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Irans Drone Hoax

Why isn't the landing gear shown if the Iranians made it land nice and soft ? Because the body is easier to fake than the landing gear. It would show an obvious fake.
Iran got it I think there is little doubt about that and this is why

Reportedly John Michael McConnell, Director of National Intelligence from 2007 to 2009, and other senior officials wanted self-destruct gear installed on the Sentinels flying over Iran. “But the CIA’s engineering team balked, saying it would add too much weight to the delicately balanced frame,” the Post reports.

Fallout from Drone Capture 'Limited'
You sound a little frustrated boy. Did you even look at the site for all the evidence?

You can actually HEAR ME ? WOW !!! You're something else !! A surf board maker made an X-45C in a few days. Why couldn't the Iranians whip up a 170 ?
It's so bloody ironic that it's not even funny, few days back i read a thread about some US proffessor hacking a UAV on a bet using equipment worth few hundred dollars, they can do it but the whole defense industry of Iran can't?

I think US people should STOP under mining everyone, take a deep breath and face the reality, you are neither superior nor better than anyone else on the face of this planet. IQ, Knowledge and innovation are not names of one of your bitches! :)
I bet your media is filled with the same thing I don't listen to the media anyways :hitwall:
Same here,I don't listen media to much,because every one of them is following its own policies and agenda.Just getting headlines and important news is enough.
The thing crashed in Iran, they got ONLY wreckage, made a mock-up and said they got the thing intact. Typical Iranian B.S. They got NOTHING !!!:rofl:

the usa have admitted it was taken over by iran and landed etc... recently the usa got students at a university to do the same thing

How a team of students HIJACKED a drone in midair - all for a $1,000 bet with U.S. government | Mail Online

seems the us media doesnt like to report it tho... that is even more funny
lmaooooo what a fail thread

The american PRESIDENT HIMSELF asked for the drone back, thus confirming the whole thing, now this guy is pulling this idiotic report from DECEMBER 2011.
We have gone over this before. Just because we asked for the return of our drone, that does not mean the one Iran displayed is THE ONE. That is terrible logic. If anything, our asking for it back does not mean we expect Iran to actually return it but to challenge Iran to show evidence and that crappy video is hardly evidence. Let journalists examine it. Show US the manufacturer's name and date tag on the landing gear. If that is too difficult to meet then indeed there is something funky with what Iran claimed.

the usa have admitted it was taken over by iran and landed etc... recently the usa got students at a university to do the same thing

How a team of students HIJACKED a drone in midair - all for a $1,000 bet with U.S. government | Mail Online

seems the us media doesnt like to report it tho... that is even more funny
That is a terrible understanding of the technology. What they did was not 'hijacking' but merely mislead with GPS spoofing, which have been around for decades.
We have gone over this before. Just because we asked for the return of our drone, that does not mean the one Iran displayed is THE ONE. That is terrible logic. If anything, our asking for it back does not mean we expect Iran to actually return it but to challenge Iran to show evidence and that crappy video is hardly evidence. Let journalists examine it. Show US the manufacturer's name and date tag on the landing gear. If that is too difficult to meet then indeed there is something funky with what Iran claimed.

That is a terrible understanding of the technology. What they did was not 'hijacking' but merely mislead with GPS spoofing, which have been around for decades.

well actually.. by GPS spoofing.. they literally ARE HIJACKING the drone

dont try to make excuses or water it down so it doesnt sound as bad, or doesnt praise them in any way

the fact it.. it got hijacked..

hijackedpast participle, past tense of hi·jack (Verb)

Illegally seize (an aircraft, ship, or vehicle) in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one's own purposes.
Steal (goods) by seizing them in transit.
well actually.. by GPS spoofing.. they literally ARE HIJACKING the drone

dont try to make excuses or water it down so it doesnt sound as bad, or doesnt praise them in any way

the fact it.. it got hijacked..

hijackedpast participle, past tense of hi·jack (Verb)

Illegally seize (an aircraft, ship, or vehicle) in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one's own purposes.
Steal (goods) by seizing them in transit.
You do not even understand your own source. The drone uses GPS signals for INS verification. Do you even know what INS stands for? So going by your own source definition, the true meaning of 'hijack' is to seize control of the drone's flight control system and bypass BOTH the INS and its GPS correlation. GPS spoofing is misleading by way of confusing that correlative process.
You do not even understand your own source. The drone uses GPS signals for INS verification. Do you even know what INS stands for? So going by your own source definition, the true meaning of 'hijack' is to seize control of the drone's flight control system and bypass BOTH the INS and its GPS correlation. GPS spoofing is misleading by way of confusing that correlative process.

the fact is... the drone (vehicle) was being controlled by the usa.... Iran, used GPS spoofing to take control of the drone (vehicle) therefore they hijacked it... you are us citizen yes? born and raised in the usa? why do you not understand english language?? ... it does not matter what means they take control of it... what matters is they DID take control of the drone... hence they HIJACKED IT

your trying to say something like this... a person is driving a car, someone runs up with a gun, and takes it from them.. to you.. this is hijacking yes??

but if someone is in the car driving, and a person is able to GPS spoof the computer inside the car, and then control it so the driver actually has no control at all.. and they steal the car this way.. this is not hijacking?? lolol

that is crazy

the fact is... if someone is in control of a vehicle in transit, and someone else takes control of it, by any means.. this is hijacking

if iran did not take control of the drone, the usa would of still been in control of the drone...

and also, if iran was not in control of the drone.. and they simply told the drone, ok, this is where you really are... why did it land?? obviously there is a level of CONTROL in regards to the drone..

america operate it by GPS... therefore.. GPS spoofing, is hijacking, because they took control of it and made it land where they wanted.. by using the SAME MEANS as the usa uses to control it.. so obviously they did, even by your definition to seize control of the drone's flight control system
the fact is... the drone (vehicle) was being controlled by the usa.... Iran, used GPS spoofing to take control of the drone (vehicle) therefore they hijacked it... you are us citizen yes? born and raised in the usa? why do you not understand english language?? ... it does not matter what means they take control of it... what matters is they DID take control of the drone... hence they HIJACKED IT

your trying to say something like this... a person is driving a car, someone runs up with a gun, and takes it from them.. to you.. this is hijacking yes??

but if someone is in the car driving, and a person is able to GPS spoof the computer inside the car, and then control it so the driver actually has no control at all.. and they steal the car this way.. this is not hijacking?? lolol

that is crazy

the fact is... if someone is in control of a vehicle in transit, and someone else takes control of it, by any means.. this is hijacking

if iran did not take control of the drone, the usa would of still been in control of the drone...

and also, if iran was not in control of the drone.. and they simply told the drone, ok, this is where you really are... why did it land?? obviously there is a level of CONTROL in regards to the drone..

america operate it by GPS... therefore.. GPS spoofing, is hijacking, because they took control of it and made it land where they wanted.. by using the SAME MEANS as the usa uses to control it.. so obviously they did, even by your definition to seize control of the drone's flight control system
Further false understanding of the technology. The GPS signal does not -- DOES NOT -- control anything.

So here are the basics...

The Inertial Navigation System (INS) is essentially a dead reckoning device.

Dead reckoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In navigation, dead reckoning (also ded (for deduced) reckoning or DR) is the process of calculating one's current position by using a previously determined position, or fix, and advancing that position based upon known or estimated speeds over elapsed time, and course.
In dead reckoning navigation, you literally guess where you are going and where you are going TO BE. You have no way of verifying if your guesses are correct or not. Your math could be perfect but due to environmental influences and mechanical imperfections, such as the manufacturing flaws in your compass and timing watch and the vagaries of the wind on your sail, none of these can be compensated by you, you could off your intended destination by kms.

That is weakness of INS and it is called 'drift'...

Inertial navigation system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All inertial navigation systems suffer from integration drift: small errors in the measurement of acceleration and angular velocity are integrated into progressively larger errors in velocity, which are compounded into still greater errors in position.
Before GPS, we have something called 'astronav' on the F-111 and SR-71 to use an external source positioning method to correct INS drift...

SR-71 Maintenance
Atop the aircraft behind the ACP and above tank one is the Astro Navigation System (ANS). This is the avionics package that navigates the SR-71 by the position of stars, weather day or night.
The astronav system was sensitive enough to pick out stars like the North Star even in daylight.

What the INS does is say: 'I am at X and Y position.'

What the astronav does is say: 'According to the star fixes, you are at X+ and Y- position. Send a signal to the pilot to make course correction.'

With GPS, the process is the same thing except with much more accuracy and precision. INS drift gets progressively worse with time, distance, and maneuvers. So without this verification/correlation process, if the aircraft flies long enough it will get hopelessly lost.

So GPS does not control anything.

I know that it is fashionable to suck up to America's enemies and that is what you are doing. But you cannot escape technical truths and it is clear to me that you are very poor in this regard. GPS spoofing is the denial of this verification/correlative process and it is only the desire to grossly expand the definition of 'hijacking' that you are sucking up to the Iranians at the expense of technical truths.
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