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Iran's Infrastructure projects...

not enough some of unfinished project must be handed over to ICHTO just to understand the disaster its suffice to say we have unfinished project from 50 years ago

Society changes, structure of the economy changes, policies and ideological beliefs of administrations change in 50 years, and therefore priorities evolve in the area of infrastructural development as well. Projects were completed at strongly accelerated pace after the 1979 Revolution. I would worry more about recent projects getting stuck halfway rather than 50 year old ones.
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Society changes, structure of the economy changes, policies and ideological beliefs of administrations change in 50 years, and therefore priorities change in the area of infrastructural development as well. Projects were completed at strongly accelerated pace after the 1979 Revolution. I would worry more about recent project getting stuck halfway than 50 year old ones.
society change priority change , but project specially governmental ones that are funded from Beyt-Ol-Mal must be planned and studied first , it must not decided on the whim of some politician or administrator .
the problem with those old project from 15 years or 20 years ago is that its not like we put them aside , on many cases we spend money on them to save their current situation
society change priority change , but project specially governmental ones that are funded from Beyt-Ol-Mal must be planned and studied first , it must not decided on the whim of some politician or administrator .
the problem with those old project from 15 years or 20 years ago is that its not like we put them aside , on many cases we spend money on them to save their current situation

Either way, social housing remains a foremost priority right now to alleviate economic pressure on the working class and improve social justice (this and the fight against corruption). And it doesn't preclude completing unfinished projects.
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This is interesting to know what Iranian companies doing outside.

Iran Completes the construction of Zawraa Stadium in Baghdad
design of Zawraa sports complex by : Iran's Boland Payeh Company







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Tehran-shomal freeway construction mega project.
Note: this freeway that connects Iranian Capital to the northern regions of Iran will cut through Alborz mountains and is the biggest road projects ever undertaken in Iran.

Divided into 4 sections, two sections are already complete..Section 2 is the most difficult section.
70% of section 2 is all tunnels. 59 tunnels and 30 bridges just on this section alone. Middle east's largest tunnel (Alborz tunnel) 6.5 kilometers long under a mountain is in this section.

Winter activity on going for section 2 ..One side of this to be completed next year.






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Tehran-shomal freeway construction mega project.
Note: this freeway that connects Iranian Capital to the northern regions of Iran will cut through Alborz mountains and is the biggest road projects ever undertaken in Iran.

Divided into 4 sections, two sections are already complete..Section 2 is the most difficult section.
70% of section 2 is all tunnels. 59 tunnels and 30 bridges just on this section alone. Middle east's largest tunnel (Alborz tunnel) 6.5 kilometers long under a mountain is in this section.

Winter activity on going for section 2 ..One side of this to be completed next year.
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Full ride on Shomal freeway in 4K video quality showing progress as per autumn 2021, including the 6,5 km Alborz tunnel (from 56:00).

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Full ride on Shomal freeway in 4K video quality showing progress as per autumn 2021, including the 6,5 km Alborz tunnel.

I noticed the first few min they show the old road..and then the freeway starts..when you see the number of tunnels you realize that this project is a truly a mega project in a world scale..you can build two Dubi with the amount work done here..there are more tunnels than open roads
.just amazing video..
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Iran to overhaul and renovate Venezuela's oil refineries and gas processing plants.

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After Venezuela, Cambodia invites Iran for oil, gas exploration
Cambodia has invited Iran to conduct oil and gas exploration in the country and set up a refinery, the Phnom Penh Post reports

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Good news for Chabahar port...Bring in new Technologies and using the port for their trade with east asia

Finland eyeing Iran’s Chabahar Port for trade with East Asia

February 23, 2022 - 15:9

TEHRAN - Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to Tehran Kari Kahiluoto has visited Iran’s Chabahar port in Southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province to explore avenues of mutual cooperation in the future.

Finishing the unfinished projects from previous government. @Hack-Hook ;)

$7.7m allocated to unfinished tourism projects in northwest Iran​

February 23, 2022 - 17:2

TEHRAN –Some two trillion rials ($7.7 million) has been allocated to the semi-finished tourism-related projects in the northwestern province of West Azarbaijan, the provincial tourism chief has announced.
Finishing the unfinished projects from previous government. @Hack-Hook ;)
governments , the bulk belong to the government before the previous one :wave:

but that aside if we can find another partner beside India for Chabahar project , that's the only real good news I heard in last several days
Iran is a "resource superpower" and the country is just starting to turn some of that to $$$.

Iranian built Iron ore concentrate plant starts production
  • Creates 2000 direct and indirect jobs​
  • Plant fully designed and built in Iran (khorasan)​






@jauk ..thanks for pointing to the topic of extracting Iran's mineral resources as raw material and exporting them....you are absolutely right we should not be " ditch diggers" or "crude" sellers...I never advocate such a primitive use of our natural resources...for Uranium I was very careful to call it "fuel" which means uranium yellow cake enriched and turned into fuel pellets and placed in the zirconium rods which means multiple value added processes..that is what is referred to as "nuclear fuel"..

As for oil..every drop turned into value added products..petrochemicals

For other minerals..sell them raw for short term..use the $$$ to invest in plants that can produce products..since right now no body is investing in Iran in large scale..sorry about typos..hope I made myself more clear.. @Hack-Hook also pointed that a while ago..cheers both.

An extension of Iran's mega project to deliver Persian gulf water to south of Iran (page 1 and 2 this thread)

Iran to start the construction work on a major water transfer project from the Sea of Oman to Sistan and Baluchestan Province.

  • The legislation was ratified in the parliament on Saturday when 210 lawmakers in the 290-member chamber voted for it. The project is aimed at responding to an acute water shortage in Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran’s largest province by area which is located along the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan

An extension of Iran's mega project to deliver Persian gulf water to south of Iran (page 1 and 2 this thread)

Iran to start the construction work on a major water transfer project from the Sea of Oman to Sistan and Baluchestan Province.

  • The legislation was ratified in the parliament on Saturday when 210 lawmakers in the 290-member chamber voted for it. The project is aimed at responding to an acute water shortage in Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran’s largest province by area which is located along the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan

After years of discussion finally this project turns into real. Great!

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