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Iran rejects India’s plea for full rupee payment for oil import

What is pakisthani happy for having given front and back to US and now getting it everywhere everyday you are happy at some stupids comment, Iran is now moving to normalize relation with US, sanctions will be a story of past in coming years and Iran like any other trading country has its own balance of trade problems. India's current account problems cannot be Iran's burden, may to an extent/partial possible they will accept rupee trade and that they are doing.

Relation wise a democratic Iran will move very close to India and trade will prosper.
Gold backed currency is bound to come sooner or later because the situation today is unprecedented. The US simply has to conjure up Dollars out of thin air and buy up the whole world. The surprise is that the rest of the countries are just going along.

But then, as they say - The Dollar is not backed by Gold, but by the US Military.
China, however, is in a least favourable position to demand gold backing because you hold about a trillion of Dollar debt. If you push hard, Dollar will collapse and along with it your savings. You have a tiger by the tail

As Greenspan famously said: "Our debt to China is not our problem. It is China's problem"

I can say that Jew is incorrect b/c china is slowly dumping USD For gold and other investments.
Its very simple. a few month ago, india stopped buying Iran's oil. even by US sanctions, you were not obliged to stop buying oil completely, you just needed to decrease it by 18% in 6 month.
There is an insurance issue.
Oil imports from Iran: Insurance cover likely for private refiners too
Though Indian insurance companies are not governed by the US and EU sanctions, they do depend on re-insurance from Western companies, because of the high risks. The sanctions by the West against Iran’s disputed nuclear programme discourage global re-insurers from taking on the risk.

If Iran thinks that in their interest then so be it.Indian government should rethink their whole strategy and look for other sources.There are other ways of reducing CAD.
Maybe India is signaling to the US that it wants to join the western alliance. So make sure that the current regime stays in power. CIA will be there to ensure that Congress stays in power as Congress is pro-USA and Modi is pro-China.

Lets be frank there are no permanent friends and enemies in International relations when it came to the climate change accord India china worked to see that it suited each others concerns. Indian russian relations are very mature to be bothered by checker board politics.
I can say that Jew is incorrect b/c china is slowly dumping USD For gold and other investments.

If you start dumping USD then the dollar would not be so strong. It would be available easily in the market.
The Iranian rejecting Indian rupee was a very good economic move. The rupee has fallen last month by 25% compared to the USD. Most likely the rupee will continue to fall in the future. No nation should accept Indian rupee for payment either because it will become more worthless in the future.

If I was CCP head, I would discuss with other trading partners to convert their currency to gold than take the gold equivalent as payment. This way, I can destroy the US as reserve foreign currency and kill the world's biggest Ponzi scheme for mankind.

CCP will not like to offend their largest trading partner, unfortunately my friend the ponzi scheme will continue.

So sad....no one wants Indian Rupee.

Aap ka kay haal hai any one willing to take the pakisthani rupee
India seems to be in a spree of losing friends

Good joke nobody will lose friendship with a 2 trillion dollar economy which by 2020 will be 4 trillion by the way if langans want to do so good luck to them

India is behaving like a prostitute sleeping with everyone they see.

didn't you dump Mao and sleep with US CCP Capitalist China Party. wh0res think everyone are similar like them
There is an insurance issue.
Oil imports from Iran: Insurance cover likely for private refiners too

If Iran thinks that in their interest then so be it.Indian government should rethink their whole strategy and look for other sources.There are other ways of reducing CAD.

This is something most of people ignore.

Every country works in it's self interest and if Iran is unwilling to accept whole payment in Rupees, the extra demand that would have came their way by doing so would not materialize.

Sanctions add extra costs, both upfront and opportunity costs. Insurance premium climbs up as your insurers cannot get their liabilities insured by re-insurers. Transportation costs increase because major shipping corporations are unwilling to carry your oil and you are left with state owned shipping corporations which if there is no slack in demand, have to carry out expansions in order to cater to it, an expansion that may lead to accumulation of unproductive assets once sanctions are lifted.Refusal of Bank's to service your payments increase banking cost's since there are added costs of converting currency and finding a bank insulated enough from global financial system that it would process those transactions.On top of it, opportunity cost of losing American market is over and above this cost which makes private companies dither in doing business with Iran.

Iran is free to demand payments in whatever form they want but cost of paying them by one mechanism is significantly different compared to paying them by other mechanisms.If cumulative cost of buying crude from Iran outweighs that of buying from some other source, India would simply shift to that source.Trade in crude is so voluminous that political expediency and historical ties worth nothing in front of it. Subsidizing crude trade for political reason could bankrupt Indian government.

Personally i think that Iran is overestimating strength of it's hand in this game. They are banking on US lifting sanctions but they have overlooked one important fact, Countries do not become superpower by being gullible or naive. US would only lift sanctions if they dismantle their nuclear enrichment program or scale it down substantially.No amount of propaganda done or speeches given by Iran could make a difference to that.
friends dnt worry. india and iran are friendly country. they will solve it. and iran is accepting 45% payments in indian curruncy.when it comes to diplomacy indians are best. to my pakistani friends which country is accepting ur curruncy ? ur all weather friend ? hahaha
India did the right thing by voting against them in IAEA..they signed the NPT..Since they did sign it they are subject to all the standards of IAEA and if they are found to be not in compliance, or doing things to hide from them, then we voted against them because they have violated the very principles for which they had made solemn declarations.but why singled out India??a lot of other countries did too..

Yes, but do we really need to shoulder the burden of protecting rules and justice all over the world? And here we were protecting something that we ourselves didn't sign. Most countries including USA turn a blind eye to many of such violations as long as it serve their interests. We should also focus on protecting our interests only. This time we gave in to US demands, but have we gained more than what we lost?

We did a similar mistake wrt Srilanka, only difference is that it was for our own internal politics.
India is behaving like a prostitute sleeping with everyone they see.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...rupee-payment-oil-import-7.html#ixzz2gMg4GoVl
Such a cheap comment, if one is looking at his own interest in diplomacy then they are called prostitute? Very well then how many times have u been called like that? ( Yes am telling u not your country unlike u )

Most countries including USA turn a blind eye to many of such violations as long as it serve their interests. We should also focus on protecting our interests only. This time we gave in to US demands, but have we gained more than what we lost?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/280551-iran-rejects-india-s-plea-full-rupee-payment-oil-import-7.html#ixzz2gMgndSvG
Yes we went to look out our own interest, we did sign our nuclear deal right?
For those who think we ditched russians, well u will be surprised. Civilian Nuclear Deal is going to help getting more Russian & French reactor than American.
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