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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

According to the UK defense ministry, Ukrainians are shooting down 80% of Iranian drones. They're getting better at shooting down Iranian drones they say. LOL yeah right

This is their air defence

:guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns:
I am talking about the more recent attack:

Afaik this attack was carried out by Samad-3 suicide drones & Quds-2 cruise missiles

Turkish next generation vtol TB2 is a copy of Iranian pelican.

View attachment 889420
No, just same form factor for any VTOL drone. Also LOL at the FLIR ball that's probably too heavy for the drone & has no skids to stop it from smashing the ground
Afaik this attack was carried out by Samad-3 suicide drones & Quds-2 cruise missiles

No, just same form factor for any VTOL drone. Also LOL at the FLIR ball that's probably too heavy for the drone & has no skids to stop it from smashing the ground

No. It was drone attack. Movies are available from Saudis.

Also this style of VTOL is Iranian signature and innovation for the first time. Turkish TB2 is a derivative of it.

It does not matter if you like it or not.
VTOL drone is Iranian design.
if they're shooting down 80% then why do they keep talking about these drones over and over and over again ? 80% of 400 is 320. So only 80 Shahed-136 drones have hit their target in Ukraine ? That would also mean that Russia has approx 2000 Shahed-136 drones left.

Makes you think how they will react once Iranian missiles rain down on them along with Arash-2 ? Zelensky might have a panic attack. LOL Russia is just getting started. No wonder they're thinking about detonating a dirty bomb.

Isn't it funny ? 30 countries are helping Ukraine. One country helps Russia and the collective west is freaking out. They know that any sanctions they impose will be utterly useless. After all they already imposed the "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran. What comes after maximum ? Not much...

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