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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Ukrainians desperately fire into the air to shoot down Kamikaze drones. Some are shot down and land in residential areas, killing civilians. Ukraine then blames Russia for killing civilians.

Bro the salt coming from westoid media hahahaha

Hemisphere of manbabies

iTs nOT gOnNa wOrK!!!
Russia now targeting Ukrainian cities, including Kiev, night and day with Shahed-136/Geran-2 drones. Desperate attempts by Ukrainians to shoot down UAVs fail.

Don't these guys know that you can't shoot down fast flying objects with anything less than an anti aircraft gun ? or gattling gun ? (preferably with radar guidance) All those bullets will do more damage to the city than the one UAV they're trying to shoot down.

Russia now targeting Ukrainian cities, including Kiev, night and day with Shahed-136/Geran-2 drones. Desperate attempts by Ukrainians to shoot down UAVs fail.

Don't these guys know that you can't shoot down fast flying objects with anything less than an anti aircraft gun ? or gattling gun ? (preferably with radar guidance) All those bullets will do more damage to the city than the one UAV they're trying to shoot down.


By the way, Ukraine claims everytime they are shutting down 90% of the Iran drones (they claimed 23 on 25)

They love recording everything they destroyed or killed (including filming themselves beheading russian conscrips and putting their head for cooking, and video of Tchetchens drinking the blood and removing the liver and heart of a dead Russian soldier and show it on camera)

Why do we never see these massive drones shootdown on video? Why people are believing them without any proofs (mostly turks and americains/europeans are using them as a reference)
By the way, Ukraine claims everytime they are shutting down 90% of the Iran drones (they claimed 23 on 25)

They love recording everything they destroyed or killed (including filming themselves beheading russian conscrips and putting their head for cooking, and video of Tchetchens drinking the blood and removing the liver and heart of a dead Russian soldier and show it on camera)

Why do we never see these massive drones shootdown on video? Why people are believing them without any proofs (mostly turks and americains/europeans are using them as a reference)

It's because they lie out of their asses and westoid media amplifies it, I have no doubt they downed a few. But the amount of videos I've seen of khohols shooting into the air trying to hit Shahed's really make me doubt their AD capability. Shahed's double as SEAD bait, forcing Ukies to use expensive missiles to shoot them down, this is no problem as they cost 15-20k a unit. They lose either way, it satisfies the job of destroying Ukrop infrastructure and depleting their AD stocks, opening up the skies to the RuAF again.
Russia now targeting Ukrainian cities, including Kiev, night and day with Shahed-136/Geran-2 drones.
Yes sir, i hear you loud and clear on this update. Russia might be increasing Shahed 136 use now for the following reasons:

1) Prepare Ukranian cities like Odessa and Kiev for pendingf ground push by Russian army
2) destroy personnel ,equipment and ammunition of UAF persistently while they do max damage AND Ukranian air defenses arent effective yet against them.
3) TIme to shut down Ukrane as a functioning state and military has come...Shaheds bring the goodluck and angels of death to those with low self esteem to reject NATO's advances (which are lethal to accept).
Desperate attempts by Ukrainians to shoot down UAVs fail.
Not a good sign, and i still stand by my prediction that Ukraine doesnt intercept more than 20% of Shahed 136s that attack.
Don't these guys know that you can't shoot down fast flying objects with anything less than an anti aircraft gun ? or gattling gun ? (preferably with radar guidance) All those bullets will do more damage to the city than the one UAV they're trying to shoot down.
They dont have the necessary equipment, maaaybe some Zu-23s? soo much for "Ukranians will put up asymmetrical resistance.." blah blah...these Ukranians are no more useful than GANGSTAS in our streets who have pistols in their hands...
Shahed drone hit the lowest part of the fuel storage where pressure is the highest.

Same happened in Saudi attacks.

This drone has accurate with cm.
this drone is precise no doubt . but in ksa attack the drone hit top of the storage
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