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Iran's Air Force Overshadowed by the IRGC

Lol US would ship anti air systems to a bunch of takfiri baboons? That is beyond absurd as the training required and support systems required makes it implausible notion.

The only thing US could do is give Manpads, which are useful against helicopters and old low flying jets. Name me a manpad that can realiably shoot down a SU-35 when it’s using stand off weapons from range.

The fact is I followed the Syrian civil war and up to 2014 parts of IRGC leadership (including ones that died in Syria) thought the war was unwinnable and that Iran should negotiate a solution with the West.

The fact that Soleimani had to ask Putin to enter the war at that time the heart of Alawite territory (Latakia) was potentially the next invasion point for terrorists. That ask was a slap in the face of IRGC who believed Air power was useless in modern day war.

Well they got a major wake up call and after the success of Russian airforce, IRGC announced plans for a CAS plane.

Make no mistake about it, if Iran doesn’t rebuild its airforce it will be a mistake that will haunt it for decades to come.

Every military power no matter how successful has made boneheaded mistakes and the IRGC is no exception to this rule.

they absolutely would have.... there wasn't a single line they didn't cross in that war. even if they didn't directly hand them out to 'vetted' Syrians. if there was an Iranian air force presence making a decisive difference. at the very least there would have been CIA agents/ American/Zionist special forces operating them.

they would not have allowed t he Iranian air force to operate with impunity like they did the Russian airforce.

and to say that Russia would take a huge geopolitical risk like this on the word of a foreign general is severely underestimating putin.

Russia was observing this war from day 1. Saw how they got duped in Libya by giving the west a UN mandate to attack. For them at first it was blocking any UN attempts. They had all but given up on assad https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wo...-Bashar-al-Assad-to-prepare-for-sad-fate.html

Then came Iranian involvement. building up the government militia force NDF to take huge pressure off the SAA and prevent their collapse. Balance the books of the Syrian government to keep them in the figtht. providing advisors that changed Syrian tactics from throwing men into meatgrinders in city combat that was destroying the SAA. To siege warfare tactics that saved men and stabilized the situation. then Hezbollah came in and started wiping out the terroists presence around the Lebanese borders.. and more militias like the fatemyouun and more IRGC advisors and assad was making sstead gains everywhere and became a viable choice once more.

that's when the west and aranbs went full retard and started openly giving out serious military equipment and Turkish forces were rumoured to be directly assisting their terrorist proxies. that's when bashard started losing ground once more and the Russians entered.

without the Russians I doubt bashar would have lost decisively either. he probably would have had to withdraw from the east completely and set up a defensible shield around the west with Iranian,hezbollah and a friendly population. its highly doubtful they would have been able to finish assad off. this was always the Iranian "plan b" people were speculating on.

Now in this sort of back and forth environment. do you seriously believe if iran had escalated again and sent its entire air force to assist assad. do you really think the Iranian enemies would have sat idle and accepted defeat? or would have escalated themselves by shipping in anti-air systems or directly engaging. there is no question in my mind about this and we can agree to disagree on it
Erdogan played his role to support the moderate rebels so they would not be simply proxies for Washington, but if the moderate rebels won, Syria would be aligned with Turkey, not so much Washington.

It is like playing chess with someone you hate and then Erdogan says he will take over for the bad guys and you say ok, bad guys lose their goals. You win Syria back, Erdogan does not care if he lost, he was simply there so if you lost, Syria would not have Amerikan bases all over it. Like they are trying to do with the kurds.

Erdogan's punishment is the bill for the Syrian refugees, but the West started the CIA coup in Syria and Turkey, and both Assad and Erodgan survived.

The CIA wants both gone.
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they absolutely would have.... there wasn't a single line they didn't cross in that war. even if they didn't directly hand them out to 'vetted' Syrians. if there was an Iranian air force presence making a decisive difference. at the very least there would have been CIA agents/ American/Zionist special forces operating them.

they would not have allowed t he Iranian air force to operate with impunity like they did the Russian airforce.

and to say that Russia would take a huge geopolitical risk like this on the word of a foreign general is severely underestimating putin.

Russia was observing this war from day 1. Saw how they got duped in Libya by giving the west a UN mandate to attack. For them at first it was blocking any UN attempts. They had all but given up on assad https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wo...-Bashar-al-Assad-to-prepare-for-sad-fate.html

Then came Iranian involvement. building up the government militia force NDF to take huge pressure off the SAA and prevent their collapse. Balance the books of the Syrian government to keep them in the figtht. providing advisors that changed Syrian tactics from throwing men into meatgrinders in city combat that was destroying the SAA. To siege warfare tactics that saved men and stabilized the situation. then Hezbollah came in and started wiping out the terroists presence around the Lebanese borders.. and more militias like the fatemyouun and more IRGC advisors and assad was making sstead gains everywhere and became a viable choice once more.

that's when the west and aranbs went full retard and started openly giving out serious military equipment and Turkish forces were rumoured to be directly assisting their terrorist proxies. that's when bashard started losing ground once more and the Russians entered.

without the Russians I doubt bashar would have lost decisively either. he probably would have had to withdraw from the east completely and set up a defensible shield around the west with Iranian,hezbollah and a friendly population. its highly doubtful they would have been able to finish assad off. this was always the Iranian "plan b" people were speculating on.

Now in this sort of back and forth environment. do you seriously believe if iran had escalated again and sent its entire air force to assist assad. do you really think the Iranian enemies would have sat idle and accepted defeat? or would have escalated themselves by shipping in anti-air systems or directly engaging. there is no question in my mind about this and we can agree to disagree on it
Great analysis..for those of us who watched this conflict on a daily basis..it had so many up and down but plan B of iran was always comforting. Iran demonstrated to the world that iran is reliable and wiĺl stay to the bitter end.
they absolutely would have.... there wasn't a single line they didn't cross in that war. even if they didn't directly hand them out to 'vetted' Syrians. if there was an Iranian air force presence making a decisive difference. at the very least there would have been CIA agents/ American/Zionist special forces operating them.

they would not have allowed t he Iranian air force to operate with impunity like they did the Russian airforce.

and to say that Russia would take a huge geopolitical risk like this on the word of a foreign general is severely underestimating putin.

Russia was observing this war from day 1. Saw how they got duped in Libya by giving the west a UN mandate to attack. For them at first it was blocking any UN attempts. They had all but given up on assad https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wo...-Bashar-al-Assad-to-prepare-for-sad-fate.html

Then came Iranian involvement. building up the government militia force NDF to take huge pressure off the SAA and prevent their collapse. Balance the books of the Syrian government to keep them in the figtht. providing advisors that changed Syrian tactics from throwing men into meatgrinders in city combat that was destroying the SAA. To siege warfare tactics that saved men and stabilized the situation. then Hezbollah came in and started wiping out the terroists presence around the Lebanese borders.. and more militias like the fatemyouun and more IRGC advisors and assad was making sstead gains everywhere and became a viable choice once more.

that's when the west and aranbs went full retard and started openly giving out serious military equipment and Turkish forces were rumoured to be directly assisting their terrorist proxies. that's when bashard started losing ground once more and the Russians entered.

without the Russians I doubt bashar would have lost decisively either. he probably would have had to withdraw from the east completely and set up a defensible shield around the west with Iranian,hezbollah and a friendly population. its highly doubtful they would have been able to finish assad off. this was always the Iranian "plan b" people were speculating on.

Now in this sort of back and forth environment. do you seriously believe if iran had escalated again and sent its entire air force to assist assad. do you really think the Iranian enemies would have sat idle and accepted defeat? or would have escalated themselves by shipping in anti-air systems or directly engaging. there is no question in my mind about this and we can agree to disagree on it

Again revisionist history by someone who wasn’t following the war closely.

Syria lost Idlib province overnight even though it had firm control of the city. TOWs were causing daily casualties of armour and troops. Syrian army was in retreat and more and more cities were in peril including parts of capital. Assad famously declared that he would give up desert to focus on main cities. Latakia province was being infilitrated from the mountains. ISIS was steamrolling through eastern Syria and moving West.

Believe what you want, but it was Soleimani that told Russia that if they didn’t help Syria now they would lose their ports and military bases in Latakia to the terrorists and the West.

And before you say anything, Russia didn’t even bring THAT many planes to Syria. At its peak I think there were 36-40 planes and they were basically doing live training and testing newer generation weapons while expending old supply of A2G weapons.

And yes Hezbollah secured quick victories in Yabrud and Al-Quasar early on in the war. But the battles of Al-Eis holding frontlines from inept SAA was causing severe casualties for IRGC and Hezbollah.

Even Iran’s so called elite Nohed forces got wiped out by Al-Queda forces outside Aleppo. A national embarrassment to Noheds reputation.

You simply forget that Iran was losing a lot of forces per month during the period of 2013-2016 and public perception of the war was turning negative. So it wasn’t as rosy as you put. The “plan B” Syria would be useless to Iran and a boon to the West as a fractured Syria would mean that Iran’s access to Syria and Lebanon would be even more threatened.

But to answer your question, no the US would not ship billion dollar Patriot systems to terrorists in Syria that is laughable. They had the chance to move in manpads and Obama famously refused. True Air defense systems would require support staff, training, radars, not something a random takfiri can do.

In Iran’s case they COULDNT bring their airforce to Syria because

A) Israel could bomb it, (remember Russia assets were protected by S-400, Iran’s would be protected by nothing)

B) Iran’s aging Air Force couldn’t do the daily sortie rates that Russia was doing. Eventually those planes would break down from having to do 200+ sorties a day.

C) IRGC was running Syrian war, Air Force was artesh. It would be mean artesh getting itself involved which outside of the one time deployment of Nohed resulted in absolute failure.

Hence why it was agreed between Syria-Russia-Iran that Iran would be the boots and Russia would be the AirPower.

Rest is history.
The bomb in the right is literally called ret*rd :rofl::rofl:
this kind of bombs are the same mark family with extra retarding device which is basically some resistant surfaces. many AFs around world use retarded bombs for low altitude bombing including israel and america (snake eye).
when we were at war with Iraq Army was extremely weak and they could not deal with all the stages of the war with Iraq, especially in the ground forces and missile force so Ibn Allah Khomeini gave fatwa that every healthy men and women should go and help the Army so ppl formed IRGC. IRGC did not had its name from the start, so IRGC stayed after the war too and got alot bigger and more powerful.

back then IRGC was like this.






but now IRGC has its own air force and ground force and navy and missile force and cyber force and Intelligence force and anti_Intelligence force and its own military universities and military bases inside and outside Iran soil and its own construction and military companies and ....
















The need for that call arose because the new revolutionary government after coming into power carried out a purge in the Iranian Military. Iran had a very capable officer class when the Shah was in power.
The bomb in the right is literally called ret*rd :rofl::rofl:
Yeah,that is pretty funny,even more so in fact when one realises that its an american bomb[LOL!];)
Of course what really made me laugh was that there was a patent filed in the us for a "retard sensor"o_O[lolol]
Does that mean then that you could have a "smart" :smart:bomb,as opposed to a "retarded" :girl_wacko:bomb I guess,[LOL!] that would only go after retards like trump or nuttyahoo?.
Wow the mind literally boggles.:azn:
Why Does Iran Have Two Parallel Armies??????
Probably Ayatollah Khomeini Didn't Trusted Irani Military after 1979 overthrow of shah.
IRGC is here to protect the Current Islamic Government and Serve the Ayatollah Directly. While Regular Irani Military is some what like every other Army in the region. Insecurity of the Islamic Government perhaps, not trusting the state institutions answerable to the elected members. Can be compared to the Waffen SS in the Germany during Hitler Era. A Parallel Force that is Ideologically Driven Have Massive Powers vested in them with the goal to protect the Ruling party and its ambitions. That the difference. The State Institution swill remain neutral when it comes to uprising and conflicts within the state. Wehrmacht would not have interfered if their was an uprising in Germany against Hitler while Waffen SS would have crushed any rebellion.
Irani Military will be reluctant to interfere if an uprising against Ayatollahs start in Iran but IRGC will Rip any such uprising to Pieces as their Allegiance is with Islamic Revolution more then it is to the state.
Yeah,that is pretty funny,even more so in fact when one realises that its an american bomb[LOL!];)
Of course what really made me laugh was that there was a patent filed in the us for a "retard sensor"o_O[lolol]
Does that mean then that you could have a "smart" :smart:bomb,as opposed to a "retarded" :girl_wacko:bomb I guess,[LOL!] that would only go after retards like trump or nuttyahoo?.
Wow the mind literally boggles.:azn:
this kind of bombs are the same mark family with extra retarding device which is basically some resistant surfaces. many AFs around world use retarded bombs for low altitude bombing including israel and america (snake eye).
Guess you have never heard of Retarded Bombs?
I just find it funny this bomb is called RETARD lmao chill
Probably Ayatollah Khomeini Didn't Trusted Irani Military after 1979 overthrow of shah.
IRGC is here to protect the Current Islamic Government and Serve the Ayatollah Directly. While Regular Irani Military is some what like every other Army in the region. Insecurity of the Islamic Government perhaps, not trusting the state institutions answerable to the elected members. Can be compared to the Waffen SS in the Germany during Hitler Era. A Parallel Force that is Ideologically Driven Have Massive Powers vested in them with the goal to protect the Ruling party and its ambitions. That the difference. The State Institution swill remain neutral when it comes to uprising and conflicts within the state. Wehrmacht would not have interfered if their was an uprising in Germany against Hitler while Waffen SS would have crushed any rebellion.
Irani Military will be reluctant to interfere if an uprising against Ayatollahs start in Iran but IRGC will Rip any such uprising to Pieces as their Allegiance is with Islamic Revolution more then it is to the state.
After revolution many called for dissolution of the army Khomaini was the one that prevented it ... so instead of making coments on something you don't know and making storied about Waffen SS in the Germany during Hitler Era make comment about what you know ... thanks in advance.

I just find it funny this bomb is called RETARD lmao chill

Again revisionist history by someone who wasn’t following the war closely.

Syria lost Idlib province overnight even though it had firm control of the city. TOWs were causing daily casualties of armour and troops. Syrian army was in retreat and more and more cities were in peril including parts of capital. Assad famously declared that he would give up desert to focus on main cities. Latakia province was being infilitrated from the mountains. ISIS was steamrolling through eastern Syria and moving West.

Believe what you want, but it was Soleimani that told Russia that if they didn’t help Syria now they would lose their ports and military bases in Latakia to the terrorists and the West.

And before you say anything, Russia didn’t even bring THAT many planes to Syria. At its peak I think there were 36-40 planes and they were basically doing live training and testing newer generation weapons while expending old supply of A2G weapons.

And yes Hezbollah secured quick victories in Yabrud and Al-Quasar early on in the war. But the battles of Al-Eis holding frontlines from inept SAA was causing severe casualties for IRGC and Hezbollah.

Even Iran’s so called elite Nohed forces got wiped out by Al-Queda forces outside Aleppo. A national embarrassment to Noheds reputation.

You simply forget that Iran was losing a lot of forces per month during the period of 2013-2016 and public perception of the war was turning negative. So it wasn’t as rosy as you put. The “plan B” Syria would be useless to Iran and a boon to the West as a fractured Syria would mean that Iran’s access to Syria and Lebanon would be even more threatened.

But to answer your question, no the US would not ship billion dollar Patriot systems to terrorists in Syria that is laughable. They had the chance to move in manpads and Obama famously refused. True Air defense systems would require support staff, training, radars, not something a random takfiri can do.

In Iran’s case they COULDNT bring their airforce to Syria because

A) Israel could bomb it, (remember Russia assets were protected by S-400, Iran’s would be protected by nothing)

B) Iran’s aging Air Force couldn’t do the daily sortie rates that Russia was doing. Eventually those planes would break down from having to do 200+ sorties a day.

C) IRGC was running Syrian war, Air Force was artesh. It would be mean artesh getting itself involved which outside of the one time deployment of Nohed resulted in absolute failure.

Hence why it was agreed between Syria-Russia-Iran that Iran would be the boots and Russia would be the AirPower.

Rest is history.

Idlibs collape while headline making and sudden was not the knockout blow anyone made it out to be. IDlib wa always one of the most conservative and anti-regime cities there were. Idlib was virtually completely surrounded in the countryside and the government was extremely busy elsewhere and had a token force defending idlib.

its collapse while morally devastating was expected and not a knockout blow.

you really need to look back at 2011/2012 to see the dire situation of the regime. the Syrian government wAS bleeding territory on a dialy basis, its collapse seemed inevitable, its army was crumbling and demoralized and you had terrorists literally on the doorsteps of Damascus breathing down assads neck...

That was the time assad really had the dagger to his neck and virtually everyone on earth (except iran) was predictinb a gaddafi like fate for assad.

Lastly I want to address the insult you made to ouor NOHED warriors. War is serious business my friend. Hollywood movies has made special forces soldiers seem like invincible beings. but they are flesh and bone like everyone else. while skilled, they are not invincible. and if put into a situation where your flanked, and have no support, you are dead. period.

heres a video demonstrating this vividly. uber American special forces are lambs for slaughter to a bunch of illiterate African gunmen with sandals. simply because they have no airsupport, no cover, no retreat path, and getting flanked/overrun by a numeracilaly superior enemy

Hollywood wont make movies about this

the only time iranian combat troops were confirmed to be engaged on a serious level were the liberations of nubl zahra. probably the biggest battle (before aleppo) where not only were nubl and zahra liberated after years of failed atttempts, but the tables were turned and the terrorists were cut into 2.

have some respect for fallen iranian soldiers. you have no idea the circumstances of their demise.
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