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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

I think Qaem is a copy of the hellfire so there isn't anything sensitive being lost.
No, it's not. Thats Qaem-114 you're thinking of

Petty as it may seem, can I just point out how funny it is that Iranians always used so much copium when talking about Turkish drones have foreign component while objectively yours use more foreign components and input lol. Rotax engines, Intel processors and boards, foreign external GPS and etc.
No, the Iranian drones use multiple GNSS systems, foreign ones are used as backups on some models. Only extremely cheap ones like Shahed-131 fully rely on foreign GPS. Unlike the Turks, the Iranians make all their optics (Turks relied on foreign ones for basically all drones until recently), & Iranian jet powered drones have indigenous jet engines unlike their Turkish counterparts. Also most avionics on Turkish UAVs are still not Turkish made

Kill switch is a myth
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Iranian drones have become the primary strike weapons being utilized by the Russians and according to various sources, they're devastating Ukrainian equipment/positions.

Ukrainians are claiming that they shot down 2 or more Shahed-136 drones over Odessa yesterday. So far this is the evidence they have provided. I'm sorry but I don't buy it. It's a 1 second video which could be firecrackers going off. No silhouette of the Shahed or even the sound of its engine to identify it.

I'm not saying that these drones can't be or haven't been shot down, but this video doesn't provide evidence of that. Anyways when used properly, when saturating the airspace with these, they've very lethal and difficult to stop.

These paired with the Russian KUB BLA is actually a deadly combination. The KUB BLA has generally the same shape but it's smaller, although very effective as well.

No, the Iranian drones use multiple GNSS systems, foreign ones are used as backups on some models. Only extremely cheap ones like Shahed-131 fully rely on foreign GPS. &
"Unlike the Turks, the Iranians make all their optics (Turks relied on foreign ones for basically all drones until recently),"
Really? Turkish Herons fly with Aselflir 300 EO for more than a decade.

Iranian jet powered drones have indigenous jet engines unlike their Turkish counterparts.
Maybe Turkey doesnt operate large jet Powered UAV yet, Target drone TAI Turna flies TEI turboprop for more than a decade too

Also most avionics on Turkish UAVs are still not Turkish made
ohh really!, Talk is cheap
Iranian jet powered drones have indigenous jet engines unlike their Turkish counterparts.
Maybe Turkey doesnt operate large jet Powered UAV yet, Target drone TAI Turna flies TEI turboprop for more than a decade too
not the engine you want to put on a target drone , that drone must be able to mimic a fighter jet and 300km/h won't cut it for that
Not a single one of these UAVs will ever hit Israel.
depends but certainly we will not give anything with such capabilities to certain groups and you don't need it you claimed you yourself build your own UAV and missiles . when the time come for them being used against israel , it won't be by backstabbers
depends but certainly we will not give anything with such capabilities to certain groups and you don't need it you claimed you yourself build your own UAV and missiles . when the time come for them being used against israel , it won't be by backstabbers
The backstabbers is Iranian regime and Hezbollah cowards who didn't honor strategic defense agreements. They were supposed to get involved in May 2021 and never did.
The backstabbers is Iranian regime and Hezbollah cowards who didn't honor strategic defense agreements. They were supposed to get involved in May 2021 and never did.
say the one who lean toward the one with deeper pockets .

we never abandoned an ally in time of need , even when in the end we faced problems and sanctions .
and everyone knew who is backstabber , the last time it was backstabbing Palestinian in Gaza . have you forget it.
and in 2021 every single rocket you fired was Iranian or designed by Iranians

I didn't knew Iran had hydras in their stock of rockets, they had these before the revolution? What name is used in Iran for the hydra rockets? Are these reverse-engineered from Hydras/another rocket or indigenous?
say the one who lean toward the one with deeper pockets .
Which is you , Iran. Asking daddy USA for cash money after it dried it out. And doing huge economic deals with UAE so called vassal of Israel, lol.
we never abandoned an ally in time of need , even when in the end we faced problems and sanctions .
Liar , you cut off ties with Hamas because of neutral stance in Syria. For 6 years. Even now your support is minimal.
and everyone knew who is backstabber , the last time it was backstabbing Palestinian in Gaza . have you forget it.
No you backstabbers breached defense agreements we had. You liars and fakes are ally of Israel. Protecting their borders with Syria and Lebanon for 20 years.
and in 2021 every single rocket you fired was Iranian or designed by Iranians
You liar, lmao, which one is designed by Iran? Can you explain exactly what's Iranian about our homemade rockets which is simply enlarged Qassam rockets and makeshift grad rockets and 333mm designs? Literally anyone and everyone makes these. Even Syrian rebels makes them. It's our in house design and we do local testing for them all the time. There is no single part in them that is Iranian. It's Palestinian rockets 100%.
No you backstabbers breached defense agreements we had. You liars and fakes are ally of Israel. Protecting their borders with Syria and Lebanon for 20 years.
maybe in your dream we had a defensive agreement
Liar , you cut off ties with Hamas because of neutral stance in Syria. For 6 years. Even now your support is minimal.
neutral ?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You liar, lmao, which one is designed by Iran? Can you explain exactly what's Iranian about our homemade rockets which is simply enlarged Qassam rockets and makeshift grad rockets and 333mm designs? Literally anyone and everyone makes these. Even Syrian rebels makes them. It's our in house design and we do local testing for them all the time. There is no single part in them that is Iranian. It's Palestinian rockets 100%.
anything that fly more than 15km in your arsenal is Iranian made or design
Which is you , Iran. Asking daddy USA for cash money after it dried it out. And doing huge economic deals with UAE so called vassal of Israel, lol.
lol, its well known who ask for money ,and for the records since WW2 Iran didn't ask anybody for the money. in fact USA, Korea , Japan , Iraq , EU even china owe us money

I didn't knew Iran had hydras in their stock of rockets, they had these before the revolution? What name is used in Iran for the hydra rockets? Are these reverse-engineered from Hydras/another rocket or indigenous?
at the old time we called them hydra and used it in AH-1 as the design is very simple and don't need that much technology it was one of the first thing we built ourself when foreign supply stopped
we call them Fadak and there is 3 model of them


Weight (kg)11.211/411.2
Length (mm)153514351535
Caliber (mm)808080
Range (m)1300-40001300 - 40001300-4000
Initial velocity (m/sec)60-8060-8060-80
Maximum velocity (m/sec)610550610
ApplicationAnti-person, anti-tank, anti-light armorsAnti-person, anti-light armorsTraining
Impact Angle0 to 75 degree from the normal of target0 to 75 degree from the normal of target-
Warhead typeHEAT – FragmentationsFragmentationDummy
Warhead weight (kg)3/63/83.6
Weight of warhead explosive (kg)11/2-
Penetration in armor (m)400--
Number of fragments440<480<-
Fuze typeMechanical- pyrotechnicsImpact fuze-
Application temperature (°C)-46 to 60-46 to 60-46 to 60
Maintenance temperature (°C)-10 to +35-10 to +35-10 to +35

You are saying Nasrallah and Houthi leader are liars. Which they indeed are. :lol:
if they said that they are liar
Yeah Irani haywaan, neutral until Assad terrorist Israel protecting regime came and murdered a Hamas official in Damascus. You're an Iranian uncivilized piece of shit that doesn't accept facts regardless.
being impolite and bite the hand that feed them is natural for backstabbers
There is nothing Iranian design or anything in Hamas's rocket arsenal. It's all locally produced with local design and testing. There is no such thing as 'Fajr 5' technology, lmao. It's a typical 333m artillery rocket which anyone can make. Which you copied from North Korea. Why do you act like anyone who has artillery rockets is basing it off Iranian design? Your rockets are based off North Korean designs and Iraqi scuds.
in your dream you can build anything with range more than 15km and that rockets in hand of the people who actually knew how to fight (houthis) is far more precise than any other 333m rocket
Iran is currently asking China and India for money. And asking daddy USA to release funds. After daddy USA came and fought for you two wars in Syria and Iraq so you can in turn protect Israel's borders. :)
again something pulled out of your ...
Now you are building port for India for Indian money. And then your supreme leader says he support Pakistani Kashmir. Two faced liar. This port will enable enrich India and enable them to hold on to Kashmir for another 20 years.
you even can't understand why we want foreign investment in Chabahar .that's really hillarious
if they said that they are liar

being impolite and bite the hand that feed them is natural for backstabbers

in your dream you can build anything with range more than 15km and that rockets in hand of the people who actually knew how to fight (houthis) is far more precise than any other 333m rocket

again something pulled out of your ...

you even can't understand why we want foreign investment in Chabahar .that's really hillarious
You have no response as usual. Beside saying primitive 333m artillery rocket is some Iranian patented technology or something. :rofl::rofl: You are eating up too much regime propaganda.
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