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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

No specs, only see very recently. Not even sure of it's particular role yet, but it definitely is more maneuverable than the Shahed-136 with all those control surfaces. We are assuming it is Anti-radiation, but it may also be able to be directed by a recon drone. Not sure yet.

The engine wouldn't be the same as the Shahed-136, overall it looks lighter and smaller than Shahed, so lighter fuel based engine and definitely less noisy.

So here's the part that confuses everyone. This Omid UAV is made by the regular Army, while the Shahed-136 and it's family are made by the IRGC.

The difference being is they are made by two different companies with two different goals in mind. For example, for the cheap Shahed-131 suicide drone which can be made with commercial parts, it was made by the IRGC specifically to export to Allied forces, in addition to allow the ability for allies to build it themselves without having to need military grade components or facilities. It has other doctorine benefits such as waging attrition warefare against air defences and psychological effects. The regular military has no such need for a UAV like that because of their access to better technology and production.

For the Shahed-136 since it was used in Yemen, eventually a somewhat intact wreckage from it had been captured and so the USA/Israel and friends should already be aware of what is inside and how it is made. Using it in large scale in Ukraine wouldn't cause any danger unless their are modernized variants with internal upgrades. Either way, they wouldn't export if they are worried about it falling into wrong hands.

In the suicide UAV class, I do not know what they want to move onto after Shahed-136, or if they will continue to improve it's software capabilities and create newer variants of it. Creating a flying dumb bomb is a useful tool, but it is still limited, the power derived from suicide UAVs really comes from its software capabilities

As far as we are aware, their isn't anything known, but IRGC is often keeping things secret and unveiling them only after it is done or nearly done. They don't make announcements about starting a project like other countries do before doing anything. They may have exported these because they already have something new.

Thanks for the answer, this is what i was thinking too, Iran was confident about selling Shahed136 and Mohajer because they know they already maybe have been decoded and western powers already knows how they work, an intact Mohajer was captured 2 weeks ago and they didn't seem to care about it

My thought is that Iran is moving toward Kaman-22 instead of Mohajer for production, and maybe S131/136 to Omid to complement loitering drones arsenal with additional counters to EW, Kaman-22 is made for EW and combat i think

But so far S-136 performed good, there is still not "anti drone systems" or "laser beams" they promised to Ukraine, if the west knew how S136 works since Abqaiq strikes, they would directly have built or use the perfect counter to it, a little foggy on wheter they are the same Shahed as Abqaiq or improved and revised Shaheds

Electric engine would be top notch
Thanks for the answer, this is what i was thinking too, Iran was confident about selling Shahed136 and Mohajer because they know they already maybe have been decoded and western powers already knows how they work, an intact Mohajer was captured 2 weeks ago and they didn't seem to care about it

My thought is that Iran is moving toward Kaman-22 instead of Mohajer for production, and maybe S131/136 to Omid to complement loitering drones arsenal with additional counters to EW, Kaman-22 is made for EW and combat i think

But so far S-136 performed good, there is still not "anti drone systems" or "laser beams" they promised to Ukraine, if the west knew how S136 works since Abqaiq strikes, they would directly have built or use the perfect counter to it, a little foggy on wheter they are the same Shahed as Abqaiq or improved and revised Shaheds

Electric engine would be top notch
For the IRGC, they will use Shahed-149, which is superior to Kaman-22. The Regular Iran Airforce will use Kaman-22. But both would function in the same role.

They apparently sent Titan AD system that helps with counter-drone. Problem is that it's detection range is only 3km, and engagement is 1.5km. Essentially, only useful if you so happen to be very close to the S136 and have a clear line of sight. Gepard system would work as well, but also struggles with the same deficiencies. Anything ground based would probably not be successful, anything that uses IR for guidance like a MANPAD won't work well either. if you had some flying balloon that can shoot lasers then you probably have the best solution, most cost effective solution.

They don't have a good final solution for it, you can still down them with a variety of systems but the conditions are so rigid, short of being in the right place at the right time, it will not be easy, and the cost of each interception will be high, in addition SAMs are not easy to produce and only a small number are made per year compared to how many of these suicide UAS you can produce. This has become an undeniable reality at this point. That is why several S-136's went 300-400km deep into Ukrainian territory and hit a few targets in Bila Tserkva, 70km south of Kiev, so they will be dealing with S136 strikes probably throughout the rest of the war. Where was that mighty Air defense ring that didn't even down 1 UAV on it's way to BIla Tserkva.

In my opinion, I think Russia will get better at using it after getting more experience. Planning more complex operations, and having more trained teams. I expect them to use them more often directly at the front line soon.
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In my opinion, I think Russia will get better at using it after getting more experience. Planning more complex operations, and having more trained teams. I expect them to use them more often directly at the front line soon.
Do you suppose there might be some IRGC personnel observing and taking notes? As more time progresses, Russia will actually get more experience than Iran with these drones and might innovate some new methods or tactics that Iran might observe and apply in future war games and engagements; this way Iranian systems get better without Iran being involved in conflicts.
Electric engine would be top notch
I'd anticipate very short range ones would use this motor.

Alot of benefits for the tech that is available in the world today, you would need a very large bird with a very large battery to get it to fly even 300-400 km at the moment. But for something like a 10-15km front line attacker, this would be the best solution with the most minimal noise. Russia actually has a one with an electric motor, very small, very quiet.
Do you suppose there might be some IRGC personnel observing and taking notes? As more time progresses, Russia will actually get more experience than Iran with these drones and might innovate some new methods or tactics that Iran might observe and apply in future war games and engagements; this way Iranian systems get better without Iran being involved in conflicts.
I don't know if training operators happened in Iran or Russia, probably in Iran since all the facilities are setup for it.

In these types of situations, theirs usually a military attaché and team to advise the command staff on the weapon, so that they can plan their usage better down at the operator level. This attaché would probably sending information back to Iran. When we saw them used for first time in Odessa city center, they were using it in daylight, now we no longer see daylight usage. Someone must've said something.

I also read the military has setup a think-tank of sorts to study the Ukraine war specifically, probably with a special look at Iranian system performance. The long this war goes on, the more things may be transferred to Russia beyond just S-136 and MH-6.
I have a suspicion of this happening.

Lets assume it is true, which would actually be a smart thing for Russia to do. Launches from Belarus would greatly complicate Ukrainian AD posture, and may even force deployments to the Northern border.

If they react to it, they would have to move AD system North and weaken the AD in other areas of importance.
If they ignore it, they can be launched from Belarus and come from behind and attack anything at will.
What I'm hearing is that the Shahed-136 UAVs cost anywhere from $10,000-$50,000 a piece. At that price range, these are much much more price effective than using cruise missiles. Now let's say Russia buys 1000 of these for a few million. To counter that, assuming you need a system like Patriot, each missile costs what $500,000-$1,000,000 ?

So essentially, just by Russia deploying these by the thousands, the Ukrainians are essentially screwed and so is the west, because just to shoot 1000's of Shahed-136 kamikaze UAVs down, it will cost in the billions. Then when you have these things targeting those same air defense systems and expensive US weapons systems like HIMARS, then it just compounds the problem even more.

I have a suspicion of this happening.

Lets assume it is true, which would actually be a smart thing for Russia to do. Launches from Belarus would greatly complicate Ukrainian AD posture, and may even force deployments to the Northern border.

If they react to it, they would have to move AD system North and weaken the AD in other areas of importance.
If they ignore it, they can be launched from Belarus and come from behind and attack anything at will.
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Thanks for the answer, this is what i was thinking too, Iran was confident about selling Shahed136 and Mohajer because they know they already maybe have been decoded and western powers already knows how they work, an intact Mohajer was captured 2 weeks ago and they didn't seem to care about it

My thought is that Iran is moving toward Kaman-22 instead of Mohajer for production, and maybe S131/136 to Omid to complement loitering drones arsenal with additional counters to EW, Kaman-22 is made for EW and combat i think

But so far S-136 performed good, there is still not "anti drone systems" or "laser beams" they promised to Ukraine, if the west knew how S136 works since Abqaiq strikes, they would directly have built or use the perfect counter to it, a little foggy on wheter they are the same Shahed as Abqaiq or improved and revised Shaheds

Electric engine would be top notch
Funny, cause this twitter from a military journalist says 2 new UAS will be unveiled that is apparently better than Shahed-136.

What I'm hearing is that the Shahed-136 UAVs cost anywhere from $10,000-$50,000 a piece. At that price range, these are much much more price effective than using cruise missiles. Now let's say Russia buys 1000 of these for a few million. To counter that, assuming you need a system like Patriot, each missile costs what $500,000-$1,000,000 ?

So essentially, just by Russia deploying these by the thousands, the Ukrainians are essentially screwed and so is the west, because just to shoot 1000's of Shahed-136 kamikaze UAVs down, it will cost in the billions. Then when you have these things targeting those same air defense systems and expensive US weapons systems like HIMARS, then it just compounds the problem even more.
It's generally a lose-lose situation.
about Omid , well army wanted something more advance than Shahed-136 so they made Omid. its capable of network attack , you can send several of them they network with each other and use some VI to decide how to attack the enemy . its also like Shahed-136 have low RCS and also its stated that one of the mission of this uav is attacking enemy radars
also its supposed to be able to engage moving targets

it seems army ground forces needed some suicide drone to attack high value moving target and they built it

For the IRGC, they will use Shahed-149, which is superior to Kaman-22. The Regular Iran Airforce will use Kaman-22. But both would function in the same role.
honestly i consider Kaman-22 in the same class as Shahed-129 but because of more mature design its capability increased a lot that its strike abilities are more in line with Gaza and Fotros but after all Shahed-149 is bigger have stronger engine and have more fuel so its natural it can carry more of the weapon , but just think what would have been the carrying capability of Shahed-149 if they used the design features of Kaman-22
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in the news they said there is a version of Ababil-5 designed for Electronic Warfare , i previously saw a video of the effect of the system they used in that uav from a ground station all the radar screen was white , sadly i can't find it anymore , it was in middle of a news clip and only shown for 5-6 second
Do you suppose there might be some IRGC personnel observing and taking notes? As more time progresses, Russia will actually get more experience than Iran with these drones and might innovate some new methods or tactics that Iran might observe and apply in future war games and engagements; this way Iranian systems get better without Iran being involved in conflicts.

No doubt. I mentioned this quite a while back. The main question for me is how far or embedded Iranian advisors are to the sciences.
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