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Iran's banks to be blocked from global banking system

Iran has oil. Americans/Europeans wants oil (Operation Ajax anyone?).

Iran is hostile to Israel. Americans/Europeans can't stand that.

Iran is Shi'te. Most Sunni countries are distrustful.

Whatever Iran does, there will be some excuse to invade it. Look at North Korea, once it had the N-bomb, Americans shut their mouth about invasion. Iraq denied having any WMD, and it was invaded.

With all these excuses about human rights, fighting terrorism and spreading democracy, the West is still very much operating according to laws of the jungle. The concept is simple. Might makes right.
It isn't just "per the wishes of others". Iran is a signatory of the UN Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. They are legally bound to co-operate fully with the IAEA, the administrators of this treaty. Iran is violating their UN treaty obligations by not co-operating. Of course, Iran could abrogate the NNP Treaty, but they have not, claiming that they are not violating the Treaty. Israel has not signed this Treaty so Israel has no obligation to allow IAEA inspections, whatsoever.

In that case the sanctions must be designed as to not affect the common iranian civilian.
Really is this what they are thinking or they have issue with Israel's occupation of Palestine's land ?

Of course they have an "issue" with Israeli occupation of the Sunni Arab population's land! The issue is that the Jews play a large role in Shiite eschatology. The Persian Iranians don't give a whit about Sunni Arab Palestinian, per se. The theocrats who rule Iran only care about how these events fit into their eschatology.
In that case the sanctions must be designed as to not affect the common iranian civilian.

It is not possible , without suffering of common men country can suffer..... after all they make land, a country not politicians
In that case the sanctions must be designed as to not affect the common iranian civilian.

No such "sanctions design" is possible when dealing with an authoritarian government. The "common iranian civilian" has to pay the price for their government. This is another demonstration of the 100% true maxim: "Life is not fair."
From Wikipedia: End of time beliefs in Shia Islamic thought

End of time beliefs in Shia Islamic thought are based on Quranic references, instruction from the Prophet Muhammad and his progeny Ahl al-Bayt. Several variants of one theory exist in Shia eschatology, yet they all revolve around the messianic figure, Imam Mahdi also known as "Imam az-Zaman" meaning the Leader of Our Time, who is considered by Twelver Shias as the 12th appointed successor of Prophet Muhammad. He is Mohammad (Al-Mahdi), son of Hasan (Al-'Askari), son of Ali (Al-Hadi), son of Mohammad (Al-Jawad), son of Ali (Al-Rida), son of Musa (Al-Kathem), son of Jafar (As-Sadeq), son of Mohammad (Al-Baqer), son of Ali (Zainul-abideen), son of Hussein (Ash-Shahid), son of Ali (Amirul Mu'mineen) husband of Prophet Mohammad's daughter, Fatima.

Even though during the days of the Shia Imams (more than a thousand years ago), Iran was still Persian and non-Muslim; it is mentioned in Shia traditions (which were narrated from the Shia Imams of Ahlul Bayt), that people from Iran (often referred to people from the East, also) will pave the way to Al-Mahdi's appearance, and after his return, the Iranians will side with him and fight his enemies. Prior to Imam Mahdi's return, the Iranian army, whose leader will be a man called in Shia traditions as: Al-Khorasani (in reference to Khorasan, a region in Iran), will be sent to Kufa to fight Sufyani's army, which will be sent from Syria to slaughter the Shia of Iraq.

It is important to draw a line between the "signs" that correlate to Imam Mahdi's return, and the "signs" that occur prior to Judgment Day. According to Shia beliefs, there are many signs that will occur before Imam Mahdi's appearance, but only 5 of those are guaranteed to occur, while the rest are uncertain to people, depending on God's will. If He wishes them to occur or not, it is what He decides. God has hidden His will with regards to those uncertain signs for the well-being of mankind, for He is the most knowledgeable to what serves mankind good and what harms it. This what is known in Shia beliefs as "Badaa" (البداء).

The five signs that are imminent are the following:

The appearance of a person by the name of "Sufyani" (claims to be Muslim, though he 'carries a cross', though he is a descendant of the disintegrated Ummayyad dynasty whose scattered descendants may have been in the Levant and Spain or Morocco over the last 12 centuries) will lead forces from Syria across Iraq to Arabia to defeat the Mahdi's forces along with his Allies
The cracking of the earth to abolish Sufyani's forces as previously mentioned.
The appearance of al-Yamani, the ruler of Yemen, who will be a guide to people to the right path before Imam Mahdi's appearance
The voice of Gabriel, the angel, from the sky that calls out people to support Imam Mahdi because he is sent by God.

It is mentioned in Shia traditions, that Imam Mahdi's army will destroy the Jewish state, which was predicted by Islam more than 1400 years ago, that was established in the Middle East. After that, Imam Mahdi will fight al-Sufyani and eventually destroy him and his army too. It is after those events that the Jews gather once again under the Dajjal ,the anti-Christ, as Christians call him, the deceiver, who will try to influence people once again to side with him against Imam Mahdi's wordly revolution.

The Shia End of Time theory also states that the coming of Jesus, will coincide with the return of the Mahdi. Shias believe that Jesus and the Mahdi will work together to bring about peace and justice on earth between all peoples of faith. This is the general theme accepted among Shia theologians.

The events that occur in the final moments of humanity will mainly revolve around Dajjal and his ability to woo humanity to a new world religion, one that is not divinely issued. The idea of a Mahdi returning to help humanity against the "Great Deception" is also mentioned in Sunni traditions, but is specifically outlined as Muhammad al-Mahdi in Shia sources. There are many sources that have prophecies regarding the last days, with only some that are accepted as repeated in different sources by different people. A majority of Shia scholars[who?] agree on the following detail of events that will occur in the final days:[citation needed]

The Dajjal (Al Masih Al Dajjal - The Antichrist) will claim to be the savior of humanity and people of all faiths will unite under his religion
There will be mass killings of Shias in Iraq (around the Euphrates), and there will be prices put on their hands, even if they are not criminals
The Mahdi will reappear and make a speech at the Kaaba and will gather an army of 313 generals and thousands of followers to defeat the Sufyani
The Mahdi will re-establish the true Islam and the world will find peace and tranquility
There will be a period of rule by the Mahdi
The resurrection of men and women will begin as the Day of Judgement will commence
No such "sanctions design" is possible when dealing with an authoritarian government. The "common iranian civilian" has to pay the price for their government. This is another demonstration of the 100% true maxim: "Life is not fair."

So going by your own post that Iran Govt is authoritarian how do you expect the Iranian civilian to have a voice in it ?

See the contradiction ?
he is a descendant of the disintegrated Ummayyad dynasty whose scattered descendants may have been in the Levant and Spain or Morocco over the last 12 centuries) will lead forces from Syria across Iraq to Arabia to defeat the Mahdi's forces along with his Allies

Large part of the Shia doctrine was based on opposition of Ummyads because since the early times..Banu Hashim were the ruler clan and many Banu Hashim including those from the Prophet family himself could not withstand a Ummayad khalifa as it underminded the traditional monarchy pride of Banu Hashim. And as we know it today, we see the influences of Inter-Quraysh rivalries well into the shia doctrine.
True. It would bring clarity to the Iranian position, however. If they withdraw from the NPT is will be unmistakable to all that they intend to develop a nuclear weapon. Probably a number of other Gulf nations would withdraw from the NPT in response. That doesn't change my point that the Iranians could defuse the entire situation by fully co-operating with the IAEA. Given the very high price they are paying, it isn't rational to me that they aren't doing this. UNLESS they want nuclear weapons above all else, and they do not believe they can deceive the IAEA if they fully co-operate. What other rational explanation is there for Iranian behavior?

National pride and security. I'm not sure what is involved in these inspections but allowing all their scientists to be interviewed would help foreign intelligence agencies to earmark them for 'early retirement' (which is deplorable). Submitting to foreign demands makes the current leadership appear weak to their own citizens (which Iran's enemies would love to see). The Iranian government that signed the NPT back in the late 60s occurred before their 'revolution' so it cannot be said that Iran signed the NPT in bad faith. As far as I know, the Iranian government that took power in '79 probably didn't think much of nuclear weapons.

The invasion of Afghanistan was understandable but not Iraq. No one should be surprised if Iran is trying to obtain nuclear weapons. I'd probably would do the same if I start to see neighbouring countries getting invaded. Imagine yourself as the POTUS and you witness China invading Canada, Mexico and Cuba. Anyone that say they don't feel threaten but such actions is lying.

No such "sanctions design" is possible when dealing with an authoritarian government. The "common iranian civilian" has to pay the price for their government. This is another demonstration of the 100% true maxim: "Life is not fair."

True. Just don't be surprised on the growing amount of hatred by the general population.
Iran obviously wont bend over, therefore barter and precious metals for oil remains as a viable solution.

For the future, Iran will be pushing hard to make an alternative banking system with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, S.America, Africa, NAM countries, etc. I'm sure those arent happy with US/EU dictate either, and this also would make them immune to the banking isolation of their own countries in the future.
Well seriously, why would world financial system be controlled from Brussels, Germany, Belgium or NY?? Thats pure colonialism..all banks should be free to deal with each other on their own.

They are right now.. but they are incapable or not ready to create infrastructure to manage transaction with other banks.

Just think if all banks will make their own system to deal with other banks what will happen , we will have 1000000... such a system which will be incompatible to other system.Think if each and every website or ISP operates using different protocols instead of http over internet what will happen. They need unified system with same standards and protocols and western countries are founder of it .. and they are capable to manage it so they control it . Because of such a systems today we are able to send money from any country to India or Pakistan in in any bank in remote village.
They are right now.. but they are incapable or not ready to create infrastructure to manage transaction with other banks.

Just think if all banks will make their own system to deal with other banks what will happen , we will have 1000000... such a system which will be incompatible to other system.Think if each and every website or ISP operates using different protocols instead of http over internet what will happen. They need unified system with same standards and protocols and western countries are founder of it .. and they are capable to manage it so they control it . Because of such a systems today we are able to send money from any country to India or Pakistan in in any bank in remote village.

We are going to have a defined standard of communication and fixed protocol which can help all kind of applications communicate with each other. XML will be helpful here.
The Centres of Power around the Globe are changing; many privileges and monopolies that were supposed to be the exclusive right of capitalist nations have been challenged and overtaken by more energetic, ascendant Nations of the World.

Yesterday, international transactions were happening mostly in the realm of US dollar. Foreign Exchange of the nations around the World was in US dollars. Today, there are other currencies challenging the hegemony of the Mighty Dollar. Capitalism's last laugh may not last long.

I think and pray that Iranians not only survive but they thrive and discover new modes of trade and friendship. As the Seer, Poet Allama Iqbal has said:


If Iran becomes the Geneva of the East - The fate of the Earth may change for better.
We are going to have a defined standard of communication and fixed protocol which can help all kind of applications communicate with each other. XML will be helpful here.

Big words are "We are going to have" , knowing our leaders and ppl it is not possible in next 25 years ...
and it is just not about fixing some technological standards.. what if western banks will don't agree to compile to it.. how I am gonna send money to India ..
It is very mammoth task like changing from right hand driving to left hand driving .. you need to change entire transportation system and have to introduce millions of new vehicles and still no guarantee of ppl not doing mistakes.
Read about SWIFT before talking abt creating new way to do it

"The majority of international interbank messages use the SWIFT network. As of September 2010, SWIFT linked more than 9,000 financial institutions in 209 countries and territories, who were exchanging an average of over 15 million messages per day (compared to an average of 2.4 million daily messages in 1995).[1] SWIFT transports financial messages in a highly secure way"
Established in 1973 and surprising fact is, "The current Chairman of SWIFT is Yawar Shah, who was born and raised in Pakistan, and the CEO is Lázaro Campos, who is from Spain."

Our governments is not able to provide high speed internet in villages , how they can build such a huge network in matter of months.. Our incapability and lethargic attitude from last 100 years made us dependent on these systems .. we can't change any of this ..
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