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Iranian passenger plane with 66 people crashes midflight, airline says no survivors

After 1 Day passed , Russia gave the approximate coordinate of the place that our Air plane crashed ...

Viva Islamic Republic , these days you can't even pin-point where civilian Air plane are falling in Iran and you have to asked Russian for this !?

For God sake the air plane was flying in predefined route in middle of Iran and you still couldn't find the body !!!


and how I'm suppose to believe their claims about tracking stealth fighter of USA !?
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they didn't de-Ice the wings or engines ?
aren't modern aircraft have mechanism to deal with Ice itself , because Ice can be formed during flight when you fly through bad weather.

also this airplane was flying through bad weather and I wonder if it was not the case , the weather was so bad that we could not send helicopters there , they even have problem reaching there by ground routes

No, you must make a difference between ice forming on the ground and ice forming during flight. Ice formed on the ground gets quite thick and deforms the airflow around the wings, which can cause crashs. Because ofbthe speed such ice formations cant happen during flight.
No, you must make a difference between ice forming on the ground and ice forming during flight. Ice formed on the ground gets quite thick and deforms the airflow around the wings, which can cause crashs. Because ofbthe speed such ice formations cant happen during flight.
as matter of fact I'm sure Ice can form during the flight and if it pass some limits it can be quite dangerous

this is from 15 years ago happened to the same type of airplane.
or another crash for the same type of Airplane in 1994

and I'm sure those airplane were well maintained and by looking at the weather reports I believe we have the same weather condition around the accident area till the end of week so I guess we have to add this one also to the list of this type of airplanes lost due to Icing


but as you well knew its all speculation until the official report is published and that take several month.
After 1 Day passed , Russia gave the approximate coordinate of the place that our Air plane crashed ...

Viva Islamic Republic , these days you can't even pin-point where civilian Air plane are falling in Iran and you have to asked Russian for this !?

For God sake the air plane was flying in predefined route in middle of Iran and you still couldn't find the body !!!


and how I'm suppose to believe their claims about tracking stealth fighter of USA !?
never liked these sort of websites they are only click bait to increase their viewer.
the area of the crash was known at the beginning it was because of the fog and snow that they could not reach there and the only way Russia could point to crash site is that they have access to satellite imagery of the area and tha's also of limited use again thanks to weather and snow storm

ATR aircrafts are awesome aircrafts.

This specific aircraft was decades old and bad maintenance. It already had a crash landing few months ago.

You cant blame the aircraft for bad maintenance.

This airline is on the blacklist of the EU. I hope they sue it and arrest the ones responsible for this.

Be honest Markus, you're only blaming the airline because the plane is made by ATR which is a part Italian firm. The aircraft in question is 25 years old and Iranian pilots and maintenance crews are renowned for their professionalism and dedication to their jobs. They aren't miracle workers and a 25 year old plane will still have issues.

When 66 people die in a terrible plane crash you don't say the plane that crashed is an "awesome aircraft".
Be honest Markus, you're only blaming the airline because the plane is made by ATR which is a part Italian firm. The aircraft in question is 25 years old and Iranian pilots and maintenance crews are renowned for their professionalism and dedication to their jobs. They aren't miracle workers and a 25 year old plane will still have issues.

When 66 people die in a terrible plane crash you don't say the plane that crashed is an "awesome aircraft".
To be blunt about it...Yes, he can.

If you do not like the hyperbole, then substitute the word for 'excellent', but that still would not change the fact that mishap investigators will FIRST look at the aircrew, then the maintenance, then the external factors. The first two items are human related, hence, the airline will be under scrutiny.

When I was active duty, I went thru Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR) training.

The Japanese maintainers are here to train on the F-15 Eagle and the C-130 Hercules.

Two of the Japanese students, 1st Lt. Yusuke Asano and Staff Sgt. Masayaka Takeuchi, will return to Japan to be maintenance instructors. The pair agreed that watching the instructors here and being trained in the ABDR techniques would be helpful as they returned to teach their troops aircraft maintenance.
The training were not mandatory but were highly encouraged for both enlisted and officers whose primary missions are directly related to aircraft.

Despite the word 'Battle', investigation techniques and methodologies are applicable to any aviation mishap under any condition. If there is a hole on a panel, obviously being a hole would at least imply a bullet, whereas a gash would imply shrapnel. Each require a different path of investigation and repair. A bullet, like from a 20 mm cannon round, would penetrate deeper into the aircraft's interior, which would require the investigator/repairman to trace the bullet's possible route to its end before any repair recommendation.

So let me put it this way...Is battle damage a technical event or a human caused event? Like it or not, it is a human caused event. It was the pilot -- not the jet -- who entered into an environment where it can be damaged.

Never had the misfortune of investigating a real aviation mishap but I have talked to those who do and has done it. The military training gave me insights into what these people deal with: That after looking at the dead the next uncomfortable thing is to look at the living -- the airline.

It is very easy and therefore quick to impart blame into the abstract such as aircraft design or even the national origin of the aircraft. But the harsh reality of these event is much more local and all you have to do is look in the mirror.
To be blunt about it...Yes, he can.

If you do not like the hyperbole, then substitute the word for 'excellent', but that still would not change the fact that mishap investigators will FIRST look at the aircrew, then the maintenance, then the external factors. The first two items are human related, hence, the airline will be under scrutiny.

Markus is obviously not an air accident investigator and is defending ATR purely because they are a part Italian company and he is from Italy.
If you do not like the hyperbole, then substitute the word for 'excellent', but that still would not change the fact that mishap investigators will FIRST look at the aircrew, then the maintenance, then the external factors. The first two items are human related, hence, the airline will be under scrutiny.
Well its always easier to blame human error when the pilot is dead and not around to defend itself.

And most of the time the technical errors of an airplane that could have been prevented if the pilot taught of them are attributed as human error instead of technical error. Even if those situation can happen because different common and rare reasons and for those there different solution even contradicting ones for the problems.
For example look at Air Transat Flight 236 . the airline and maintenance crew made all the mistakes . the pilot did everything as it was expected for him and at the end investigators said one of the lead causes of the accident (for failing to identify the fuel leak). And it was at a time that Airbus computers still didn't check that if the fuel consumption is more than what it should be.
Boy, they should ground all ATR's until the cause of the crash is known.
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