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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

I think some Iranians are comparing the Turks with the innocent civilian Sunni that they hit in the Middle East. Your garbage cans picking up all over will do nothing but fall.
Oh thats right,erdo just wants to help all those poor innocent moderate terrorists hiding out in idlib,all they want to do is be left alone so they can chop off heads in peace,while sultan erdo grabs whatever parts of syria he can of course....spare me your neo ottomanist bullsh!t please.:bad:
I think the saudis might disagree with your little assessment of irans drone capabilities there chum,but then if you actually bothered to do any real research you`d know that iran has the second oldest drone program in the mena region.
Have your nato allies sent you those patriot sams that you were pleading for yet?,you know the ones you didnt need because you had those new s400s:sarcastic:

Testing weapons against a semi-ally (Turkey) is not a pragmatic move when Saudi Arabia is available and wielding latest weaponary.

Iran has warned Turkey about strikes on its officers and Iran backed militias involved in the Idlib offensive. It could strike back. But Iran needs turkey from a sanctions busting role and Idlib is not of great importance to Iran.

Any assistance To Syria is mostly To punish Turkey for any transgressions. Or else Iran could care less about Idlib province. It wants Al-Taf and eastern Syrian border cleared for arms shipments by land.
Turkey is no more of an iranian ally,"semi" or otherwise,than russia is.At best both these countries and iran are nothing more than sometime partners of mutual convenience,and thats it.
Syria on the other hand is an ally,it was one of the first nations to recognize the iri,it was the first arab nation to do so and it was one of only 3 nations to support iran during saddams war when pretty much the entire world stood behind him.
Oh thats right,erdo just wants to help all those poor innocent moderate terrorists hiding out in idlib,all they want to do is be left alone so they can chop off heads in peace,while sultan erdo grabs whatever parts of syria he can of course....spare me your neo ottomanist bullsh!t please.:bad:
I think the saudis might disagree with your little assessment of irans drone capabilities there chum,but then if you actually bothered to do any real research you`d know that iran has the second oldest drone program in the mena region.
Have your nato allies sent you those patriot sams that you were pleading for yet?,you know the ones you didnt need because you had those new s400s:sarcastic:

Turkey is no more of an iranian ally,"semi" or otherwise,than russia is.At best both these countries and iran are nothing more than sometime partners of mutual convenience,and thats it.
Syria on the other hand is an ally,it was one of the first nations to recognize the iri,it was the first arab nation to do so and it was one of only 3 nations to support iran during saddams war when pretty much the entire world stood behind him.

We already have Patriot and Samp t batteries in Adana. Anka made its first flight in 2010 with its domestic company. And now it has a new domestic fireplace at western standards and a piston type pd170 engine that Iran could not even imagine, which had no other capability than producing soviet jet engines 60 years ago.

We have full Aesa technology and our radars will soon be with NATO standards! (not with old trash soviet standards) will be put into service. We are included in the Aster program and our korkut spaag - hisar missile family comes to our patriot successor trench within 2 years, our air - air missiles are already ready. With the cooperation of Aster, we will close our anti ballistic deficiency. So what are you planning to do with your copy of s200 system?




At least 3 class citizens Iranians could have seen civilizations come to Turkey, do not come here anymore known to lose your entire population of disease in your 3rd class hospitals such as shiftless your ignorance, you must be sad for you. As I said, you want to learn your worth, as in the past, it is useful to choose the competitors that your level will be enough for, they can be Arabs or third-class Syrians, so it is normal for a government to bomb its own people.
We already have Patriot and Samp t batteries in Adana. Anka made its first flight in 2010 with its domestic company. And now it has a new domestic fireplace at western standards and a piston type pd170 engine that Iran could not even imagine, which had no other capability than producing soviet jet engines 60 years ago.

We have full Aesa technology and our radars will soon be with NATO standards! (not with old trash soviet standards) will be put into service. We are included in the Aster program and our korkut spaag - hisar missile family comes to our patriot successor trench within 2 years, our air - air missiles are already ready. With the cooperation of Aster, we will close our anti ballistic deficiency. So what are you planning to do with your copy of s200 system?




At least 3 class citizens Iranians could have seen civilizations come to Turkey, do not come here anymore known to lose your entire population of disease in your 3rd class hospitals such as shiftless your ignorance, you must be sad for you. As I said, you want to learn your worth, as in the past, it is useful to choose the competitors that your level will be enough for, they can be Arabs or third-class Syrians, so it is normal for a government to bomb its own people.
Copy of an s200!?:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


Bavar 373 ring any bells with you?,guess not:disagree:

Here we see the x band and s band aesa radars and the interceptor.It doesnt look very s200 like,now does it?
And unlike turkey iran didnt have the options of working with,or licensing technology from western defence companies,it pretty much had to do it all itself.
Like I said at least make the effort to do some basic fvcking research before you post otherwise you`re just humiliating yourself with your own ignorance,not to mention all of this "turkey stronk" bullsh!t:disagree:
Lets not forget the shootdown of the us global hawk by the aesa equipped 3rd of khordad.As far as I`ve been able to tell this was the first ever shootdown of an enemy aircraft under operational conditions by an aesa equipped land based sam system

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Are you serious ? In Idlib you're losing very badly. You've lost Saraqib despite all of your efforts. Your drones, which use British technology btw, half of dozen have been shot down in Syria in the last few days. In Libya Haftar's Toyota truck army constantly uses Turkish drones as target practice. In Idlib you're down to kidnapping children and forcing them to fight for your neo Ottoman fantasies.

Turkey can't build anything without a constant influx of foreign reserves and foreign licenses / spare parts. Your entire economy is dependent on a constant influx of USD/EUR. 50% debt to GDP doesn't seem that bad at first until you realize that most of those debts were acquired in USD / EUR yet they're being used to produce Lira's and the loans must be paid back at the current exchange rate. 10 years ago 1 USD = 1.2 Lira. Now 1 USD = 6+ Lira. Imagine any Turkish company that took out large loans 10 or even 5 years ago. You're entire country is basically enslaved to western / zionist bankers. Also to wage war for a long period of time a country needs $$$$ first and foremost. You have no gold reserves, just debt and if you go to war you will have to borrow much more while your currency losses more value. It's a vicious cycle for Turkey. Once you go to war, say bye bye to tourism and much of your European investments.

We already have Patriot and Samp t batteries in Adana. Anka made its first flight in 2010 with its domestic company. And now it has a new domestic fireplace at western standards and a piston type pd170 engine that Iran could not even imagine, which had no other capability than producing soviet jet engines 60 years ago.

We have full Aesa technology and our radars will soon be with NATO standards! (not with old trash soviet standards) will be put into service. We are included in the Aster program and our korkut spaag - hisar missile family comes to our patriot successor trench within 2 years, our air - air missiles are already ready. With the cooperation of Aster, we will close our anti ballistic deficiency. So what are you planning to do with your copy of s200 system?




At least 3 class citizens Iranians could have seen civilizations come to Turkey, do not come here anymore known to lose your entire population of disease in your 3rd class hospitals such as shiftless your ignorance, you must be sad for you. As I said, you want to learn your worth, as in the past, it is useful to choose the competitors that your level will be enough for, they can be Arabs or third-class Syrians, so it is normal for a government to bomb its own people.
Literally everything made in Turkey has important components from European companies. The Turks mostly import critical components, make a few of their own and package them into a product at the end. Your military supply chain is heavily based on the political will of EU countries and the United States. You should take Saraqib back before criticizing an industry where Turkey is not even a known player in.

Copy of an s200!?:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


Bavar 373 ring any bells with you?,guess not:disagree:

Here we see the x band and s band aesa radars and the interceptor.It doesnt look very s200 like,now does it?
And unlike turkey iran didnt have the options of working with,or licensing technology from western defence companies,it pretty much had to do it all itself.
Like I said at least make the effort to do some basic fvcking research before you post otherwise you`re just humiliating yourself with your own ignorance,not to mention all of this "turkey stronk" bullsh!t:disagree:
Lets not forget the shootdown of the us global hawk by the aesa equipped 3rd of khordad.As far as I`ve been able to tell this was the first ever shootdown of an enemy aircraft under operational conditions by an aesa equipped land based sam system


You forgot to mention:
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Literally everything made in Turkey has important components from European companies. The Turks mostly import critical components, make a few of their own and package them into a product at the end. Your military supply chain is heavily based on the political will of EU countries and the United States. You should take Saraqib back before criticizing an industry where Turkey is not even a known player in.

You forgot to mention:
Yes,.....and the tabbas,the mersad 16,the raad 1 and 2.....personally I thought just the bavar 373 should be enough to show capability,but I added the 3rd of khordad because it has actual combat experience and very possibly an historic one at that.
Frankly when it comes down to it I dislike posts/threads that degenerate into nothing more than pathetic stupid jingoistic national d!ck measuring contests.But on the other hand if you`re going to allow jingoistic nationalist sentiment to dictate the content of your posts without bothering to do even some very basic research on the topics that you`re commenting on,well then you`re risking making a fool out of yourself,like our friend RadarGudumluMuhimmat just did.:rolleyes:
hello turkish friends. can u translate this video for us. who was mesut mevlevi? what was his role in turkish uav program and why he got assassinated? thanks

First of all, this video is not entirely about Mesut, First hour is about other developments in Turkey.
Now, about Mesut Mevlevi.

- He was working on the UAV & AI technologies in Iran.
- At a point in his life he was the leader of IRGC Cyber Security Division.
- He has photos with Rafsanjani.
- Then he left Iran and went to USA, worked in NASA about some projects regarding International Space Station.
- Then he turned a whisle-blower against Iranian State.
- He had telegram group where he shared infos and documents about the corruption in Iranian State mainly in IRGC.
- In his last interview he says something like; Young scientists in Iran can't achieve their maximum potential because IRGC, State (management in general) are constraining them. So, he says many Iranian young scientist seek to achieve their maximum potential at abroad.
- 6 months before his assassination he settles in Turkey.
- He said he was working with Istanbul Technical University and Bayraktar company on a cargo delivering drone.

About your questions;
- No info disclosed about his involvement on Turkish UAVs, he has been in Turkey for 6 months, and about a cargo drone. And a foreigner whom won't be involved in military projects. However Bayraktar has some civilian applications, so, Bayraktar might had involved him in a future civilian project.

- Again no info shared about who is behind is assassination but after reading his life we can see a pattern here. I think, Iranian Intelligence killed him as he was revealing corruption. But we can't know that for sure.
Oh thats right,erdo just wants to help all those poor innocent moderate terrorists hiding out in idlib,all they want to do is be left alone so they can chop off heads in peace,while sultan erdo grabs whatever parts of syria he can of course....spare me your neo ottomanist bullsh!t please.:bad:
I think the saudis might disagree with your little assessment of irans drone capabilities there chum,but then if you actually bothered to do any real research you`d know that iran has the second oldest drone program in the mena region.
Have your nato allies sent you those patriot sams that you were pleading for yet?,you know the ones you didnt need because you had those new s400s:sarcastic:

Turkey is no more of an iranian ally,"semi" or otherwise,than russia is.At best both these countries and iran are nothing more than sometime partners of mutual convenience,and thats it.
Syria on the other hand is an ally,it was one of the first nations to recognize the iri,it was the first arab nation to do so and it was one of only 3 nations to support iran during saddams war when pretty much the entire world stood behind him.

Very ignorant comment. Turkey has helped Iran immensely busting sanctions especially under Obama administration. They could have easily acted like China, Russia, India, etc and turn their back on Iran.
We already have Patriot and Samp t batteries in Adana. Anka made its first flight in 2010 with its domestic company. And now it has a new domestic fireplace at western standards and a piston type pd170 engine that Iran could not even imagine, which had no other capability than producing soviet jet engines 60 years ago.

We have full Aesa technology and our radars will soon be with NATO standards! (not with old trash soviet standards) will be put into service. We are included in the Aster program and our korkut spaag - hisar missile family comes to our patriot successor trench within 2 years, our air - air missiles are already ready. With the cooperation of Aster, we will close our anti ballistic deficiency. So what are you planning to do with your copy of s200 system?




At least 3 class citizens Iranians could have seen civilizations come to Turkey, do not come here anymore known to lose your entire population of disease in your 3rd class hospitals such as shiftless your ignorance, you must be sad for you. As I said, you want to learn your worth, as in the past, it is useful to choose the competitors that your level will be enough for, they can be Arabs or third-class Syrians, so it is normal for a government to bomb its own people.
The only truly domestic industry that turkey has is the fruit canning industry (I visited Turkey few years back...a backward country with rationed electricity, and roads that more fit for camels...I recall Iran was building a road for you guys from iran border to Van. and that was my conclusion)..so stop saying we have this or we have that.. your western supplied military performance against a country that has been in war for 8 years is becoming embarrassing the least... your industry is assembly production for europeans so they use you as cheap labor to serve the europeans. and your president for life is a crazy mad man with no brain.... shall I continue!
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Very ignorant comment. Turkey has helped Iran immensely busting sanctions especially under Obama administration. They could have easily acted like China, Russia, India, etc and turn their back on Iran.
Actually I thought it was a very accurate description of iran and turkeys relationship.The turks were not doing this because they were allies "semi" or otherwise of iran,and they were certainly not doing this out of the kindness of their little turkish hearts either,they were doing this because it was to their economic advantage and benefit to do so.Just like many other nations ie india,china,russia they did not "turn their backs on iran",instead they took full advantage of irans situation under the sanctions to try and get whatever they could out of iran at very beneficial terms for themselves.
Turkey just by virtue of its nato membership alone can never be any sort of ally to iran,throw in erdos neo ottomanist lunacy and his continuing support for the terrorists in syria and it becomes even more impossible.I`ll admit that there was a point in time there when I thought that it almost seemed possible that erdos turkey could`ve aligned itself,possibly even allied itself to some degree with the axis of resistance,however this was before I realised that erdos favorite political tactic was something more akin to musical chairs rather than any rational long term strategy,ie one month hes best buds with iran,a couple of months later hes fallen out with iran and hes back to being besties with bibi nutyahoo,a few months after that hes decided that actually its uncle puti and the russians who were really his real best friends all along and so on and so forth,etc,etc,etc......"Round and round he goes and where he stops nobody knows".:crazy:
Turkey should not compare itself to Iran..... Iran actually makes some very high tech weapons, as seen by shooting down the 200 million dollar US drone and pin point attack on the US base...

If you have followed Turkish weapons industries.... they would have told you that they make F 16 jets and attack helicopters, and modern tanks..... of couse when you delve into the reality, you will see that they cant even make car engines..... never mind anything high tech.

As for air defence systems..... Iran made its own S400 equivalent, whilst the highly indebted Turks had to fork out billions to buy Russian downgraded system, and get humiliating sanctions by America for not buying from them.
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