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Iranian-Turk-Azeri border deployments

I did some search on the sources. There is almost nothing in the Turkish and Azerbaijani media. The Iranian media, on the other hand, foams up the event more than necessary. Maybe it's a purpose to distract the public from the problems of corruption, economic crisis and drought. If so I think this is a wrong policy.

We are friendly and brotherly peoples. Contrary to the picture drawn here, our social integration has been increasing rapidly, especially in recent years. As my personal experience, I have never had an Iranian neighbor before, but now I have many Iranian friends living in same site, one is a businessman and the other is a pilot in a private airline. Great people.

War-mongering just be irresponsible and something only asocial people who don't know about where the world goes on. As a Turk, our warmongering could only harms tens of millions of my Azeri fellows, who have a very important place in the Iranian economy.

Turkey and Iran share one of the oldest existing borders in the Middle East and they are the main two countries to maintain economic viability in the region. Therefore, I believe that wise mans in both country will lower the tension without giving any shit to provocation or external manipulations.
Lol no its never happening, Come out of the hollywood war hysteria.
Help as in diplomatic support and provision of hardware
I think you have forgotten how we helped people in Sri Lanka
Help as in diplomatic support and provision of hardware
I think you have forgotten how we helped people in Sri Lanka

It was a different case. We've got a neighbor here and the one you're asking to support is almost a vassal state of Israel run by the corrupt and fahaash Aliyev family. The ones who call Pakistan the castle of Islam should just have a look at Aliyev's daughters who almost walk naked around rhe country 😂
Iran is already allowing India to use its territory against Pakistan, it has been the case since years. The only difference is that now we have started to pinch where it hurts for Iran and now Iran is all screaming and crying.

And Azeri's are rightfully stopping Iranian trucks to use their territory, after all its Azeri territory not YOURS.

Despite all the help you guys couldn't weaponise it. Ultimate Sadness! :D
You are stupid you don’t want the Afghans to use their lands for India but at the same time you don’t have problems the republic of arran and shirvan using their lands for the zionists lol.
It was a different case. We've got a neighbor here and the one you're asking to support is almost a vassal state of Israel run by the corrupt and fahaash Aliyev family. The ones who call Pakistan the castle of Islam should just have a look at Aliyev's daughters who almost walk naked around rhe country 😂
The funny thing they say Iran is making hostilities against the Islamic republic of Baku but they forget it’s the other way around also they claim they are against Israel while sucking for Baku. The other things they say Afghanistan can’t be used by India to harm Pakistan but they are ok with Baku use Israel to harm Iran what is this hypocrisy?!!😂
You are stupid you don’t want the Afghans to use their lands for India but at the same time you don’t have problems the republic of arran and shirvan using their lands for the zionists lol.
You can blabber all night long the same old zionists lullaby, no one cares about you dellusional retards.

I know it will be difficult for your tiny brain to comprehend; Afghanistan/India is very much our concern as it directly affects us but we do not have any direct conflict with Israel, grow up and watch out before another commander or a scientist is taken out by Mossad :D
You can blabber all night long the same old zionists lullaby, no one cares about you dellusional retards.

I know it will be difficult for your tiny brain to comprehend; Afghanistan/India is very much our concern as it directly affects us but we do not have any direct conflict with Israel, grow up and watch out before another commander or a scientist is taken out by Mossad :D
Well you missed the point donkey my point is Iran shouldn’t tolerate any zionist activities is Baku the same way you wouldn’t tolerate any Indian activities in Afghanistan and Iran.
We saw Azerbaijan crushing S300 of Armenia so they know this well how to handle defence systems.
In short: no radar no defence system.and radars are first to be taken out in conflict
Armenians had S-300PS which is a much older version. The Iranians apparently have S-300PMU2 which a more modern and better version. The Azeris also have S-300PMU2.
Same goes to the Iranians 🤷‍♂️
That was my point.I said radars will be taken out first so defence systems will become obsolete. Then the country with stronger air force will win the war.Air dominance is the key to success in any contest.
That was my point.I said radars will be taken out first so defence systems will become obsolete. Then the country with stronger air force will win the war.Air dominance is the key to success in any contest.
They will have to use very modern anti-radiation missiles logically. Because the Iranian S-300s will be guarded. Probably by Tor-M1 and other systems as well.
They will have to use very modern anti-radiation missiles logically. Because the Iranian S-300s will be guarded. Probably by Tor-M1 and other systems as well.
First step is to expose the position of S 300.UAVs can do this task.or even fighter jet can do this as they have MAWS and carry anti radiation missiles.Azerbaijan can use SOM missile to take out targets of strategic value.so situation is not that for Azerbaijan.they have access to world's best weapons.
Well I fully remember that back in 2014 an israel Hermes 450 drone flew from Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan Airbase in international corridor to reach our nuclear sites which was shot down by Iran:
And its drop in a ocean of how this country ignore Iran supports and helps beside providing and suppliing Nakhchivan with fuel and food for years .... It happened while Iran be it in 90s war or latest war supported Azerbaijan and its effort to regain its territories ... IRGC commanders were there in 90s and supported them ... but in return we see them teaming up with isreal letting them use their territories against us ...

Iran policy is consistence no change in borders is acceptable ... Azerbaijan was supported as long as it is after getting back its own territory but would be fought back if tries to occupy any land .. Iran never threaten to attack them but warned them to stay put and satisfied with what they have ... which means Iran against occupation which is clearly against int law ...
So simple ...
P.s: some claims they made over our territories is so stupid that need no answer but if there is any claim over any territories be sure there are lands that needs to get back to mother land ,,, the ones that even their country's name is Iranian better be quiet ...
Bottom line, isreal is after secession in the region from Libya, Sudan to Syria .. remember isreali flags in Erbil? so far Iran foil their plots and we have no plan to change this policy and anyone who is playing in their ground is making a huge mistake.

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