Iran's science growth rate (which has become negative).

this article shows the disaster by referring to international statistics:
شتاب رشد علمی و نرخ تولید علم کشور هر دو منفی/ عربستان در حال بلعیدن سهم منطقه ای ایران

the number of quality documents during Ahmadinejad administration is 23 times more than Rohani, and that's if we consider 2013 for Rouhani, while it's completely unrealistic and false.

@mohsen That's simply untrue that under Ahmadinejad "quality" research was 23 times higher. I did as you stated and searched for quality of Iranian research (and yes I am being selective, as you are):

"In 2014, a member of Iran’s Academy of Sciences estimated that each year as many as 5000 theses—roughly 10% of all master’s and Ph.D. theses awarded in Iran—are bought from dealers. In a recent Google search, Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani, a civil engineering professor at Sharif University of Technology here who has shined a light on the practice, says he found 330,000 links to paper sellers in Farsi. He estimates there are at least a couple thousand such operations in Iran. Iranian scientists publish about 30,000 papers a year in international journals, a 20-fold increase since the 1979 revolution. Purchased publications “damage the reputation of large numbers of Iranian scientists who don’t cheat, and erode the trust of the international scientific community,” possibly endangering collaborations, says Hossein Akhani, a biologist at University of Tehran."
bad management has cost IRI dearly

I'm not about to defend management and corruption in Iran, but show me proof of any instance where an important or highly technical position such as a Goddamn Space Agency was headed by non-professionals.

Iran has send small satellites into orbit.

And its sad that you only found that out today.

whom by the way all want to migrate to the west, specially the US

Gross exaggeration.
@Shapur Zol Aktaf But the US does "dictate", as evident by how IRI was punished with the most draconian embargo in the history of the world. It was a western coalition, with American leadership, which effectively forced Iran to give up on some aspects of its nuclear activities.

IRI has not yet cut-off any hands in Syria; not yet. Let's wait and see the conclusion of this vicious and unnecessary war, which by the way I whole heartedly agree was concocted by Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, and Turkey.

Lebanon has been IRI's greatest foreign policy achievement thus far, no doubt.

Why do you assume that I am not Iranian by ethnicity?! Because I don't have a blind admiration for everything "Iran"?! I rather look at things realistically, and rationally (no disrespect to anyone here). I don't buy everything the IRI declares, or its corrupt politician heave. For sure I don't follow PressTV and its useless propaganda.
I would hang or shoot you if I were Iranian government, You're clearly not Iranian by ethnicity else you could speak persian. You're a danger towards Iran by promoting sanctions and war upon Iran.

Nuclear deal is temporary (10-15 years). US is sidelined in Syria. Turkey, egypt are moving closer to russa and Iran.
@mohsen That's simply untrue that under Ahmadinejad "quality" research was 23 times higher. I did as you stated and searched for quality of Iranian research (and yes I am being selective, as you are):

"In 2014, a member of Iran’s Academy of Sciences estimated that each year as many as 5000 theses—roughly 10% of all master’s and Ph.D. theses awarded in Iran—are bought from dealers. In a recent Google search, Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani, a civil engineering professor at Sharif University of Technology here who has shined a light on the practice, says he found 330,000 links to paper sellers in Farsi. He estimates there are at least a couple thousand such operations in Iran. Iranian scientists publish about 30,000 papers a year in international journals, a 20-fold increase since the 1979 revolution. Purchased publications “damage the reputation of large numbers of Iranian scientists who don’t cheat, and erode the trust of the international scientific community,” possibly endangering collaborations, says Hossein Akhani, a biologist at University of Tehran."
if you don't accept the '23 times' difference, then it means you don't accept the international statistics. I only mentioned the statistics of quality articles, cause these are the original articles which have been referenced by other scientists around the world. not the kind of junks which you could purchase in the market.
also when the number of articles reduces, it affects both the original and copied ones. so these statistics remains an index for the science growth rate in Iran anyway.
cheaters are everywhere not just Iran.
I would hang or shoot you if I were Iranian government, You're clearly not Iranian by ethnicity else you could speak persian. You're a danger towards Iran by promoting sanctions and war upon Iran.

Nuclear deal is temporary (10-15 years). US is sidelined in Syria. Turkey, egypt are moving closer to russa and Iran.
I would hang or shoot you if I were Iranian government, You're clearly not Iranian by ethnicity else you could speak persian. You're a danger towards Iran by promoting sanctions and war upon Iran.

Nuclear deal is temporary (10-15 years). US is sidelined in Syria. Turkey, egypt are moving closer to russa and Iran.

@Shapur Zol Aktaf Who are you?! Advocating violence against people. What's the matter with you, be civil. Any way I won't waist my time conversing with people like you. Shame.
@Shapur Zol Aktaf Who are you?! Advocating violence against people. What's the matter with you, be civil. Any way I won't waist my time conversing with people like you. Shame.
I'm from martyrs family, koskesh. I don't care about your background, but advocating or promoting the destruction of Iran by war or sanctions and siding with enemy in pre-war or war situation deserves nothing but death penalty.

"Saman-1", made by the ISRC technicians, is a system for controlling the orbital transition of satellites
"For the first mission, Saman-1 will be used to transfer a 100-kilogram satellite from a low Earth orbit about 400 km above the Earth's surface to a higher elliptical orbit at an altitude of 700 km."


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