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Russia now targeting Ukrainian cities, including Kiev, night and day with Shahed-136/Geran-2 drones. Desperate attempts by Ukrainians to shoot down UAVs fail.

Don't these guys know that you can't shoot down fast flying objects with anything less than an anti aircraft gun ? or gattling gun ? (preferably with radar guidance) All those bullets will do more damage to the city than the one UAV they're trying to shoot down.

With all that firing not a single hit... LOL...
By the way, Ukraine claims everytime they are shutting down 90% of the Iran drones (they claimed 23 on 25)

They love recording everything they destroyed or killed (including filming themselves beheading russian conscrips and putting their head for cooking, and video of Tchetchens drinking the blood and removing the liver and heart of a dead Russian soldier and show it on camera)

Why do we never see these massive drones shootdown on video? Why people are believing them without any proofs (mostly turks and americains/europeans are using them as a reference)
It's mostly a cope, and be sure the cope will increase over time as Iran tests its proof of concept in Ukraine. Once the cope has reached its apex, they will learn to accept, but acceptance is very difficult. They do not like new members in the club.

Only the rational people will look at things normally, and determine for themselves whether Ukraine's claimed are true or not. (PS. they are exaggerated).

I can already see the acceptance ongoing. Since the Russians are getting good at using these and testing Iranian doctrine in real life, their experience will allow them to orchestrate more complex attacks like the one in Abqaiq. More importantly, direct front line use/interdiction which will be confirmed with recon UAVs
Yes sir, i hear you loud and clear on this update. Russia might be increasing Shahed 136 use now for the following reasons:

1) Prepare Ukranian cities like Odessa and Kiev for pendingf ground push by Russian army
2) destroy personnel ,equipment and ammunition of UAF persistently while they do max damage AND Ukranian air defenses arent effective yet against them.
3) TIme to shut down Ukrane as a functioning state and military has come...Shaheds bring the goodluck and angels of death to those with low self esteem to reject NATO's advances (which are lethal to accept).

Not a good sign, and i still stand by my prediction that Ukraine doesnt intercept more than 20% of Shahed 136s that attack.

They dont have the necessary equipment, maaaybe some Zu-23s? soo much for "Ukranians will put up asymmetrical resistance.." blah blah...these Ukranians are no more useful than GANGSTAS in our streets who have pistols in their hands...
I don’t think the Russians are going to try and takeover Ukraine anymore, they couldn’t with all of their scorch earth tactics, I think what they at least will attempt to do is takeover a small pocket of Ukraine and show some kind of symbolic victory, the drones are inflicting a lot of damage but drones don’t win wars, troops on the ground what win wars and them retreating every other week from towns and cities show that Russian soldiers don’t want to die in a war they don’t believe in, they’re not cowards they just don’t want to die in a fight over some petty argument, tomorrow America tells me there’s going to be a draft we are invading Canada I’m going to Mexico
I don’t think the Russians are going to try and takeover Ukraine anymore, they couldn’t with all of their scorch earth tactics, I think what they at least will attempt to do is takeover a small pocket of Ukraine and show some kind of symbolic victory, the drones are inflicting a lot of damage but drones don’t win wars, troops on the ground what win wars and them retreating every other week from towns and cities show that Russian soldiers don’t want to die in a war they don’t believe in, they’re not cowards they just don’t want to die in a fight over some petty argument, tomorrow America tells me there’s going to be a draft we are invading Canada I’m going to Mexico

You don't call up 300k reservists if you don't have absolutist goals.
this drone is precise no doubt . but in ksa attack the drone hit top of the storage

I am talking about the more recent attack:

You don't call up 300k reservists if you don't have absolutist goals.
You can call up 300000 men who have little or no training at all doesn’t mean it’s going to change much of anything, young boys and men who have never seen war, you can’t train them that quickly to use a tank fighter jet or any naval asset takes months if not years, so basically a bunch of farm kids that you hand a rifle or rpg, I’m not even a military strategist but America had the same problem in Vietnam and soviets in Afghanistan and Chechnya, you need real soldiers, not just an army on paper.
You can call up 300000 men who have little or no training at all doesn’t mean it’s going to change much of anything, young boys and men who have never seen war, you can’t train them that quickly to use a tank fighter jet or any naval asset takes months if not years, so basically a bunch of farm kids that you hand a rifle or rpg, I’m not even a military strategist but America had the same problem in Vietnam and soviets in Afghanistan and Chechnya, you need real soldiers, not just an army on paper.

Russia has over two millions trained reservists. The called-up personnel in the recent mobilization for the most part have enjoyed appropriate military training before.
You can call up 300000 men who have little or no training at all doesn’t mean it’s going to change much of anything, young boys and men who have never seen war, you can’t train them that quickly to use a tank fighter jet or any naval asset takes months if not years, so basically a bunch of farm kids that you hand a rifle or rpg, I’m not even a military strategist but America had the same problem in Vietnam and soviets in Afghanistan and Chechnya, you need real soldiers, not just an army on paper.

Reservists implies military training. Ukraine is also on their 9th wave of mobilisation so I don't see your point? Haven't they made successful counteroffensives in Kharkov?
Russia has over two millions trained reservists. The called-up personnel in the recent mobilization for the most part have enjoyed appropriate military training before.
I’m sure the Americans said the same thing in the Korean War and Vietnam war same with the Soviets in Afghanistan and Chechnya doesn’t mean just cause it looks good on paper it’s true, we all thought the Russians were going to walk all over Ukraine seemed like it thy were all the way to the capital with their best men
Reservists implies military training. Ukraine is also on their 9th wave of mobilisation so I don't see your point? Haven't they made successful counteroffensives in Kharkov?
Is this the same Kharkov the Ukrainian are taking back, either way yes the Russians can inflict pain still, but this war has shown they’re not omnipotent that they can be taken down more than a few notches, like I said I root for the underdog Ukraine was attacked first, using the pretense that they were going to be part of NATO was an excuse sounds like the same thing Germany in ww2 used to invade other countries, if tomorrow Israel or America attacked iran I would be rooting for Iran not because of ideological belief’s because sometimes the big guys need to be brought down a few notches, Russia has no fear of NATO they have nukes they aren’t going to be invaded by anyone today or 100 years down the road as long as they have nukes.

Reservists implies military training. Ukraine is also on their 9th wave of mobilisation so I don't see your point? Haven't they made successful counteroffensives in Kharkov?
By the way I have no military training but I can use a ar 15 rifle with proficiency and im pretty good with a Glock and I’m 6 foot 250 pounds and I can throw down in a fight pretty good, doesn’t mean if I go into a war tomorrow I wouldn’t crapping my pants in fear for my life, I would die to protect my family but throw me into a war I don’t believe in I would be crying for my mama
I’m sure the Americans said the same thing in the Korean War and Vietnam war same with the Soviets in Afghanistan and Chechnya doesn’t mean just cause it looks good on paper it’s true, we all thought the Russians were going to walk all over Ukraine seemed like it thy were all the way to the capital with their best men

It's a fact documented by every authoritative source, Russian and non-Russian, that the Russian military has reserves in excess of 2 million. Which isn't surprising considering the size of Russia's population.
It's a fact documented by every authoritative source, Russian and non-Russian, that the Russian military has reserves in excess of 2 million. Which isn't surprising considering the size of Russia's population.
I believe that, just saying numbers doesn’t mean quality, I will say this like everyone else thought Russia was going to destroy Ukraine in a month tops and yes with many of their best troops, also the Wagner group., do you really believe two million men are ready to die for Putin, they didn’t for the Vietnam war they ran out the country in America, again I don’t blame them, I never looked it up but I’m pretty sure they did it with Soviets after learning how many of their comrades died
I believe that, just saying numbers doesn’t mean quality,

This goes for Ukrainian troops as well. Right now Russia is adjusting the manpower of its expeditionary force to what the situation calls for. This will doubtlessly play to Russia's advantage on the battlefield. It will show in terms of concrete gains on the ground unless Kiev's NATO backers manage to neutralize this influx of fresh Russian forces through some other means.

I will say this like everyone else thought Russia was going to destroy Ukraine in a month tops and yes with many of their best troops, also the Wagner group.,

Not the Russians themselves, it would seem. I at least have never seen a statement by a high-ranking Russian official predicting such a rapid victory.

do you really believe two million men are ready to die for Putin, they didn’t for the Vietnam war they ran out the country in America, again I don’t blame them, I never looked it up but I’m pretty sure they did it with Soviets after learning how many of their comrades died

Close to 9 million Red Army personnel, most of them Russians, were ready to give their lives during WW2. President Putin did not order this military operation for personal gains but because of what the Russian government is viewing as an existential type of threat emanating from NATO and building up on Russia's western frontier in NATO-controlled Ukraine. And President Putin's approval rate, which rose several percent after the start of the conflict, suggests that a considerable majority of Russians are sharing this analysis.
I believe that, just saying numbers doesn’t mean quality, I will say this like everyone else thought Russia was going to destroy Ukraine in a month tops and yes with many of their best troops, also the Wagner group., do you really believe two million men are ready to die for Putin, they didn’t for the Vietnam war they ran out the country in America, again I don’t blame them, I never looked it up but I’m pretty sure they did it with Soviets after learning how many of their comrades died

What do you mean? These are reservists who formally served in the military, they are trained to military standards, they are not yokels with AKs like you think they are. This war also isn't about Putin, that's such a surface level understanding, it's about correcting history, enforcing boundaries, and protecting Russians in their ancient Urheimat. This war has high levels of support among Russian nationalists because the goals of the war are nationalist in nature, it is a matter of survival of the Russian state really. Millions will answer the call, like their forefathers did in WW2.
What do you mean? These are reservists who formally served in the military, they are trained to military standards, they are not yokels with AKs like you think they are. This war also isn't about Putin, that's such a surface level understanding, it's about correcting history, enforcing boundaries, and protecting Russians in their ancient Urheimat. This war has high levels of support among Russian nationalists because the goals of the war are nationalist in nature, it is a matter of survival of the Russian state really. Millions will answer the call, like their forefathers did in WW2.
I’m sorry I could be wrong, I don’t know much about reservists to be honest, so not going to argue it anymore about that
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