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Iranians can ‘wipe out’ Israel if attacked: Ahmadinejad

u talk like q girl , what US can't afford an fight with Iran....? as I mentioned in my prev post why don't u go with planning nuke bomb then we'll see another Iraq in middle east...u reduce Israel's population that gives the excuse to burn Iran with 5 nukes or less....don't u know the capability of Israel....again u talk just like a girl Ahmadinejad

and for more than the 10th time i smell a very scared jude. leave israeel you'll be safe at least for a few more years.
good jokes because destroying is your work and policy. we are civilized not like you that kill anyone that is against you. you see you are those terrorists not us. actually we don't need atomic bomb one sejil or shahab 3 is sufficient for making all judes to run after rat hole and i told you even if you use atomic bomb aganist us (which is imposible cause you're all dead) then we accept death in the better of our country not like you that run away after hamas lunches 2 iranian rockets which are 25 years old.

oh we know how coward terrorists u r when u bombed Israeli embassy in India....and we know how accuracy is ur missiles....and I suggest u to ask ur best friend Syria and the fish u trying to catch (Egypt) that how were the Israeli preemptive strikes......let me give another hint Israeli sub filled with nuke always roams around ur backyard with thirsty,....and don't forget their ABM shield, now go duck yourself
The whole thread is BS .

Iran and Iranians are peaceful and don't want another war but if they are attacked , No matter by the US or Israel then you'll see the real pain in your as$ .

The US is proud of attacking the countries that had been destroyed from inside and I doubt they start a war with Iranians as they've been given their answer during Iran - Iraq war .
I'm just waiting for end of Ahmadinejad's term in June.He is making a joke of us.

The question is who is going to get the job, thats if there still is a President or elections after June.
and for more than the 10th time i smell a very scared jude. leave israeel you'll be safe at least for a few more years.

FYI I'm a Roman Catholic....and I live in Bangalore(India).... I suggest u to fly to space with monkey that's the only place u would be safe once the war starts...don't worry Ahmadinejad will join u as he too wants to get there....
oh we know how coward terrorists u r when u bombed Israeli embassy in India....and we know how accuracy is ur missiles....and I suggest u to ask ur best friend Syria and the fish u trying to catch (Egypt) that how were the Israeli preemptive strikes......let me give another hint Israeli sub filled with nuke always roams around ur backyard with thirsty,....and don't forget their ABM shield, now go duck yourself

haha you know what? you compare iran to hamas and syria and other those JA. you still don't know what iran can do. you know better those bombing were not from a civilized country like iran but i assure you any attack to iran result in killing more that 10 milion judes. don't think you ducked a few arabs or US killed a few afghans then you can do that with iran. when the time comes you will know the meaning of a persian lion. now you all judes leave the topic which is in the section of IRAN. no welcome for you in aryana lands or topics .
FYI I'm a Roman Catholic....and I live in Bangalore(India).... I suggest u to fly to space with monkey that's the only place u would be safe once the war starts...don't worry Ahmadinejad will join u as he too wants to get there....

and we believe in something you never understand. our safest place in our belief is in front of our enemy in the land of battle. death is our honor not like you that scared of even you're own shadow.
I am very happy and releaved that some Iranians arent actually buying this BS. You may hate you enemies but you should never ever underestimate them, Thats the dumbest basic 'Noble' mistake, I am sure the Iranian Army generals think otherwise.
If we try to get into the reasoning behind such statements... Ahmadinejad could well have made such a statement before or after the visit to Cairo but chose to do it there. Why?
haha you know what? you compare iran to hamas and syria and other those JA. you still don't know what iran can do. you know better those bombing were not from a civilized country like iran but i assure you any attack to iran result in killing more that 10 milion judes. don't think you ducked a few arabs or US killed a few afghans then you can do that with iran. when the time comes you will know the meaning of a persian lion. now you all judes leave the topic which is in the section of IRAN. no welcome for you in aryana lands or topics . dismiss

it's 2.54 in the morning and u make me laugh aloud....thanks u get an lol for that...,by the way Hamas at least have the guts to fire back in minutes but not u Iranians....u do just what u r hiding behind terrorism...
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