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iranian youth marries 90 old british woman billionaire

irani hijab law: only face and hands may be shown (perhaps sandalled feet below the ankle too)
Lool Rediculous polices by the Mullahs. Not much different from Saudis conservatives imams/religious authorities who enacted bizarre backward laws against their women. At least Saudi Arabia is now changing, can't say the same for Iran.
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The funniest part is, the kid claims that he didn't do it for money but love.

True love

Btw, this is not the first time i see something like this happens. Even in Iran itself there are boys like this opting for marriage with old women for money.

I once heard of an old woman serving her little lover with a steel wire ball.
My God, wire ball!
You just heard?

But i guess you were that little lover.
well at least she was nice enough to try and keep up and got some slight jobs done xD

gets interesting at minute 00:48 onwards lol

when money dries up so does love.

for all that money he has to do abomination and thats to go down south and lick it gud, finger licking gud, wrinkley granny fanny fried chicken.

Wait you want ketchup wit that.
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