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Irans Drone Hoax

This sounds like you have been properly educated and is now resorting to face saving measure of personal insult. My work is done.

insult?? the truth hurts does it?? that was not an insult. i do not need to insult you, for everyone (except maybe peoples equally as biased as you) to see that you are being an imbecile.

actually, it is very obvious that regardless what is said, your arrogant stubbornness will not allow you to see things in reality.

your bias is as big as your countries ego. here you are trying to argue something on a "technicality" and your wrong. Hijack does not literally mean you hack into americas computers in america, or the base they are using, and controlling the drone through americas control itself. Hijack means you take control of a vehicle from someone else, whatever the means, america obviously didnt have control since it did not respond to their commands. it responded to iran's commands instead. this is a simple fact you neglect to either think about, and/or admit.

if Iran did not gain any control of the drone(hijack the drone) it would not of landed in iran, it would of responded to american commands. it is as simple as that.
your bias is as big as your countries ego. here you are trying to argue something on a "technicality" and your wrong. Hijack does not literally mean you hack into americas computers in america, or the base they are using, and controlling the drone through americas control itself. Hijack means you take control of a vehicle from someone else, whatever the means, america obviously didnt have control since it did not respond to their commands. it responded to iran's commands instead. this is a simple fact you neglect to either think about, and/or admit.

if Iran did not gain any control of the drone(hijack the drone) it would not of landed in iran, it would of responded to american commands. it is as simple as that.
And you cannot see how you debunked yourself? The GPS signals DOES NOT control anything. It is merely received and used to verify if the INS is guessing correctly. To spoof the GPS signals does not mean you took CONTROL of the drone's steering mechanism. To 'hijack' mean to do exactly just that.

As to why it landed in Iran, did it ever occurred to you the possibility that it was flying INSIDE Iranian airspace? So if we lost control of it somehow, where else is it going to land? What you are unwilling to admit here is your own limited understanding of the technology even at the most basic level. So when confronted with such, you dismissed it as mere 'technicality' when such technicality is the foundation of that knowledge. So who is really the one with the larger ego here?
USAF should have destroyed the drone in a airstrike, as they used to do in the past, they did'nt do it, Now they are begging iran to return the drone.

Of course they are not going to return the drone.
USAF should have destroyed the drone in a airstrike, as they used to do in the past, they did'nt do it, Now they are begging iran to return the drone.

Of course they are not going to return the drone.
We asked for it one time in public for its return. So how is that 'begging'? Do you really think that we are that naive to believe that Iran would truly comply? It looks like when it comes to anything negative about US, exaggeration and hyperboles are the norm. What we did was issued a challenge. Obama may have been too weak to call it as such, but even as inexperienced as he is in foreign affairs, he is not so naive to believe that Iran would give in to his charms.
USAF should have destroyed the drone in a airstrike, as they used to do in the past, they did'nt do it, Now they are begging iran to return the drone.

Of course they are not going to return the drone.
Dude,Iran is not Afghanistan that you go there and bomb something and get out safely.By doing that.you have declared war on Iran.I don't think U.S commanders are that stupid to enter a bloody war over a drone.
It's so bloody ironic that it's not even funny, few days back i read a thread about some US proffessor hacking a UAV on a bet using equipment worth few hundred dollars, they can do it but the whole defense industry of Iran can't?

I think US people should STOP under mining everyone, take a deep breath and face the reality, you are neither superior nor better than anyone else on the face of this planet. IQ, Knowledge and innovation are not names of one of your bitches! :)
Bro, if you assume that traits like IQ, knowledge and innovation are not existent in USA then I pity your intelligence.

US have build a robotic plane which went in to outer space, spyed on many countries (including Iran, Pakistan, and China) and returned back after a year of stay in space. Now you still think that RQ-170 fiasco really matters to US?

As far as this RQ-170 fiasco is concerned, their are things that both nations are hiding. Iranian official claims are for public consumption and involve scaremongering as usual. Concerned authorities in US do know the facts but are not going public. Typical US strategy to is make its enemies guess.

Besides, RQ-170 was more like an experimental drone. The real thing is X47 but even it is not among the most advanced drones in US arsenal.
The thing crashed in Iran, they got ONLY wreckage, made a mock-up and said they got the thing intact. Typical Iranian B.S. They got NOTHING !!!:rofl:

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