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Iranian retaliation, scenarios (how to respond?)

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That is just start of show, Zionists will hit definitely.

I knew the first time I saw the ship burn in CNN that it was Iran who did it. And I’m now certain of it after seeing wat Qa’ani said about this incident. When Iranians are not involved in sumthing the typically respond in a clear decisive manner asserting their non involvement. But this response from Qa’ani tells me that yes Iran did it. And did it with the help of inside elements from the US Navy that are sympathetic to Iran or are Iranians by heart wearing US uniforms. Incredible response. Also the strike on the fat Arab sub human traitors. Good job. Israel has a gas tank explosion. More to come. Hit them hard. Now is the time .
Breaking news
General Qaani, Quds force leader, indirectly takes responsibility of the US ship accident, warns of more to come.


After 3 hours, BBC and radiofarda have not reported the Qaani speech. Likely waiting for higher orders how to report.

For the first time in years, O’Brian said that Iran is after nuclear weapons despite the US intelligence report.

Game is on.
Israel and the US will regret their actions for decades to come.

Post JCPOA the moderates in Iran had a huge chance of taking power of the country. there even rumours that Rouhani might become next supreme leader after Khamenei. This would have put Iran on a long term path of integration with the West.

When Iran economically benefits with its relations with the West. that gives western powers enormous leverage. If Iran becomes economically prosperous, the government would likely give alot of concessions to keep that economic prosperity.

today and tommorow they will getting a nice fist in the ***.

I guarantee you when Khamenei passes away. And an IRGC hand picked supreme leader takes power, "moderate" traitors are purged from the government, and we will see a foreign policy that will openly make the zionists miss the good ol days of khamenei
It looks like BBC and VOA and raiofarda decides not to mention Qaani words at all, likely as a means not to further escalate :)

Left over if the US ship:

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Before the covid 19 trump was odds on favourite to win the election. During it the pendulum has swung which makes me wonder if this whole virus thing was played out by the globalists to make sure trump loses the election. I know those ppl are willing to push it to a limit that is inhuman and monstrous. I don’t know wats worse. The Right wing Trump or the left wing LGBTQA rainbow worshipping left Wing. They are so moronic and brainwashed it’s crazy. The only way to stop this globalist attack of humanity is a war in which the west loses to the east (Russia, Iran , China)... this is the only way to get rid of devil worshipping financial elite that control EU and America. They are such morons and their media is a total tool so ofcourse there will be no news of anything significant. But it also shows that the American war machine is at an all time low. I suggest that we push for nuclear armament and pursue a very aggressive anti zio American policy and attack on all fronts . Israel has to be conquered and the fat Arab states like Qatar Kuwait Bahrain must be attacked with the final objective of a take over. They are traitors. Traitors to everyone and everything. Traitors to mankind and all morality. They must be defeated and their oil must be taken. But to pursue an aggressive strategy there has to be a nuclear deterrent.
An Emirati oil tanker was directed to Iranian waters from UAE waters 10 days ago. News just released. US was after that tanker for breaching sanctions on Iran. Indian crews are all released.
Shoot down airplanes from Israel to USA when they are filled with Israeli dumbsh*t politicians.

Israeli politicians are selling Israeli people blood in exchange for USA money, they are the problem, not Israeli people.

Dumbsh*t people who are vulnerable to childish tricks of flattery should not rule countries, and Israeli politicians are that kind of dumb*ss.
Reports on a fire breaking out in an Iranian harbor.
3 Ships on fire.

Yesterday an explosion in an Iranian gas plant.

@Philosopher Are we humiliated yet?

Before the covid 19 trump was odds on favourite to win the election. During it the pendulum has swung which makes me wonder if this whole virus thing was played out by the globalists to make sure trump loses the election. I know those ppl are willing to push it to a limit that is inhuman and monstrous. I don’t know wats worse. The Right wing Trump or the left wing LGBTQA rainbow worshipping left Wing. They are so moronic and brainwashed it’s crazy. The only way to stop this globalist attack of humanity is a war in which the west loses to the east (Russia, Iran , China)... this is the only way to get rid of devil worshipping financial elite that control EU and America. They are such morons and their media is a total tool so ofcourse there will be no news of anything significant. But it also shows that the American war machine is at an all time low. I suggest that we push for nuclear armament and pursue a very aggressive anti zio American policy and attack on all fronts . Israel has to be conquered and the fat Arab states like Qatar Kuwait Bahrain must be attacked with the final objective of a take over. They are traitors. Traitors to everyone and everything. Traitors to mankind and all morality. They must be defeated and their oil must be taken. But to pursue an aggressive strategy there has to be a nuclear deterrent.
Trump is going to win anyway. His opponent is a pedophile with dementia.
Final update on Jizan refinery in KSA:
Output still 0 down from 300’000.
Fire is extinguished.
Estimated damage: $500 M
It's always good to think about retaliation but you're headed in the wrong direction. Any one of your scenarios would entail Iran facing greater isolation and given that Iran's dynamics also have to deal with KSA then such a move would be detrimental for Iran right now.
The greatest attention should be placed on the greatest strategic weakness that Iran has against its adversaries and that's two fold both tied to one another: geostrategic isolation and economics. In aggressive move would see Iran being hit on these areas again which again weakens its own position. It has to deal with two strong opposing forces (let's forget politics for a while) immediately in the region: Israel and KSA. Either one would take advantage of that setback.
The best scenario is the toughest one: Iran should rethink its orientation towards the international community and have a stronger alliance with nations that can oppose the Americans and their close ally Israel. Secondly, this pact would need assurance that Iran would not polarize KSA. Therefore, independent strategies need to be in place in order to strengthen the internal structure of the country and then oppose their adversaries but doing so in pure military terms may be unwise. Therefore, a more diplomatic angle would be of greater use. However, I am of the opinion that neither of those are going to take place. This lack of long term thinking is the reason why much of our regions (ME and SA) are in the state that they have been for much of the 20th-21st century. It's not just what is done externally but how it's reacted against as well.
Ok guys we all know Israel is behind the recent sabotage attacks inside Iran and at the moment of writing Iranian military planners and intelligence are having meetings on how to appropiately respond to their actions without inviting more retaliation or even an open attack on Iranian soil directly.

What i have in mind, the following scenarios all are carried out with plausible deniability through third groups.

a) targeting Americans in Iraq or Afghanistan
The Americans are not the ones responsible for the recent sabotage attempts according to Iranian intelligence but maybe this can put pressure on the US to tell the Israelis to back off ?

b) Massive coordinated cyber attacks targeting the IDF and the civilian network inside Israel such as Ben Gurion airport, Dimona reactor etc
This maybe on the same level as the Israeli attacks but in my idea it won't really deter the Israelis from striking back.

c) Sudden massive nightly pinpoint BM/Drone attack against IDF and other sensitive military installation.
This may prompt a retaliation from Israeli airforce that perhaps will involve Iran directly itself

d) Killing of Israeli elite such as top scientists, professors, doctors engineers by targeted assassinations.
This is risky and might again prompt the Israelis to repeat what they have been doing in the past.

e) blowing up or capturing a Israeli ship near the Persian gulf or the Red/Arabian sea
psychological blow as the Israeli's wouldn't know how to cope with it as it is too far for them. In my opinion this is for sure among the best options available.

f) Shooting down of Israeli passenger plane, this sounds a bit evil but is in the same category as the attack on civilian refineries that has been targeted by the enemy. IMO this has a huge psychological effect and may fully deter the Israelis from taking more action.

g) Small scale invasion/attack on Israeli border outposts,barracks. Penetrating into Israel.
for sure least popular but it has to involve a joint Hezbollah and Syrian army operation. And not much realistic.

The question remains and the Iranian intelligence and decision makers are meeting and still deciding how to respond. Your ideas ?
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