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Iran's new government scraps all oil and gas concessions to India.


Jan 28, 2012
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The new government in Iran has withdrawn all crucial oil and gas concessions that had been promised to India by its predecessor.

Oil minister Bijan N Zangeneh, it is learnt, told Indian ambassador D P Srivastava on September 1 that Tehran would not accept the entire payment for crude oil imported by India in rupees as agreed in July.

India was banking on 100 per cent rupee payment for Iranian crude to cut its forex outflow. Petroleum Minister M Veerappa Moily had assured Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last month that an additional 11 million tonnes would be imported from Iran in 2013-14 to save $ 8.47 billion.

Iran has since stopped issuing invoices in rupees for the full quantity of crude and reverted to the old system of accepting only 45 per cent of the payment in rupees.

Zangeneh, it is learnt, told Srivastava that the new Central Bank of Iran governor had complained of difficulties in transferring money in euros from India to other countries to pay for food and medicines.

Iran, he said, needed help in resolving the problem with getting 55 per cent payment in euros, which was being routed through Turkey's Halkbank, and ended in February. Zangeneh wants India to renegotiate the terms and revert to majority euro payment.

Zangeneh also told the Indian envoy that the previous regime's offer to sign a production sharing contract (PSC) for the Farzad B offshore gas field was "not acceptable", as he could convince neither the government nor parliament to approve the PSC.

Under PSC, an operator gets a share of production or revenue in proportion to its investment. In a service contract, the Indian consortium would get a flat 15 per cent return on the investment for developing the field.

India had started work on floating a new government company to develop the field and keep out the existing contractor consortium of ONGC Videsh Ltd, Indian Oil Corp and Oil India Ltd to shield them from US sanctions.

The new regime has also reversed the offer of natural gas at a heavily discounted price of 84 cents per million BTUs for setting up a urea plant through Indian investment at Assaluyeh or Chahbahar.

Zangeneh now wants a product-linked gas price where Iran would calculate the price related to the international price of urea after taking into account investment, operation cost and expected returns.

Iran's new government scraps oil and gas connections to India - Indian Express

Seems like Iranian officials are frustrated by India, perhaps due to the fact that India heavily decreased their oil imports from Iran, and Iran finds it difficult to recollect their money from India.
Seems like Iranian officials are frustrated by India, perhaps due to the fact that India heavily decreased their oil imports from Iran, and Iran finds it difficult to recollect their money from India.

Well, India definitely needs to go back to Iranian oil now, due to the fall of the Rupee and their soaring current account deficit.

But even if it is only half of the sum to be paid in Forex, both sides can still benefit a lot from the arrangement.
Well, the previous Irani Government did not punish India for backing UN resolutions against Iran but things are going to be different in future I suppose.
First India with held payment and lowered their imports then it realized it could dump some of its sinking rupee onto Iran and decided to pay, Iranians have every right to be frustrated with the Indians.
How do they want us to pay them. They can't take dollars because of sanction and they are in bad terms with Turkey which makes it even harder to get a payment in Euros. Plus any shipping company that transports their oil gets their insurance cancelled because of sanctions.
dnt worry friends. indian and iranian official will solve this matter shortly. long live india-iran friendship.
@Aeronaut, please fix the title.. The op accidently put in Connections instead of concessions :D
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See, even Iran is not that desperate to trade with a nation like India that has a unstable politicial identity/ideology and a USA-dependent foreign policy.
India needs to follow an independent foreign policy based on its own long term interests. The trio of MMS, Chidambaram and Montek are too much of America's ball lickers. The sooner we obtain a healthy distance from America, the better it will be for us.
Well, India definitely needs to go back to Iranian oil now, due to the fall of the Rupee and their soaring current account deficit.

But even if it is only half of the sum to be paid in Forex, both sides can still benefit a lot from the arrangement.
It seems the Iranians are pissed off due to India reducing the quantity of oil import from Iran due to Yankee pressure!!
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