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Iranian Space program

A former official from Iran’s Space Agency says Iranian space program was the first victim of the JCPOA; Iran’s space sector’s in a mess and government’s refusal/failure to launch satellites is political rather than technical.

they don't care about the satellite , the SLV is the problem and we are testing SLV after SLV
Iran Space Agency Chief, Morteza Barari: update on astronauts program and biological capsule

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TV host: Iran intends to send Iranian astronauts into space, what's new about that? According to your expectations, when will that happen?

Murtaza Barari: Yes, we have two programs. The first is our desire to participate in the international research of the space sector. In this field, there is a path that is to benefit from the infrastructure of other countries through the presence on the International Space Station and the ability to participate in space research.
In addition to the aforementioned, we started with a project that we called the "bio-capsule", and its engineering model will be prepared at the end of the current month of February, and aviation model will be prepared during the coming month of June and we will put a person inside it. A robot with a human structure instead of a living being. It is assumed that this capsule will be sent to an altitude of 130 km and we will conduct tests through it, and we will gradually increase the height in order to reach the orbit of 400 km in the future.
addition to the above, we also began our attempts to send a person to space, so the engineering model of the biological capsule will become It is ready during the current month, while its flight model will be ready sometime in March next year. That is why we seek to give a push forward for the local route in conjunction with the international tracks

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middle of year if there is no agreement

Are there any news on asat missiles (ground launch like the ones tested by several countries or air launched like from f14s similar to Usa asm-135)

Air launch by a platform like f14 would be less costly but plane would be more vulnurable in combat and needs to be protected by other assets.

You can disguise the test as a small dummy satellite launch from an air based platform if you want to.

Another option is kill the satellite by another satellite. Space based weapons would be controversial and needs to be kept secret although usa sees itself the previlige to carry on testing space based attack platforms that is another issue.

I think coil guns or rail guns have more applicability in space than in atmoshpere especially against targets like satellites where their locations are known or can be estimated from their orbit. There would be no friction on the rail/coil, No atmospheric friction that decreases speed and no atmospheric disturbance like wind and the bullet can be very small without the need to consider atmosphere issues. This makes the recoil force much less when it is fired and it can be managed by the satellite orientation system when it is firing if the bullet is small enough. Power consumption is an issue but we are not talking about mach 7 rail guns that usa tests. A tiny bullet and a lower speed mach 2-3 can go pretty long distances in space and trajectory of it can be calculated to intercept the satellites that are easily detected from the ground.

This kind of satellite however would be the first target of opposing asat systems. So the satellite has to involve non observable characteristics like shape and ram material. Launch of it can be disguised as well by launching another small satellite into orbit at the same time with the same rocket or testing of a new rocket system with a dummy lighter payload and actual secret asat satellite payload.
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The most devastating space related disaster of all time

This video shows several Chinese space rocket launches that FAILED and in some cases caused serious damage and casualties. One devastating failure in 1996 wiped out an entire village, however the most recent failure occurred in 2018.

This goes to show how difficult and challenging it truly is to send rockets into space. There is no room for error and all these calamities befell China, a country with massive resources at their disposal and a space program whose budget is $9 BILLION,

This is why when it comes to Iran's space program, although there have been setbacks, they should not be deterred and keep trying until they succeed. At the same time, with that being said, in regards to Iran being able to send a human being into space or being able to establish a satellite network, I will believe it when I see it.

Another video showing the failed Chinese space launch that killed 6 villagers according to Chinese officials. However analysts from outside China have claimed that the number could be as high as 200-500 or more since the entire village was wiped out in the aftermath.

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