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iranian youth marries 90 old british woman billionaire

Is there a dating site where potential male gold diggers can meet Rich old bachelors
Who are ready to get married asap and do not require physical intimacy

Cause That's a deal breaker,
also require a good chunk of your will
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American girls are easy to attract but it depends. White girls are the worst, and are very picky.

Black girls are underrated.
American girls are easy to attract but it depends. White girls are the worst, and are very picky.

Black girls are underrated.
Pakee, Latina, Iranian, Levant Arab basically any browns with good features

Latinas are the best
Everything else is trash - both white or black
Pakee, Latina, Iranian, Levant basically any browns with good features

Everything else is trash - both white or black
white girls are the highest on the societal ladder in America.

You can go from a poor peasant such as yourself to a high class citizen within a day.
do you want to know how many 3rd worlders (including Pakistanis and pdfers) trawl the web to entrap and marry up with elderly women and mentally retarded girls?
Well 3rd worlders gonna do 3rd world stuff, no surprise there. Its still extremely f*cked nonetheless.
The guy is for sure thinking wayyy ahead of time.
Congrats to him to putting up with age difference.
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