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Iran's drone power

what the hell is this?, it seems this drone is built for air to air engagement and thats deadly, so i call it Terminator


Iran army’s new suicide drone named Sagheb (ثاقب): Max flight distance: 1000km Max allowable altitude: 18,000 feet Weight: 150kg Payload: 15kg Can be controlled by ground station, nearby drones




Image of Saqib suicide drone with operational camouflage. With 15 kg warhead. It is suitable for damaging places with low protection and sensitive to explosives.

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Iran army’s new suicide drone named Sagheb (ثاقب): Max flight distance: 1000km Max allowable altitude: 18,000 feet Weight: 150kg Payload: 15kg Can be controlled by ground station, nearby drones


View attachment 674147
View attachment 674148
Image of Saqib suicide drone with operational camouflage. With 15 kg warhead. It is suitable for damaging places with low protection and sensitive to explosives.

its more of cruise missile :lol:
as what? bomber ? well it will be good it can carry 4-6 GBU-12s or Yassins or some air to air missiles and still have 2000 km range on it

Question is, what speeds could we expect from such a design. Sejill UCAV is something I am looking forward to. 1000km/h is a decent speed for it. I assume it will use 2x Tolou series engines.
Question is, what speeds could we expect from such a design. Sejill UCAV is something I am looking forward to. 1000km/h is a decent speed for it. I assume it will use 2x Tolou series engines.
What happened to Shaehd 149?
Question is, what speeds could we expect from such a design. Sejill UCAV is something I am looking forward to. 1000km/h is a decent speed for it. I assume it will use 2x Tolou series engines.
yes, it depends if 2x Tolou-10 engines can move close to mach 1 probably fully loaded then 2x Jahesh can go supersonic but we have to see what is there payload or the size of the drone you want to build.
What happened to Shaehd 149?
nothing , its going to be unveiled at its time
That would be somehow under powerrd . imagine it with the next version of the engine with twice the power and then we are in business.

Yes, it is still somewhat underpowered. Once the next gen larger turbofans are ready then things will get really exciting.

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