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Iranian-Turk-Azeri border deployments

So you don't like it when your regime is criticized? You are definitely a minority in your country.
Every single Iranian I have ever met is against this regime. All of them have said only a small minority support them.
Ayatollah means word of god. This is what Khomeini claims to be which is complete fraud. Is there a bigger fraudulent head of state in this world?
Shah's Iran and what Iran was before him was a different country altogether.
Every Iranian you have ever met does not = every Iranian. You do know that right? We have a lot of shit heads who don't like the Islamic Republic but if majority was against it then the Islamic Republic would not have survived 42 years!
2- During your "3 Brothers" drill, an Azerbaijani official said that Pakistan would wipe Iran off the map. Your authorities did not condemn it.
How the Hell we are part of this ... ???

Who was that Official, what was his rank .... ???

Is this even authentic .... ???

Don't take offence but Iranian media has recently publish so many fake news about Pakistan that we generally don't trust Iranian Media anymore

I seriously doubt that it was said in a trilateral exercise but only Pakistan mention it does not even fulfill logical standards.

3- Azerbaijan has closed Karabakh to Iranian trucks, saying that Iranians have been illegally using their roads and we cannot use them anymore unless we agree to pay tax.

Again not our concern but It simply a logical demand if Iranian Truck are entering in Azerbaijani Territory than Azri Authorities are Sovereign within their state and could impose Tax on any transit trade ....

So what is wrong in it .... ???

Iran could negotiate with Azri Government ..... it is simple and logical but why threatening for war .... ???
Iran should allow India to use our territory against Pakistan. It is OUR territory after all and I would love to see Pakistan get popped like the dirty pimple of a nation that it is between Iran and India!
Iran is already allowing India to use its territory against Pakistan, it has been the case since years. The only difference is that now we have started to pinch where it hurts for Iran and now Iran is all screaming and crying.

And Azeri's are rightfully stopping Iranian trucks to use their territory, after all its Azeri territory not YOURS.

Pakistanis talking about nuclear weapons is so sad since they forget AQ Khan Helped us to have a nuclear punch too. :D
Despite all the help you guys couldn't weaponise it. Ultimate Sadness! :D
Iranians need a chill pill

Those that think that iran can take on Pakistan are clearly deluded. We will literally wipe out your fighting strength if you dare do something

Those that think azerbaijan is suddenly the spokesman for the pak mil are even dumber as well
Every Iranian you have ever met does not = every Iranian. You do know that right? We have a lot of shit heads who don't like the Islamic Republic but if majority was against it then the Islamic Republic would not have survived 42 years!
A sample of population can give an insight into larger group. There is overwhelming evidence from Iranians inside and outside Iran that this regime is not representative of people.
42 years in power has more to do with brutality than popularity.
How Pakistan can get benefit from Iran-Azerbaijan medium scale war? I have one idea:
We have stocks of 90s Ballistic Missiles like 290km Ghaznavi missiles.Since they are old,we should replace them with better ones.We should sell these to Azerbaijan at relatively low cost.This will give us money to undergo research for development of next generation Russian Iskandar type tactical missile.
We will get money and Azerbaijan can have a huge stock of Ballistic Missiles.
Both Iran and Azerbaijan will have Ballistic Missiles.Then it will be real fun to watch the war :D
F14 had the aim54 with a 190km range

The f4 had aim7 sparrows with a 50km range making it BVR capable

The f5 was the only short straw with wvr weaponry only

If you think numbers mean everything then look at all the pak indo wars
well F-14s were sabotaged , if you can understand what it means , they needed 24 hours of maintenance for each 8 hours of flight and we could not get spare for them
our f-4s were equipped with AIM-7e that could engage enemy at 30km for information there are different type of AIM-7s
No, this.
well , if it will not break it only mean some one played a poor joke with the guys ,, but I knew its hard for some people to understand , by the way as you can see we can build ceramic that won't break , can you do that?
a question for people here who think Azerbaijan can defeat Iran by using drones such as TB-2
how you think those slow drones fare against Karrar equipped with Azaraksh missile
or how they fair against Project 358 missile or Karrar drone equipped with heavy 3 barreled machine gun
for the one who don't knew Karrar has speed of 900km , combat radius of 500km and can carry 250km of Ammunition it means the drone don't drop small puny 30 pound ammunition , it drop MK82 on your head and it can carry to Azaraksh air to air missile it can carry 2 kowsar or Nasr Anti-ship missile.
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a question for people here who think Azerbaijan can defeat Iran
Simply because Azerbaijan is not alone in this war.Azerbaijan has access to SOM missile which is one of the best cruise missiles in the world.They can buy defence systems from either Turkey or Israel and can even buy Fighter jets.Azerbaijan is not a poor country,he has huge natural resources.
Simply because Azerbaijan is not alone in this war.Azerbaijan has access to SOM missile which is one of the best cruise missiles in the world.They can buy defence systems from either Turkey or Israel and can even buy Fighter jets.Azerbaijan is not a poor country,he has huge natural resources.
you mean they want to use a cruise missile against system like Karrar and project 358 which are designed to engage those cruise missiles

and I wonder when those fighter jet will be delivered and who pilot them without the training and how they want to pass 3rd of khordad while its turned of its RADAR , USA was not aware of its presence till the RQ4 blown away of the sky with a system that was more than 70km away and did the attack with its radar turned off, which other country have ever managed to do that against a reduced RCS enemy craft
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well F-14s were sabotaged , if you can understand what it means , they needed 24 hours of maintenance for each 8 hours of flight and we could not get spare for them
our f-4s were equipped with AIM-7e that could engage enemy at 30km for information there are different type of AIM-7s
F14s were using the aim54 during the iran iraq war. Im talking about the iran iraq war. Nothing else.

AIM7E had a range of 50km. Not 30km
you mean they want to use a cruise missile against system like Karrar and project 358 which are designed to engage those cruise missiles
Radar cannot detect cruise missile at longer distances and there is no defence system in the world which can stop the cruise missiles 100% accurately.

In addition,Fighter jets carry anti radiation missiles which can destroy the Radars.
We saw Azerbaijan crushing S300 of Armenia so they know this well how to handle defence systems.
In short: no radar no defence system.and radars are first to be taken out in conflict
F14s were using the aim54 during the iran iraq war. Im talking about the iran iraq war. Nothing else.

AIM7E had a range of 50km. Not 30km
they used it at the third year of war after we managed to fix the sabotage , by the way it won't change the fact that because of lack of spares , those F-14 were rarely flown .
AIM-7e have 30 km of range

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