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Iran's Foreign Minister Zarif resigns

Finally that loser resigned
With all due respect,he wasnt a loser,he was in fact a poor bastard who was tasked with doing a virtually impossible job and altho I did not agree with his and rouhanis softly,softly I`m okay,you`re okay diplomatic approach to the west,I think he probably tried to do the best that he could under the circumstances even if he didnt always succeed.
Though I do hope that his replacement is a little less,shall we say diplomatic,with the west.
With all due respect,he wasnt a loser,he was in fact a poor bastard who was tasked with doing a virtually impossible job and altho I did not agree with his and rouhanis softly,softly I`m okay,you`re okay diplomatic approach to the west,I think he probably tried to do the best that he could under the circumstances even if he didnt always succeed.
Though I do hope that his replacement is a little less,shall we say diplomatic,with the west.
That's exactly what Netanyahu, Pompeo and Bolton are hoping for, a diplomatic amateur who will unite Europe behind the U.S. by giving nonsensical inflammatory speeches.....(Ahmadinejad Part Deux).
That's exactly what Netanyahu, Pompeo and Bolton are hoping for, a diplomatic amateur who will unite Europe behind the U.S. by giving nonsensical inflammatory speeches.....(Ahmadinejad Part Deux).

exactly. Under Ahmadinjad, the world would leave upon him opening his mouth. Zarif restore a lot respect for Iran and his reasoning and intellect brought up a lot political prowess and popularity. Iran's view among western public significantly improved.

Finally that loser resigned
Good riddance. Now let's see the next Iranian liar try to get the world to love the mullahs. Good luck with that .....
good move for him.... he did his job brilliantly working on the deal. Nobody could have anticipated trump. there is not much else for him to do really. he (Iran) is not going to be negotiating with the trump admin. and rouhani's term would have been up by the time the trump ran for re-election

on top of that, rouhani's is politically in trouble. Hes a lame duck whos going to become the economic scape goat. zariff is smart to want no part of that sinking ship.
Damn... I did not expect this.

Change your lenses, as the full bigger picture indicates that it was through a democratic process that the Iranian voters didn't want to continue on the path of former President H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and decided instead to compromise and sign a deal with Shaitan-e-Buzurg.:devil:

Zarif was mandated by the people to do what they elected him to do. :angel:

Naivety, guilt and now sorrow and dishonor, all belong to these electors. :hitwall:

Thankfully the DPRK does not allow the dilettantes to decide on the most vital strategic issues of the nation!:lock:

See today the difference, Kim Jong Un is treated as an equal by the U.S., backed by 15 megatons nukes!:yahoo:


That's exactly what Netanyahu, Pompeo and Bolton are hoping for, a diplomatic amateur who will unite Europe behind the U.S. by giving nonsensical inflammatory speeches.....(Ahmadinejad Part Deux).
Yes because being "nice" and "diplomatic" has achieved sooo much for iran hasnt it?,I mean look at all the wonderfull things iran has reaped from the jcpoa,like..um..uh..er...Oh,yeah!...wait a minute!.
You know what really makes me laugh?,Dear leader Kim built nukes,tested icbms and threatened to nuke guam,he got a summit with the chumpster.Rouhani and zarif tried to negotiate a win win deal only to wind up with even more sanctions and a gutted nuclear program,now who do you think was the bigger idiot,apart from chump of course obviously,kim or rouhani?.Oh and lets not forget that the dprk had their own experience with a jcpoa type deal.....guess what?,it didnt work out for them either.
You can claim that a bag of sh!t smells like roses all you like m8,but its still a bag of sh!t and it still stinks like one too,except in this case the bag in question is the jcpoa.
But hey,I`m pretty sure chump wont get a second term.....right?,some sane person will surely get elected and the us will come back to the deal.....eventually....,right?

exactly. Under Ahmadinjad, the world would leave upon him opening his mouth. Zarif restore a lot respect for Iran and his reasoning and intellect brought up a lot political prowess and popularity. Iran's view among western public significantly improved.
You might possibly have had a point if only dim donny chumpster hadnt come along to piss all over your little parade.You can have all of the improved public perception you like but in real terms it doesnt count for a damn because international political/diplomatic relations arent a popularity contest,this isnt the x factor,folks.
Unlike others, I expect this to come.
Zarif is good man but I think his calculations was and are wrong, and his solutions to the problems are not good and smart.

We need to allow new foreign policies run in Iran.

we need to come back to NO EAST, NO WEST slogan.
and focus inside.
exactly. Under H.E. Dr Ahmadinejad, the world would leave upon him opening his mouth. Zarif restore a lot respect for Iran and his reasoning and intellect brought up a lot political prowess and popularity. Iran's view among western public significantly improved.

Under H.E. President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran and North Korea would have sent a man into space in 2016 already.

The space launchers are hardware-ready (Safir-1 SLV and Hwasong-15 SLV), but the Iranian will is gone.

By now North Korea and Iran would have already launched lunar orbiters, with the Safir-3/Unha-9 SLV, paving the way for the prospection of critical lunar rare earth elements!


By the end of the next decade, the industrial extration of these highly strategic ressources would have been a reality, with the Safir-4/Unha-20 SLV.


Iran simply lost a decade because of the interference of democratic process.
Worse still, the delay is such that today Iran has sunk to the level it must beg from foreigners, in order to avoid further embarrassment by loosing hard won orbital slots!

Mon Feb 25, 2019 1:22

Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi announced the country's plans to purchase a satellite to be placed into the geostationary orbit.


The Crow and Foxy

Mr Crow , perched on a tree,
Was holding in his beak a cheese.
Mr Foxy allicked by the smell,
kept it this language pretty much:

“Hello, Mr. Crow,
That you are pretty, that you seem beautiful to me
Without lying, if you’re singing
Relates to your plumage,
You are the Phoenix of these woods’s hosts.”

At these words the crow does not feel joy,
and to show his beautiful voice,
He opens a wide beak, and drops his prey.
Foxy seized it, and said:

“ My good sir,
Learn that any flattering
Lives at the expense of the listener.

This lesson is well worth a cheese probably.”

The shameful and confused Crow Swore,
but a little late,
that we would not take it anymore.

-Jean de La Fontaine

Never forget what the little Westerners learn since their kindergarten age!
It may also be a signal to the west that Iran is ready to take a harder line against the pressures and may walk away from the deal.

Zarif was the chain of the deal. I think it is a clear sign to Europeans to either up their game or Iran will not hesitate to walk away.
All Key figures of Rouhani government resigned , I doubt he ( Rouhani ) can finish his own term ....

The problem is that I.R as whole is falling apart and most of Iranians don't buy their lies anymore .... most officials have dual nationality and dual nationality means they don't have hope in surviving of the system ...

Only Khamenei personal Charisma and his vast majority of supporter is keeping the system together and he is 80 years old guy ...
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It may also be a signal to the west that Iran is ready to take a harder line against the pressures and may walk away from the deal.

Zarif was the chain of the deal. I think it is a clear sign to Europeans to either up their game or Iran will not hesitate to walk away.
I certainly hope so as right now the eurovassals are just playing iran while paying lip service to the jcpoa but doing nothing whatsoever to live up to their obligations under it,and unbelievably the uk has decided to add hezbollahs political wing to its list of terrorist organizations,dont they realise this is just one more blow to what little is left of their credibility as far as the remnants of the jcpoa is concerned.
Really tho I think it should`ve been rouhani who resigned....ages ago in fact.
Zarif did his job: He gave Iran, as per international law, a latent nuclear capability.

With the Soviet origin North Korean thermonuclear warhead tested and Irans thermonuclear-proof enrichment, weaponizing and missile bases, the chain is complete. Not now, but by 2025 and with the serial production of the IR-8 centrifuge, the latent nuclear capability will have been created.

So the legitimization and law issue is solved and Zarif is responsible for it.

Maybe he is really positioning himself for the position of the President.

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