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Iranian Space program

SLV was more of a technology demonstrator, what were we going to do by launching 40kg to space the payload was not meaningful enough.
Also it had just 4 launches
2 were successes and 2 were failures.

SSLV is being made with a different goal in mind, it is more of a launch on demand rocket to provide frequent launches, the launch vehicle's technology is offered to private sector companies so that they can compete in the global launch on demand market.

It's a 4 stage solid propellent based launch vehicle that can be manufactured in less than 2 week and can be launched by just 6 people.

Capabilities 500kg to LEO and 330 kg to SSO.
ISRO doesn't call the fourth stage as stage, its called Velocity Trimming Module. It's liquid stage by the way.
Please stop with these weak arguments. This is a venue for critical thought not spewing unsolicited garbage. Take your ‘free thinking’ to the gossip girl channels. So hush until you have defensible proof.
10m imaging resolution

can be launched by Simorgh or Zoljanah, neither have ever had a successful launch so pray for Tolou-3 satellite
That's is not a particularly high resolution especially in comparison to the latest Turkish satellites. This tells me how incredibly fast-paced the Turkish space industry is. Good to know.
That's is not a particularly high resolution especially in comparison to the latest Turkish satellites. This tells me how incredibly fast-paced the Turkish space industry is. Good to know.
That's is not a particularly high resolution especially in comparison to the latest Turkish satellites. This tells me how incredibly fast-paced the Turkish space industry is. Good to know.
Imagine coming here to brag about the Turkish space industry which is still yet to launch any satellite into orbit :lol: Back to your cave, torke khar
Imagine coming here to brag about the Turkish space industry which is still yet to launch any satellite into orbit :lol: Back to your cave, torke khar
I wasn't bragging. My statement was merely an observation. What you said is true, though. But you and me, we both know that it's just a matter of time until Türkiye celebrates her first launch. When that day arrives, I'm gonna tag you. Bear in mind, it's literally the only remaining field of military tech expertise where Iran hasn't been eclipsed by Türkiye.

Just 20 years ago, things were very different. You're falling back by any metric. You snooze, you lose.
20 years ago Terrorist Turkey had not launched any satellite into orbit

Today Terrorist Turkey has still not launched any satellite into orbit

Not very different at all.
They have no nuclear industry , no space industry, assembly level industry in aviation and drone fields..but they have very large ego!!!.
Bear in mind, it's literally the only remaining field of military tech expertise where Iran hasn't been eclipsed by Türkiye.

Long range Ballistic missiles? Hypersonic glide vehicles? Submarines? Supersonic cruise missiles?

The only area that Turkey is ahead of Iran is airforce with its TFX program.

Everything else Turkey builds is based off a foreign design with a large % of Foreign parts. Even TFX is being built with American engines and using foreign supplied 3D laser printer for titanium building of airframe.
Long range Ballistic missiles? Hypersonic glide vehicles? Submarines? Supersonic cruise missiles?

The only area that Turkey is ahead of Iran is airforce with its TFX program.

Everything else Turkey builds is based off a foreign design with a large % of Foreign parts. Even TFX is being built with American engines and using foreign supplied 3D laser printer for titanium building of airframe.
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