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Iranian passenger plane with 66 people crashes midflight, airline says no survivors

ATR aircrafts are awesome aircrafts.

This specific aircraft was decades old and bad maintenance. It already had a crash landing few months ago.

You cant blame the aircraft for bad maintenance.

This airline is on the blacklist of the EU. I hope they sue it and arrest the ones responsible for this.
ATR aircrafts are awesome aircrafts.

This specific aircraft was decades old and bad maintenance. It already had a crash landing few months ago.

You cant blame the aircraft for bad maintenance.

This airline is on the blacklist of the EU. I hope they sue it and arrest the ones responsible for this.

Few months back ATR plane crashed in Pakistan killing a famous Pakistani singer and that plane was well maintained and in perfect condition yet it crashed and the conditions were same as of this Irani plane crash. Pakistani plane also crashed over hilly area. there is some thing definitely wrong with ATR.
Few months back ATR plane crashed in Pakistan killing a famous Pakistani singer and that plane was well maintained and in perfect condition yet it crashed and the conditions were same as of this Irani plane crash. Pakistani plane also crashed over hilly area. there is some thing definitely wrong with ATR.

Pakistan and Iran both have bad maintenance and very old aircrafts.

You ask whats bad with ATR? In 99% of cases the problem sits in cockpit or in the maintenance hall.

Give me a link to the pakistani one crashed
Pakistan and Iran both have bad maintenance and very old aircrafts.

You ask whats bad with ATR? In 99% of cases the problem sits in cockpit or in the maintenance hall.

Give me a link to the pakistani one crashed

Oh come on man the plane is shit and has bad record. I can assure you about the record of maintenance of ATR that crashed in Pakistan so stop making stories. this french company sucks and there is some issue with the PW engine in this plane. Pakistan lost a profound singer in that crash and the plane that was flying him lost both engines. It is time to sue this company and shut it down because this companies planes are crashing. stop risking human life in advocating a European company. This is the second ATR plan crashing in 2 months. this company planes should be immediately grounded.
Oh come on man the plane is shit and has bad record. I can assure you about the record of maintenance of ATR that crashed in Pakistan so stop making stories. this french company sucks and there is some issue with the PW engine in this plane. Pakistan lost a profound singer in that crash and the plane that was flying him lost both engines. It is time to sue this company and shut it down because this companies planes are crashing. stop risking human life in advocating a European company. This is the second ATR plan crashing in 2 months. this company planes should be immediately grounded.

Why`Because some 3rd world countries cant fly a Turboprop?

ATR is italian and not french. And it has excellent renomee in Europe. If an ATR crashed it was in evry case pilot error or maintenance error.

I did read what happened with the one in Pakistan. It was bad maintenance, several checks not done to save money. And the aircraft involved in Pakistan lost one engine, not both.

The one in Iran was decades old and already had a crash landing. The Airline is on blacklist of EU. case closed.
Why`Because some 3rd world countries cant fly a Turboprop?

ATR is italian and not french. And it has excellent renomee in Europe. If an ATR crashed it was in evry case pilot error or maintenance error.

I did read what happened with the one in Pakistan. It was bad maintenance, several checks not done to save money. And the aircraft involved in Pakistan lost one engine, not both.

The one in Iran was decades old and already had a crash landing. The Airline is on blacklist of EU. case closed.

Yayayaya because you say so. every time it is the fault of maintenance and not ATR?

What about the one that crashed in Canada on 13 Dec 2017 Canada is also a third world country?

2015 Taiwan ATR crash, Is Taiwan also third world state?

Or 2015 ATR indonesia crash?
Come on man this plane is a flying coffin stop arguing because of your ego and sue the company peoples lives are at stake.
Yayayaya because you say so. every time it is the fault of maintenance and not ATR?

What about the one that crashed in Canada on 13 Dec 2017 Canada is also a third world country?

2015 Taiwan ATR crash, Is Taiwan also third world state?

The one in Taiwan crashed because pilot error. The pilot shut down the wrong engine.

The one in Canada crashed because it was not de-iced. It was -19°C.

You blame the airraft for a pilot shutting down its engines and the other one that was not de-iced before take off?

Yayayaya because you say so. every time it is the fault of maintenance and not ATR?

What about the one that crashed in Canada on 13 Dec 2017 Canada is also a third world country?

2015 Taiwan ATR crash, Is Taiwan also third world state?

Or 2015 ATR indonesia crash?
Come on man this plane is a flying coffin stop arguing because of your ego and sue the company peoples lives are at stake.

Are you kidding me?

Here is what happened in Indonesia:

The final report concluded that the accident was a controlled flight into terrain that was caused by the crews' decision to deviate from its projected flight path.

You make the aircraft responsible because the idiots in the cockpit fly it into the mountain? Are you serious?
The one in Taiwan crashed because pilot error. The pilot shut down the wrong engine.

The one in Canada crashed because it was not de-iced. It was -19°C.

You blame the airraft for a pilot shutting down its engines and the other one that was not de-iced before take off?

I am doing the same blame thing you did with the Russian crash. When it comes to European companies it is human fault and when it comes to other plane makers it is a bad jet you need to stop pushing you agenda. Every one knows about the corruption in EU's aircraft industry and how faulty designs are hidden and sold. ATR is a flying junk for real and people are losing lives because of it.
I am doing the same blame thing you did with the Russian crash. When it comes to European companies it is human fault and when it comes to other plane makers it is a bad jet you need to stop pushing you agenda. Every one knows about the corruption in EU's aircraft industry and how faulty designs are hidden and sold. ATR is a flying junk for real and people are losing lives because of it.

"The investigation team decided to investigate the crew's motivation to deviate from the flight's predicted flight path. They checked on the crew's previous flight from Sentani to Oksibil. It was revealed that the crew did the exact same thing: making a direct left base by deviating from its predicted flight path. Investigators then stated that the crew might have been overconfident with their flying skill. Similar to TransAsia Airways Flight 222, due to their previous success on landing an aircraft prior to the accident (by flying below the minimum safe altitude), the crew believed that they were able to do the same thing in the future without considering the consequences. The crew had accrued thousands of flight hours and were familiar with the airport. Because of their familiarity with the terrain, they tend to be confident with their skill. Thus, their situational awareness were reduced significantly.[9]

However, these were all preventable had the EGPWS sounded and warned the crew of their proximity to terrain. The NTSC noted that the EGPWS didn't sound at all during the flight's final moment, even though Flight 267 was going to hit the mountain. Investigators revealed that the circuit breaker which was responsible for the activation of the EGPWS had been pulled off by Flight 267's crew."

So tell me, how is ATR at fault here. No bullshitting around. What did ATR wrong? You blamed them for this crash.
Just one question why are these human errors only happening with ATR?

Are you trying to push an agenda here?

The engine being used by ATR is faulty and is known for failing in flight ask any ATR pilots.

So tell me, how is ATR at fault here. No bullshitting around. What did ATR wrong? You blamed them for this crash.
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