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Iranian-Turk-Azeri border deployments

Iran should allow India to use our territory against Pakistan. It is OUR territory after all and I would love to see Pakistan get popped like the dirty pimple of a nation that it is between Iran and India!
Nothing new, i only have a soft spot for Iran because of Being Shia, otherwise i wouldn't hesitate reduce iran to dust
Iran should allow India to use our territory against Pakistan. It is OUR territory after all and I would love to see Pakistan get popped like the dirty pimple of a nation that it is between Iran and India!
These juveniles talking about wiping out Iran are trolling. You can't say that about Pakistan when Iran is the center of all troubles in middle east.
I never understand why Pakistan has to involve itself in actions against Iran all the time. Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan as an independent state and we have been one of the few countries in the world that has publicly criticized India for the Kashmir issue.
Pakistan doesnt! you on the other hand continues to do so


Just now! While you accuse us of supporting so called terrorism inside Iran, the fact has always been contrary and it is actually Iran who is doing do despite our best intensions to keep good relations with Iran.
Iran is a sectrian element nobody will tolerate them nor their provocations. All this we are fighting Israel is BS absorbing 100.000 hits without replying including local assassination. Why you lying why don't you just say it was the Azer-Turk-Pak exercises that triggered you. Which actully exposes you as someone whos in direct enemy to us. The Turks and Azeris are not dumb they know what is behind all this histronics but they ain't falling for that shxt
It was a planned exercise with no animosity in nature but the words that we usually use about Israel, came from mouth of an Israeli appointee in Azerbaijani army. Wipe Iran Off the map lmao. He tried to drag both Pakistan and Turkey into it. And the only guy that had nuclear weapons was Pakistan.

Pakistani military leaders must laughing out of their.... They know the Truth well.

After taking Karabak by Azerbaijan, they started intimidating Iranians in accordance with Israeli orders. We will respond strongly and harshly.
It was a planned exercise with no animosity in nature but the words that we usually use about Israel, came from mouth of an Israeli appointee in Azerbaijani army. Wipe Iran Off the map lmao. He tried to drag both Pakistan and Turkey into it. And the only guy that had nuclear weapons was Pakistan.

Pakistani military leaders must laughing out of their.... They know the Truth well.

After taking Karabak by Azerbaijan, they started intimidating Iranians in accordance with Israeli orders. We will respond strongly and harshly.

You have to the right to respond verbally to such hostility but just in case you forget Israel is located on the otherside of the region and targetted you something Azerbaijan didn't do here. If your war is solely with them you should take it with them and they are within reach draw first blood no empty chest beating at the wrong tree is needed. Azeris are a tougher mountain to climb than that outpost conventionally speaking
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I am happy the Shah is buried in Egypt. That is the least that he deserves for helping you ungrateful c^nts out against India!
So you don't like it when your regime is criticized? You are definitely a minority in your country.
Every single Iranian I have ever met is against this regime. All of them have said only a small minority support them.
Ayatollah means word of god. This is what Khomeini claims to be which is complete fraud. Is there a bigger fraudulent head of state in this world?
Shah's Iran and what Iran was before him was a different country altogether.
He sold us centrifuges and nuclear technology. The guy despite being financially problematic 😁 truly was one of the outstanding nuclear scientists.

Propaganda by India and Iran regarding AQ. Iran DOES NOT have the skills or the capacity to produce Nuclear weapons. In fact, Israel keeps killing Iranian nuclear scientists in broad daylight and also keeps destroying whatever basic nuclear infrastructure Iran had. So there is no chance for at least 30 years for Iran to have a nuclear program.

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