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looks like Sofreh Mahi UCAV is emerging after years of radio silence :-)


"Sofre Mahi UCAV; the first indigenous Delta wing UCAV capable of aerial bombardment"

Thought it was dead according to some in this platform. It's still in development then?
Thought it was dead according to some in this platform. It's still in development then?

No proof it’s still active project. That picture is nearly a decade old and shows RC Toy model similar to F-313 unveiling way back when.

Wether project is active seems to be up for discussion. Sofreh Mahi predated RQ-170 capture and after RQ-170 capture news on Sofreh Mahi went to zero.

I don’t think it would take 10+ years to build an unmanned drone. Hence why it is believed the project has been shelved or its development slowed down to a crawl.
No proof it’s still active project. That picture is nearly a decade old and shows RC Toy model similar to F-313 unveiling way back when.

Wether project is active seems to be up for discussion. Sofreh Mahi predated RQ-170 capture and after RQ-170 capture news on Sofreh Mahi went to zero.

I don’t think it would take 10+ years to build an unmanned drone. Hence why it is believed the project has been shelved or its development slowed down to a crawl.

I think the more important question to ask is, if the Sofreh Mahi is even worth it?

Iran is already producing Rq-170 flying wing type drones that carry weapons anyways, that on-top of a litany of other drones which can do the same tasks. Seems sort of redundant to have yet another UAV to do the same task. Waste of time and resources if you ask me. Better to just continue advancing what you have now, making it even more deadlier/reliable through subsequent iterations.
I think the more important question to ask is, if the Sofreh Mahi is even worth it?

Iran is already producing Rq-170 flying wing type drones that carry weapons anyways, that on-top of a litany of other drones which can do the same tasks. Seems sort of redundant to have yet another UAV to do the same task. Waste of time and resources if you ask me. Better to just continue advancing what you have now, making it even more deadlier/reliable through subsequent iterations.

The would depend on how big it was meant to be and what was its speed and payload capacity.... Without knowing its specs you cant really say either way!
I think the more important question to ask is, if the Sofreh Mahi is even worth it?

Iran is already producing Rq-170 flying wing type drones that carry weapons anyways, that on-top of a litany of other drones which can do the same tasks. Seems sort of redundant to have yet another UAV to do the same task. Waste of time and resources if you ask me. Better to just continue advancing what you have now, making it even more deadlier/reliable through subsequent iterations.

Sofreh Mahi was a bomber class UAV likely the size of an F-14 or bigger.

RQ-170 is a tactical strike UAV, two different classes.

The issue with building bomber class UAVs is Iran doesn’t have its own GPS constellation thus the question becomes how to operate such a drone during wartime.

That is likely why the Fotros class never made it to mass production. Huge UAV, underwhelming sensors and avionics package. Long distance, but not reliable to use ground stations during wartime and with no/limited GPS access you have a drone that is just a big version of S-129
Sofreh Mahi was a bomber class UAV likely the size of an F-14 or bigger.

RQ-170 is a tactical strike UAV, two different classes.

The issue with building bomber class UAVs is Iran doesn’t have its own GPS constellation thus the question becomes how to operate such a drone during wartime.

That is likely why the Fotros class never made it to mass production. Huge UAV, underwhelming sensors and avionics package. Long distance, but not reliable to use ground stations during wartime and with no/limited GPS access you have a drone that is just a big version of S-129

Oh damn lol, I had no idea about the size of it or class, just thought it was another Mid-sized UAV.

Thanks for the clarification!!
That video showing Sofreh Mahi's scaled down version flying is many years old. I remember it posted on the old IMF forum. It is nothing new.
well the problem with RQ-170 like UAV that you only can two thing with them , a bomber or a spy drone , the speed is limited , the maneuverability is limited .
but if its Sofreh Mahi

well the design have potential to be an interceptor platform if developed it can be turned into something that china is planning for Dark Sword UAV
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