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Iran rejects India’s plea for full rupee payment for oil import

honestly, I think this insurance thing is just an excuse, if thats a real problem, how Japan, SK, China can import Iran's oil? btw, there is no oil pipeline from Iran to these countries.

dunno about their oil industry,but India definitely had that problem..

India may stop Iran oil imports as insurers back out - Hindustan Times

but Iran didn't react properly too..seizing our oil ship is a bad move..hopefully,sanctions on Iran will be lifted soon and we'll purchase oil just like before..
Petroleum Minister Veerappa Moily had rolled out a plan for saving around $8.47 billion in crude oil imports by stepping up imports from Iran. “Iran has stopped issuing invoices for full rupee payment to oil companies for import of crude oil and now has reverted to the 45 per cent rupee payment system. It wants India to explore rest of the 55 per cent payment through the euro of some other currency mechanism. India will not come under strain on this account as Iraq has offered to fill in the gap for supply of crude oil but then outflow of dollars will happen. This development is totally unexpected for us,” a senior official of the Petroleum Ministry said.

new govt. is creating issues, need to do some talks. Till then new ways to cut CAD has to be found out.
No, you are wrong.oil purchase was completely stopped for a few months. I think this payment thing is also just another excuse, if thats a real problem, how Japan, SK, China can import Iran's oil?

japan and SK buy oil from iran?
china reduces the oil from iran. india don't have the large foreign reserve as china has
yes, it should have been a problem. but, other countries solved it somehow. anyways, I agree that Iran's governments does irrational works many times.

Dude,my uncle works in ONGC
He specifically told me the main reason is no one wants to insure vessels that are bringing oil
From Iran
But the Government of india has proactively declared that it will provide insurance money to companies that will import Iranian oil
No if that Is not independent policy that what is

Also for the Govt providing money part ask any indian member to post link
I am a little tied up
Dude,my uncle works in ONGC
He specifically told me the main reason is no one wants to insure vessels that are bringing oil
From Iran
But the Government of india has proactively declared that it will provide insurance money to companies that will import Iranian oil
No if that Is not independent policy that what is

Also for the Govt providing money part ask any indian member to post link
I am a little tied up

Actually there is a lot of infighting happening.The IMF agents who control the RBI and the PMO want to stop iranian imports ,while the older veterans of the indian bureaucracy want to continue it for the level of discounts are exponential i.e 20-25$/bbl. Its RBI and the PMO which is forcing the currently destructive policies on India.
Ḥashshāshīn;4824871 said:
Really don't understand what India is doing. Betraying Russia for USA? Russia is one of India's most loyal allies...

BS of the highest rank
India has more cooperation with Russian than with any other nation on planet
Just look at the list
Fifth Gen jets
Nuke subs,Reactors
Transport planes
Naval cooperation

We are with US just to gain some Critical technology
That's all
& if people here are Forgetting we were Non Aligned & we will always be
India is on India's side
BS of the highest rank
India has more cooperation with Russian than with any other nation on planet
Just look at the list
Fifth Gen jets
Nuke subs,Reactors
Transport planes
Naval cooperation

We are with US just to gain some Critical technology
That's all
& if people here are Forgetting we were Non Aligned & we will always be
India is on India's side

I would disagree with you... Most of the things and cooperation that happened were before India switched sides.

The standoff on Syria may also trigger shifts in Russia's relations with its two main strategic partners, India and China. The crisis has strengthened the strategic alliance of Russia and China. The veto the two countries used twice in four months was unprecedented in the recent history of the Security Council. Both refused to join the Friends of Syria meeting in Tunis and denounced attempts by outside forces to impose solutions on Syria. In his foreign policy manifesto Mr. Putin predicted that Russia's partnership with China will keep going stronger, and welcomed China's “ever more confident” voice in the world.

By contrast, India and Russia found themselves on different sides of the barricade. India's decision to side with the West raised eyebrows in the Kremlin. As recently as October, India stood with Russia and China in the U.N. Security Council as they opposed a one-sided censure of the Syrian government. New Delhi reasonably argued that violence in Syria came from two sides and the government was fighting an armed insurgency.

However, on February 4, India turned around and voted for a similar resolution that again addressed the demand to end violence to only the Syrian government. At the same time New Delhi said that, like Russia and China, it supported “a Syrian-led inclusive political process.” How can one be in favour of an “inclusive political process,” Russians wondered, while backing a resolution that supports the ouster of President Assad as a precondition for launching such a process?

A day before India sent a high-ranking diplomat to the Friends of Syria meet, senior Indian and Russian diplomats held annual foreign policy consultations in New Delhi. Disagreement over Syria was apparently so serious that a Russian Foreign Ministry communiqué on the talks did not even mention that the Middle East was discussed.

‘India's stand surprising'

“India's stand on Syria came as a surprise to the Kremlin,” says Prof. Andrei Volodin of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Diplomatic Academy. He thinks it is shortsighted on the part of India to cast its lot with the U.S., whose global power is declining, and with conservative Gulf monarchies, which are historically doomed. But he admits that India's Syria stand falls into a trend.

“Some upper echelons in the Ministry of External Affairs, alarmed by China's fast rise and backed by the U.S. Indian community and a corporate lobby, are trying to impose a foreign policy course on the country's leadership that goes against India's long-term interests,” the Russian scholar who closely follows India's political scene told The Hindu . Prof. Volodin sees this trend as part of an ongoing struggle in the Indian elite between advocates and opponents of the foreign policy tradition of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, a struggle aggravated by a general decline in the level of strategic thinking in the Indian foreign policy establishment.

“India's stand on Syria betrays the same lack of strategic foresight as its recent decision to buy in a tender a 20th century fighter plane for 21st century tasks at a time when a fifth-generation platform that India is jointly developing with Russia is in the pipeline.”

Five years ago, Mr. Putin, then President, placed India along with Russia and China in an exclusive club of world powers that “can afford the luxury of genuine sovereignty”. As he prepares to reclaim presidency, Mr. Putin has again invoked the issue of sovereignty in foreign policy.

“Everything we do will be based on our own interests and goals, not on decisions other countries impose on us … Russia has practically always had the privilege of pursuing an independent foreign policy and this is how it will be in the future,” Mr. Putin wrote in his election manifesto.

“Syria has put to the test the ability of countries to take sovereign decisions,” says Prof. Volodin. “Russia and China have passed the test; India, unfortunately, has not.”

The cold wind from Russia - The Hindu
I understand it, but my question is why pakistan can insist on building Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and India can't. why India stops buying oil completely while chinese almost buy the same amount of oil as before. The fact is if you want to be respected as a world class power, in which I guess you deserve it, you need to do what you want at least sometimes, not what US, and EU tell you to do. At least you could just decrease oil purchase by 18% in 6 months as sanctions say.

Also Pakistan didnt vote against Iran under USA pressure...
I would disagree with you... Most of the things and cooperation that happened were before India switched sides.

The standoff on Syria may also trigger shifts in Russia's relations with its two main strategic partners, India and China. The crisis has strengthened the strategic alliance of Russia and China. The veto the two countries used twice in four months was unprecedented in the recent history of the Security Council. Both refused to join the Friends of Syria meeting in Tunis and denounced attempts by outside forces to impose solutions on Syria. In his foreign policy manifesto Mr. Putin predicted that Russia's partnership with China will keep going stronger, and welcomed China's “ever more confident” voice in the world.

By contrast, India and Russia found themselves on different sides of the barricade. India's decision to side with the West raised eyebrows in the Kremlin. As recently as October, India stood with Russia and China in the U.N. Security Council as they opposed a one-sided censure of the Syrian government. New Delhi reasonably argued that violence in Syria came from two sides and the government was fighting an armed insurgency.

However, on February 4, India turned around and voted for a similar resolution that again addressed the demand to end violence to only the Syrian government. At the same time New Delhi said that, like Russia and China, it supported “a Syrian-led inclusive political process.” How can one be in favour of an “inclusive political process,” Russians wondered, while backing a resolution that supports the ouster of President Assad as a precondition for launching such a process?

A day before India sent a high-ranking diplomat to the Friends of Syria meet, senior Indian and Russian diplomats held annual foreign policy consultations in New Delhi. Disagreement over Syria was apparently so serious that a Russian Foreign Ministry communiqué on the talks did not even mention that the Middle East was discussed.

‘India's stand surprising'

“India's stand on Syria came as a surprise to the Kremlin,” says Prof. Andrei Volodin of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Diplomatic Academy. He thinks it is shortsighted on the part of India to cast its lot with the U.S., whose global power is declining, and with conservative Gulf monarchies, which are historically doomed. But he admits that India's Syria stand falls into a trend.

“Some upper echelons in the Ministry of External Affairs, alarmed by China's fast rise and backed by the U.S. Indian community and a corporate lobby, are trying to impose a foreign policy course on the country's leadership that goes against India's long-term interests,” the Russian scholar who closely follows India's political scene told The Hindu . Prof. Volodin sees this trend as part of an ongoing struggle in the Indian elite between advocates and opponents of the foreign policy tradition of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, a struggle aggravated by a general decline in the level of strategic thinking in the Indian foreign policy establishment.

“India's stand on Syria betrays the same lack of strategic foresight as its recent decision to buy in a tender a 20th century fighter plane for 21st century tasks at a time when a fifth-generation platform that India is jointly developing with Russia is in the pipeline.”

Five years ago, Mr. Putin, then President, placed India along with Russia and China in an exclusive club of world powers that “can afford the luxury of genuine sovereignty”. As he prepares to reclaim presidency, Mr. Putin has again invoked the issue of sovereignty in foreign policy.

“Everything we do will be based on our own interests and goals, not on decisions other countries impose on us … Russia has practically always had the privilege of pursuing an independent foreign policy and this is how it will be in the future,” Mr. Putin wrote in his election manifesto.

“Syria has put to the test the ability of countries to take sovereign decisions,” says Prof. Volodin. “Russia and China have passed the test; India, unfortunately, has not.”

The cold wind from Russia - The Hindu

Maybe India is signaling to the US that it wants to join the western alliance. So make sure that the current regime stays in power. CIA will be there to ensure that Congress stays in power as Congress is pro-USA and Modi is pro-China.
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