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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visits Vietnam

I will have to say, America got this wrong this time, unlike the Iraqi, Iranian have actually cooperate with the IAEA and allow many suspected site to be inspected, the problem is with the Israel pressure and for the financial gain. Look at it this way, NK already have Nuclear weapon, we are business as usual, the only different is we have already squeeze what we can with the SK, there are no much to get from them, so the voice of the oppsition is smaller than in Iran.

In ME, you got several moderate we need to please and they need protection, it's good to claim the Iranian is make Nuclear weapon so we can sell more armament to most of them (KSA, Israel and Lebannon) Even if Iranian hav nuclear weapon it would not be a big deal, you need a really mad leader to use it in the first place as you are sure, the first time you use it is probably the last time you use it.

Israel is very vulnerable if Iran possess nuclear weapons. That will alter the balance of powers in the region.

Given that Ahmadinejad threatened to wipe Israel of the map, you can understand the reactions of Israel, the United States and Europe. The situation to Israel today is similar to decision of the Soviets to deploy nuclear weapons in Cuba in the 1960s, next to the US.
Israel is very vulnerable if Iran possess nuclear weapons. That will alter the balance of powers in the region.

Given that Ahmadinejad threatened to wipe Israel of the map, you can understand the reactions of Israel, the United States and Europe. The situation to Israel today is similar to decision of the Soviets to deploy nuclear weapons in Cuba in the 1960s, next to the US.

When you were in a warzone long enough, you pick up something.
Whenever there are big pile of steamy sht coming down your way, it's always preceived with silence. Like when you are doing a patrol on a busy sunday village in Afghanistan, when it's empty and silent, you show sht is coming down.

I will have to say when Iran still complain or yak about it, there are nothing to be afraid of, but when they stop yak about it. It would be a true sign that sht is about to hit the fan.

I strongly believe you are a weirdo. Have you never read newspapers concerning Iran?
You idiot!

Who says Iran should give up nuclear energy? They should give up the idea of possessing of nuclear weapons!

Iran is not building any nuclear weapons. At least thats what the IAEA, Mossad and the US intelligence services are saying. They have a civilian nuclear program that started ironically under the shah when president Eisenhower gave them nuclear technology in the Atoms for Peace framework. It's good to see that Iran, has good relations with Vietnam and other countries around the world because they are really being pushed with their backs against the wall by the US and its allies.
. .

I strongly believe you are a weirdo. Have you never read newspapers concerning Iran?

No that i am weird, i just hav eexperience over this kinda stuff.

If you want to develope an illegal nuclear weapon program, will you
a.) Brag about it and keep on the news highlighting that you have the capability to do it? or
b.) You do it quietly and make sure the west will not know until the last minute?

From my personal experience on middle east as an Operation and Intel officer, i can tell Iran have not reach the stage they would see any weapon capable on the outside, there are something missing.

Are they close to getting their own Nuclear weapon program? Yes
Do they have what it take to develope their own nuclear weapon program.? Yes
Are they doing it now or anytime soon? I don't think so.

Intel does not match, i can't really get around and tell you what's wrong with the intel but there are something wrong that i can safely say they are not currently developing any nuclear weapon. They keep brag about wiping off Israel is a traditional strong man poker face, there are no evidence that they can and have near nuclear capability anytime soon.

All said and done, i still consider Iran is a threat, but not as they present themselve as a clear and present danger, more like a ocassional threat.

That would be my report if my superior officer request a sitrep for Iran. From what i know and what i think it's the most updated intel.

Iran is not building any nuclear weapons. At least thats what the IAEA, Mossad and the US intelligence services are saying. They have a civilian nuclear program that started ironically under the shah when president Eisenhower gave them nuclear technology in the Atoms for Peace framework. It's good to see that Iran, has good relations with Vietnam and other countries around the world because they are really being pushed with their backs against the wall by the US and its allies.

Saying Iran only want civilian nuclear power is stupid, they want Weapon grade nuclear program, what they want may not be what they get, but one thing for sure, they are trying to get there. Just the time is not now.

so you admit Iran is seeking nuclear weapons, so what´s wrong with my prior statements?
I am confused at bit.
You idiot!

Who says Iran should give up nuclear energy? They should give up the idea of possessing of nuclear weapons!

I'll repeat your words "It is hard to understand how a oil rich country such as Iran needs nuclear energy."

Aren't you suggesting they don't need it so they should give it up? Look who is the idiot here
Israel is very vulnerable if Iran possess nuclear weapons. That will alter the balance of powers in the region.

Given that Ahmadinejad threatened to wipe Israel of the map, you can understand the reactions of Israel, the United States and Europe. The situation to Israel today is similar to decision of the Soviets to deploy nuclear weapons in Cuba in the 1960s, next to the US.

That's because US placed nukes in Turkey and Italy threatening USSR first dumbass. Plus US wanted a regime change in Cuba and wanted Castro to be assassinated. Totally different situation and should not be compared with. So far there are no proof Iran is developing nukes yet Israel probably does according to some but wouldn't make any comment about it. Was Saddam making any threats before being invaded by US based on false information? Iran should be worried about the American intentions.

so you admit Iran is seeking nuclear weapons, so what´s wrong with my prior statements?
I am confused at bit.

Dude, wanting them and having them is two very different and seperate issue. I can want a ferrari F599, but will i ever get 1 is a whole different concept.

When the west talked to Iran about transferring old Nuclear Power technology, the moment Iranian reject this, it show they want to have Thermonuclear Weapon, this is one very good indication on the issue, as you cannot get Nucler bomb if they transfer all the civilian technology to you, you have to figure this out by yourselve.

No doubt about this, however, does that mean he will ever get it? No

To have nuclear weapon, you first need weapon grade plutonium and uranium (Pu-239 and U-235) which is simply an isotrope that need pure enough and stable enough to power nuclear warhead. The exact composit and how to make those isotrope is unknown and have been regard as one of the top secret between country who have Those technology.

Iran is very different to North Korea as Iran really started their nuclear program pretty late in the game while NK have almost full Soviet Backing during the 70s. Compounding the fact that Iran have absolutely no use for Nuclear Weapon in ME Politic (You need to know Iran want to kick Israeli out to get the land back for their palestinian brother, not to nuke the place so everybody dies.) It would be quite stupid to have the same way to get Weapon of mass destruction as the NK does (Which simply defile everything).

They do want Nuclear Weapon, but as long as they are bragging about erasing Israel altogether, that mean they do not or not even close to have, latest intel as of 2010 show they are almost achieving a LEU status (less than20% enriched) which is good only for Nuclear Power (Which is what they claim they were doing) an HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium) Ranged between 20-85 % indicate the a technology bordering between Civilian Use and Low Yield Dirty Bomb also indicating there are active enriching research being taking place at the present, at 90% or more, that's the time you need to start panicking as those are weapon grade used in Nuclear Weapon, if they achieve a Weapon Grade status, that mean they are about 6-18 months to have Nuclear weapon.

There are only 1 place you can do enrichment, that is inside a Nuclear Reactor.
That's because US placed nukes in Turkey and Italy threatening USSR first dumbass. Plus US wanted a regime change in Cuba and wanted Castro to be assassinated. Totally different situation and should not be compared with. So far there are no proof Iran is developing nukes yet Israel probably does according to some but wouldn't make any comment about it. Was Saddam making any threats before being invaded by US based on false information? Iran should be worried about the American intentions.

lol this guy know absolutely nothing about WMD in Middle East.

Iran does not want WMD becuase US deploy missile with the Russian nor because of the whole Cuban issue, Iran do not have good dipolmatic relation with the russian, it's NK whose develope WMD because of the Russian and the Cuban Missile crisis, because Soviet Union give NK a hint that they may be out of their sphere of protection if they were intent to duel it out with the American in the Cuban missile crisis.

And basically Turkey and Iran are friend............They have a normal to good diplomatic relation...

Iranian ARE CURRENTLY researching nuke, only stucked on a level between LEU and HEU, which mean they are still about 70% until finish.

According to this IAEA report published in 2010


As of October 2010, Iranian reached an Enrichment level of 19.8% (page 3, point 12) Purity of U235, also known as Ceiling threashold of the LEU (Low Enriched Uranium), what does that mean??

Enrichment are essential for Nuclear Power Plant to function efficiently, normal Uranium are 99% 239 and <1% 235. Where 239 said to be a more saturated isotrope and hence if you are using unenriched uranium to power your Nuclear plant, a lot of efficient issue will occur.

Where IAEA Guideline are set on Enriched Uranium on 4 differnet level (actually 5) They are Some/Slight-Enriched Uranium SEU) Reprocessed Uranium, Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) and High Enriched Uranium (HEU) when a HEU reached 85% or about, then it';s belong to weapon grade


For Heavy Water Plant a SEU of 1-2% are needed
For Light Water Plant a Reprocessed Uranium or LEU of up to 12% are need
For Military Enrichment Research 20% HEU needed
For Dirty bomb 20-50% HEU needed.
For Thermal Nuclear Weapon 85% or above HEU are needed

What it said was, if Iranian were actually only interested on Civilian Nuclear power, their enrichment level should stop at 12% and it take more research and equipment to produce a higher yield LEU to be financially balance the need to operate a Light water plane, hence, using anything above 12% will mean your plant will keep losing money and it's not needed. The 2010 report make the Iranian Enrichment level at 19.8%, which, even without a trained eyes, is a grey area figure only saying "Ok, i stopped at IAEA Commercial Level" Because anything up to 20%, IAEA can say and reasonably accuse one have been developing Nuclear Weapon. So, stopping at 19.8% is kind of a joke. Denial all you want but the time estimate to get from 19.89% to over 20 is less than, say 2 weeks.....

The problem is Why they are doing that? If they have intention to develope Nuclear weapon, they should ignore the IAEA fact and just do it, why stop at 19.8%? This is not the limit of one enriching capability, you can get to 19.8% mean you can get to 20% easy. THe problem the west think is, there are, currently, no way the Iranian can get their Weapon Enriched Research to over to Weapon grade (ie 85-90%) or some optimistic Western Policy maker even suggest that they can't even make a dirty bomb to work (ie less than 50%), otherwise, Iranian will not stop at 19.8% as with IAEA suggested. This is the only reason that make sense and most people believe this.

Iranian wanted to develope Nuclear weapon, face it, they just somehow stucked.

Reply me on this post if you want, but 10 to 1 i will say any chinese member reply me on this post are personal attack on being Chinese or my mother what not. But not anything useful :)
What it said was, if Iranian were actually only interested on Civilian Nuclear power, their enrichment level should stop at 12% and it take more research and equipment to produce a higher yield LEU to be financially balance the need to operate a Light water plane, hence, using anything above 12% will mean your plant will keep losing money and it's not needed. The 2010 report make the Iranian Enrichment level at 19.8%, which, even without a trained eyes, is a grey area figure only saying "Ok, i stopped at IAEA Commercial Level" Because anything up to 20%, IAEA can say and reasonably accuse one have been developing Nuclear Weapon. So, stopping at 19.8% is kind of a joke. Denial all you want but the time estimate to get from 19.89% to over 20 is less than, say 2 weeks.....

Iran needs 20% for Iran's medical research reactor, 12% doesnt cut it, and thats purely civilian usage. Up to 60% can be used in big commercial ships/oil tankers - again civilian use.

Iranian wanted to develope Nuclear weapon, face it, they just somehow stucked.

Face it, if Iran wanted nukes, they would had already made them, as Ahmadinejad said - its easy. There is nothing "stuck" about it. Iran officially said they arent after nukes, nobody in the World has a shred of evidence otherwise (as El Baradei said), therefore all this "Iran is after nukes and will bomb Israel" is just scaremongering, and a fake pretext to strangulate Iran and force regime change.

Iran offered to convert every gram of enriched uranium to fuel rods - West said no, Iran offered 5% swap for 20% fuel, West said no. Iran is fully compliant with IAEA under the treaty they signed, but its never enough - because its just a pretext. As US envoy said, "there shouldnt be a single centrifuge spinning in Iran", and Iran basically said "F*** off, its our undeniable right."
lol this guy know absolutely nothing about WMD in Middle East.

Iran does not want WMD becuase US deploy missile with the Russian nor because of the whole Cuban issue, Iran do not have good dipolmatic relation with the russian, it's NK whose develope WMD because of the Russian and the Cuban Missile crisis, because Soviet Union give NK a hint that they may be out of their sphere of protection if they were intent to duel it out with the American in the Cuban missile crisis.

And basically Turkey and Iran are friend............They have a normal to good diplomatic relation...

You have problem with comprehension fake Chinese? Or should i call you American as you are wearing that American hat now. Where did you see me linking the relation between what's happening in the Middle East with the Cold War era? The dumb Viet was comparing Iran with USSR as the Russians were shipping nukes to Cuba threatening US. He wanted to illustrate Iran might be threatening Israel with nukes once Iran has them.
I corrected him with historical facts that it was US who was threatening USSR first with the placements of nukes in Italy and Turkey. Hence Iran cannot be compared with the Cuban missile crisis. What does the fake Chinese do? Explaining non relevant stuff about Turkey and Iran are friends. Typical thing coming from someone who studied politics twisting words just like the Viets.
Iran needs 20% for Iran's medical research reactor, 12% doesnt cut it, and thats purely civilian usage. Up to 60% can be used in big commercial ships/oil tankers - again civilian use.

Face it, if Iran wanted nukes, they would had already made them, as Ahmadinejad said - its easy. There is nothing "stuck" about it. Iran officially said they arent after nukes, nobody in the World has a shred of evidence otherwise (as El Baradei said), therefore all this "Iran is after nukes and will bomb Israel" is just scaremongering, and a fake pretext to strangulate Iran and force regime change.

Iran offered to convert every gram of enriched uranium to fuel rods - West said no, Iran offered 5% swap for 20% fuel, West said no. Iran is fully compliant with IAEA under the treaty they signed, but its never enough - because its just a pretext. As US envoy said, "there shouldnt be a single centrifuge spinning in Iran", and Iran basically said "F*** off, its our undeniable right."

Looks like you know more about WMD in Iran than this American so called politician who was deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now this is what i call a neutral view from a European unlike some so called political expert trying to put Iran in a bad day light.
Iran needs 20% for Iran's medical research reactor, 12% doesnt cut it, and thats purely civilian usage. Up to 60% can be used in big commercial ships/oil tankers - again civilian use.

Iran offered to convert every gram of enriched uranium to fuel rods - West said no, Iran offered 5% swap for 20% fuel, West said no. Iran is fully compliant with IAEA under the treaty they signed, but its never enough - because its just a pretext. As US envoy said, "there shouldnt be a single centrifuge spinning in Iran", and Iran basically said "F*** off, its our undeniable right."

Face it, if Iran wanted nukes, they would had already made them, as Ahmadinejad said - its easy. There is nothing "stuck" about it. Iran officially said they arent after nukes, nobody in the World has a shred of evidence otherwise (as El Baradei said), therefore all this "Iran is after nukes and will bomb Israel" is just scaremongering, and a fake pretext to strangulate Iran and force regime change. [/QUOTE]

Well, medical uranium is actually based at 15-26% but they don't generally use U235 as they do not get I 131 (made from tellurium) or St 89 (made from decaying rubidium), U235 are only used to produce an medical isotrope called molybdenum-99 . Reactor intergration (Using high yield LEU into adaptive fuel from HEU) are also based in the on 19.5 %. While commerical Nuclear Reactor on ships and commercial transport often uses above 50% HEU to power their ship. I think US and France tried to sell the reactor and fuel to the Iranian to stop the nuclear research, the reply is "Fxxk off" So, how would one so keen on develope a HEU to power commercial and say no to anyone who try to sell them? We can first take the necessarity out of the table. As it will take way longer to develope the sustance yourselve. Or is it nation pride? I don't know, but what i know is, if you have 50% HEU, regardless of what you intent to use it at, you can switch it to Lower yield weapon grade uranium in a jiffy. So If Iran say what he meant, he don't want to develope Nuclear Weapon, but rather process for commercial use, this make no sense, as people offer to sell them, and it will take them way long to research them. You can interpret it anyhow you want, but this does raise a question

Having a 85% (Basic standard Weapon grade Uranium) is it actually as easy as Iranian President Sound? No, US take about 5 years of wartime research (Which is usually double or Triple the research time from peace time) for the manhatten project and the result is not even close to 80%, it take North Korean more than 40 years to get the first nuke from start of first enrichment. And North korea is in semi-wartime phase with sizable help from Russia and Pakistan with both material/data help from Russia and Scientist help from Pakistan.

Ok, let's for one second, say you are right, enriching Uranium is really that easy and Iran can do it with a snap of a finger, then they should not have any problem with it, so, why the low yield ENriched Uranium, with the last report, IEAE stated the Iranian have only reach a 19.8% (26 for medical research) and i do not think they reach the medical grade enrichment as of now, why keep doing it? The progress is not a big of a deal, if you want it on civilian application, the end product should be the most important, why put that much of money in it and get a slow progress?

If they really do only just want nuclear technology to use it on civilian operation, and they are doing the research just to proof a point, they did it already, they reach HEU (I believe they do) and from then on is just time and money, if they were really intent to use it on civilian, they should just stop the program and purchase the offer from France. They don't. I don't really understand what's the fuzz about. They got their first generator in 2011 from Russia, they did not invent those, but yet they are very much keen on enrichment research as if they are draw into it for some reason. One can only guess, well, you take his word and you guess it is for civilian, i will not blame you, i don't believe a single word he say, it's just illogical. You have your point and i have mine

You have problem with comprehension fake Chinese? Or should i call you American as you are wearing that American hat now. Where did you see me linking the relation between what's happening in the Middle East with the Cold War era? The dumb Viet was comparing Iran with USSR as the Russians were shipping nukes to Cuba threatening US. He wanted to illustrate Iran might be threatening Israel with nukes once Iran has them.
I corrected him with historical facts that it was US who was threatening USSR first with the placements of nukes in Italy and Turkey. Hence Iran cannot be compared with the Cuban missile crisis. What does the fake Chinese do? Explaining non relevant stuff about Turkey and Iran are friends. Typical thing coming from someone who studied politics twisting words just like the Viets.

As i say, fake Chinese that, being Chinese is NOT even an important issue on this topic......

You have already lost your point by attacking me, it so discredited your word.

You can tell me your CCP version of Cuban missile crisis and probably can blame every nuclear stand off to United States (They do was the first country that have and USED nuclear weapon). Well, while i laugh at your CCP History lesson, i don't laugh at the Iranian matter.

I do studied CCP (Pre)version of History, and well, i think i am gonna stick with the Western History book, thank you very much, until CCP list the Cultural Revolution and the Tiannammen square incident into your history book, i might again take one and read one. Thank you and peace :)

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